NICSN's Indigenous Peoples’ Appropriating the Knowledge Society (IPAKS) proposal supported

The Global Alliance for ICT and Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA-GAID) recently approved the Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network (NICSN) and our international partner's proposal to establish a Community of Expertise entitled "Indigenous Peoples’ Appropriating the Knowledge Society (IPAKS) Through Satellite Enabled Broadband Networking".

The objective of this Community of Expertise as outlined in the proposal is:

Information and Communications Technologies and particularly services delivered by means of satellite enabled broadband networks, if available for appropriate and effective use could provide means to equalize opportunity and enable significant advancement in a variety of service areas. The intention of the “Indigenous People’s Appropriating the Knowledge Society Through Satellite Enabled Broadband Networking” (IPAKS) Community of Expertise is to provide a means for the sharing of experience and good practice in the application of ICTs in support of development by Indigenous Peoples.

It is anticipated that the output of the IPAKS Community of Expertise (CoE), if appropriate funding is identified, would include:

  1. a handbook on alternative approaches to obtaining usable Internet access by Indigenous Peoples in rural and remote areas
  2. a handbook on a people centred approach to satellite enabled broadband networks for support of e-health and tele-health for Indigenous Peoples in rural and remote areas
  3. a cost-effective satellite enabled broadband e-platform for community based indigenous language sensitive e-learning for Indigenous Peoples in rural and remote areas
  4. a cost-effective satellite enabled broadband e-platform for enabling the preservation and use of indigenous languages in an ICT enabled environment and for the development of electronic content in indigenous languages
  5. a framework of good practices for the use by IP’s of satellite based broadband services in responding to the challenges of climate change and in support of locally based resource management
  6. a global conference bringing together the experience and extending the network of IPs involved with Satellite Enabled Broadband Networking.

The NICSN initiative was approved at the 6th GAID Steering Committee Meeting held on 24 September 2008 (see the following message from their discussion forum)


Dear colleagues,

The Global Alliance for ICT and Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA-GAID) was involved in two important meetings on 24 September 2008, at the UN Headquarters in New York.

The GAID Steering Committee held its 6th meeting to consider and approve the Work Programme for 2008-2009. Members of the Committee reviewed the draft Work Programme prepared by the Secretariat on the basis of guidance by the Steering Committee and Strategy Council at their meetings last May in Kuala Lumpur. Members of the Committee welcomed the efforts to strengthen, streamline and consolidate the activities of the Alliance for greater focus and impact. The Work Programme of 2008-2009 was approved, with strong support by all members of the Committee.

I would like to take this opportunity to express, on behalf of Mr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General, UNDESA, the Secretariat team and myself, our deep appreciation and thanks to members of the Committee for their personal participation in the meeting and for their support and commitment to UNDESA-GAID goals. I would also like to encourage all GAID members, constituencies and networks to actively engage with and participate in the implementation of the Work Programme in the coming year. Members of the Steering Committee were given a demonstration of the new dynamic, flexible and more functional GAID website, currently under development. It is designed to strengthen linkages among the various GAID networks, provide a platform for community-based content generation and showcase top programmes and best practices in ICTD. The new website will be launched during the month of October 2008.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General, addressed the Steering Committee on the transformative role of technology in poverty alleviation. He cited, in particular, mobile phones which can facilitate the delivery of much needed services (healthcare, education, commerce, etc.), break-up isolation and increase local capacities. Recognizing that a market-based approach to the problems of the poor is not enough, he called on GAID to work towards making the benefits of technology available to the world’s poor. Members of the Committee expressed their appreciation for his work on the Millennium Villages and it was suggested that the experience of the Millennium Villages should be showcased on the GAID website.

The same day in the afternoon, the Global Alliance for ICT and Development in collaboration with the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs (OCHA),  co-organized the “UN Private Sector Forum: The Millennium Development Goals and Food Sustainability”. During this major event, GAID hosted two roundtables on: “The role of Technological Innovations” which focused on the role of ICT in achieving the MDGs and food sustainability. These meetings were attended by over 85 CEOs of major private sector companies and leaders of government, civil society, and international organizations.

Technology was clearly recognized as a key instrument for bridging the gaps in poverty reduction and improvements in health and education, particularly in Africa and other low income countries. Mr. Barrett, chairing one of the roundtable, stressed that effective use of ICT can help in terms of productivity by improving local markets, but also long term strategic planning of the role of agriculture in development; and the private sector can be a key partner in the process. ICT was seen as a transforming factor when the need for action was the greatest. Summaries of the two roundtable discussions are attached.

Best regards,

Sarbuland Khan
Executive Coordinator
Global Alliance for ICT and Development
New York

From the GAID Work Plan Summary

New CoEs

The following two proposals have been submitted to the Strategy council and Steering Committee for adoption as new CoEs:

  • The Indigenous Peoples’ Appropriating the Knowledge Society (IPAKS) Through Satellite- Enabled Broadband Networking will provide a means for the sharing of experience and good practice in the application of ICTs in support of development by indigenous peoples.
  • Wireless for Development (W4D) will provide a policy forum and increase awareness on the potential use of wireless-related technologies to reduce poverty, accelerate development, and improve ICT decisions made by public administrations and civil society networks.

Upon adoption by the Steering Committee, UNDESA-GAID will support these CoEs and help them develop their programme of activities in line with UNDESA-GAID's objectives and areas of focus.