
October 27th, 2008

Another Aboriginal group representing all off-reserve forms to take dollars from First Nation funding


OCAP is Formed

October 27, 2008

A new Aboriginal rights based political force was created in Sault Ste. Marie Ontario this weekend called The Ontario Coalition of Aboriginal People (OCAP) and its voice is OCAP President Brad Maggrah.

The Ontario Coalition of Aboriginal People (OCAP) held its founding Assembly at Sault Ste. Marie Ontario this weekend.

October 26th

October 25th

Media's blame game creating further problems for residential schools T&R commission

FACT: Harry LaForme resigned because he could not do the job the way HE wanted to ...

ACTION REQUIRED: Get another commissioner in place and get on with the job ...

From Canwest news

No time for blame in wake of LaForme's resignation: Minister

Norma Greenaway - October 24, 2008

October 24th

Tomson Highway visiting Sioux Lookout on Monday, Oct 27 to share his stories

Wawatay News & NNEC

is pleased to announce

October 23rd

Inuit health research and statistics training receiving funding from Health Canada

NAHO press release

Training in Statistics for Inuit

October 23, 2008

OTTAWA, ON — The Naasautit: Inuit Health Statistics project will begin its workshop series next month on statistics and research for Inuit working in the health field.

Naasautit (the Inuit language word for numbers) is a national project launched this year by the Ajunnginiq Centre of the National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) to enable Inuit organizations and communities to make better use of statistics on Inuit health.

October 22nd

Nishnawbe-aski Legal Services searching for Special Projects Manager


NALSC is seeking to hire a full-time Special Projects Manager.

Ideally, the successful candidate will be a lawyer or similarly qualified professional in the field of Family/Child Welfare Law. Experience or knowledge of Aboriginal restorative justice practices (circles) or mediation experience will be considered an asset.

Matawa First Nation Management receiving funding from Ontario to study transmission line development

MNDM press release 

Funding Helps Northwestern Ontario Attract Investment

October 21, 2008

McGuinty Government Supports Region’s Economic Growth

Four new provincially funded projects are helping to bring jobs and economic growth to northwestern Ontario.

October 21st

Chiefs of Ontario searching for First Nation health care provider role models

Do you know someone who is outstanding in the health care field?

Are they an Ontario First Nations member?


You are welcome to nominate a:

Virtual Fair helping students learn about university

(SAULT STE. MARIE, ON – OCTOBER 21st, 2008): On Wednesday October 22nd, students from across Ontario will have the opportunity to interactively discover Ontario’s newest public university, Algoma University, as part of the Maclean’s Virtual University fair.