Business Workshop Series - October 10, 2008 Research and Marketing

Keewaytinook Okimakanak and Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund have delivered four of the six workshops in the Business Development Series. Checkout the next two workshops at a video conference site in your community. Contact your community technician or 877.737.5638 X 1266 to register.

 September 5, 2008  Business Planning (video sample)
September 12, 2008 What is Credit? and What affects it? (video sample)
September 26, 2008 Managing your Business
October 3, 2008       Basic Bookkeeping

October 10, 2008   Research and Marketing

 9:00 - 10:30 CT  10:00 - 11:30 EST

October 24, 2008     What are Financial Statements?

The workshops are free-of-charge and may be of interest to anyone interested in starting or running a business in their community. Door Prizes are given away at every session!

Check out the KO Economic Development Website for more information, handouts and past sessions.