Archive - 2004

July 12th

Camp Meeting 2004 in Thunder Bay

Chief Shepherd Ministries
1st Annual Camp Meeting 2004
Evangelist Bruce Shisheesh - Thunder Bay, On
Pastor Roma Fisher - Thunder Bay, On

When: August 19, 20, 21, 22, 2004
Where: Current River Park - Thunder On
Time: 7 p.m Nightly

Saturday  August 21
10:30 a.m & 7:00 p.m.

Sunday August 22
1:30 p.m  &  7:00 p.m.

Info: Evangelist Bruce Shisheesh 1-807-473-8516

Everyone Welcome!

KO team expands broadband connection in Thunder Bay

On Friday, K-Net Services completed the 100M LAN Extension connection to the Keewaytinook Okimakanak office in Thunder Bay. This connection provides the broadband connectivity for a number of First Nation organizations in Fort William First Nation and Thunder Bay. This Thunder Bay consortium is lead by Nishnawbe Aski Nation and includes Matawa First Nations Management, Oshki, Nishnawbe Aski Legal Services, Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund, Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corp and Fort William FN Adult Learning Centre.

July 11th

KO staff produce residential school video material from PiiWaseya Gathering

As part of their work with Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet, Cal Kenny and Jesse Fiddler attended the Pii Waseya gathering of residential school survivors recently held in Eagle Lake First Nation. Throughout the four day event, Cal and Jesse interviewed and video taped a number of the different activities and participants. Click here to view the photos from this gathering.

As a start, a series of short video clips are being produced highlighting some of the information obtained throughout this event. The first four video clips consist of four statements by Mahgeegan Shawanda, a youth workshop leader and conference presenter. The following clips are now available on-line (Windows media player required):

  1. Introduction (7.49M)
  2. Youth activities (8.88M)
  3. Community and Individual healing work (8.91M)
  4. Parenting and family relationships (13.7M)

Additional video taped sessions from this gathering are now available (July 23):

  1. Kitty Everson - an elder's story
  2. Steve Jordain - dealing with abuse in our communities
  3. Dr. Gilchrist
  4. Canoe  Race
  5. Phil Gatensby- Part 1
  6. Phil Gatensby- Part 2, Story

Nearly formed Maori Party elects first member of parliament in New Zealand

The new Maori Party recently elected its first member of parliament in a by-election in Te Tai Hauauru, New Zealand.

The Te Karere Ipurangi Māori News Online headline read, "Turia feisty after historic win". The story continues ... "A jubilant Maori Party sent an uncompromising message to the government yesterday: we're here, we're real, and we won't be bailing you out if you get into trouble."

Click here to read the entire story.

July 9th

Aboriginal Voice launched its first online dialogue on e-health

Announcement – For immediate release

July 8th 2004,

On July 6th 2004, Aboriginal Voice launched its first online dialogue on Aboriginal e-health issues. 

Aboriginal Voice is a Crossing Boundaries National Council project.  It is a collaborative initiative between several federal departments and National Aboriginal Organizations to undertake a multi-stakeholder national discussion on how information and communication technology (ICT) can or should be used in Aboriginal communities and governments. Aboriginal Voice was launched in March of 2004 with a national roundtable and is now preparing for a series of regional roundtables across the country that will begin in September. 

A key aspect of the Aboriginal Voice is to explore and make recommendations on important applications of Aboriginal e-government.  Improving health outcomes of Aboriginal people is an important public policy issue, and therefore we have made the application of ICTs to the problems of Aboriginal health a priority area for the project. Our hope is that through a dialogue that engages people who are directly engaged in Aboriginal health services, research and policy development that we will be able see more clearly how ICTs can be used to improve health care service to Aboriginal Canadians, make useful and reliable health information more accessible to Aboriginal people and others involved in Aboriginal health issues and assist Aboriginal citizens become more engaged in helping to shape how governments respond to their health needs.

Let your voice be heard in Aboriginal Voice’s dialogue space. 

Please visit our website to register at:

- 30 -


For more information

We would be please if you could post or distribute the above notification.  For more information on the Crossing Boundaries National Council, please visit the website

“The Crossing Boundaries National Council is supported financially by the federal government, the provinces, municipalities and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.”

Marcia Nickerson
Head, Aboriginal Practice Group
KTA Centre for Collaborative Government
Kaufman, Thomas & Associates


Sandy Lake is holding the Mudfest once again and many more years to come.

The Local Bands include:

  • Outsiderz,
  • Jamshack,
  • Gap,
  • Deafening Committee of Thirteen and
  • Muskewabo Band
  • and more.

Guest bands from other communities include:

  • Tinderboxx from Thunder Bay,
  • Spence Boyz from Moose Factory,
  • Sugar High from Thunder Bay,
  • Ernest Monias & the Boyz from Cross Lake Manitoba
  • Delany Monias & the Blue Highway Band from Cross Lake Manitoba
  • Booty Ladies from Kashechewan
  • as well as other bands from Pikangikum, Red Sucker Lake, Keewaywin, Koochiching, and more ...

EVERYONE IS WELCOMED to visit us in Sandy Lake for the 21st Annual Muddy Water Music Festival on July 14 - 17, 2004. Visit for more information.

Sandy Lake Mens & Ladies Invitational Volleyball Tournament





DATE: JULY 21 - 24 2004.

ENTRY FEE: $400.00 Outside Teams

$500.00 Local Teams

Individual Awards: best spiker, best setter, mvp



July 7th

BC University seeking First Nation partners for research and teaching

The KO Research Institute has been forming partnerships ...

Baseball Tournament in Sandy Lake




10 on field (5 males/5 females)

July 28 - 31, 2004

1st - $ 5, 000.00

2nd - $ 3, 000.00

3rd - $ 2, 000.00


local $ 1, 000.00

outside - $ 800.00

Contact Persons

Doug Crowe 774-5445 (w) 5524 (h)

Kenny Goodwin 774-5213 (w)

Yvonne Fiddler 774-1403 (w)

July 5th

KO team participates in residential school gathering in Eagle Lake First Nation

Jesse Fiddler and Cal Kenny spent four days video taping and participating in the Pii Waseya gathering in Eagle Lake First Nation. Click here to see pictures from the gathering. Everyone who attended the gathering is invited to sign the guestbook expressing their thoughts about this event.

This Residential School and Family Wellness Gathering took place from July 1 to 4, 2004 on the shores of Eagle Lake at the local traditional camping grounds.

Pii Waseya is the Ojibway description for the dawning of a new day ... when those first rays of light begin to show. Pii Waseya was a gathering designed by a committee made up of Eagle Lake residential school survivors, local program staff, council members. This group was supported by other residential school programs from Lac Seul First Nation and Kenora, along with the provincial Integrated Support Services Unit. The planning committee wanted to provide survivors and their families with tools that everyone can use to support strong and healthy family units and communities.