Archive - 2004

June 18th

Lac Seul FN artist Aboriginal artist selected to represent Canada

Here's some good news from CBC on-line!

Aboriginal artist selected to represent Canada at 2005 Venice Biennale

Last Updated Thu, 17 Jun 2004 16:19:42 EDT

OTTAWA - Multidisciplinary artist Rebecca Belmore has been selected to represent Canada at the 2005 Venice Biennale of Visual Art, the Canada Council of the Arts announced Thursday.

The Ontario-born, Vancouver-based Belmore is an Anishinabekwe artist working in sculpture, installation, video and performance art.

The Kamloops Art Gallery and the Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery at the University of British Columbia were selected in a Canada-wide competition to represent Canadian visual art at the internationally prominent art exhibition. The two galleries proposed Belmore as a Biennale candidate.

"Rebecca Belmore has produced work of great power and grace," said Jann L.M. Bailey, of the Kamloops gallery, and Scott Watson, of the Belkin gallery, in a statement. The two will also be the curators of the Biennale exhibition.

Bailey and Watson des cribed the artist's work as demonstrating "a spare, exacting sense of form and presence. Her concerns centre on history, memory and justice."

Belmore herself isolated the themes of location and memory in her approach to making art.

"I have always had a strong interest in trying to imagine where we have been," she said.

"I am aware of the elusive nature of memory. Creating in the presence of the absent makes me a witness. I believe I am just beginning to understand my role, particularly as an artist who has inherited an indigenous history."

John Hobday, director of the Canada Council, praised the selection committee for its choice of an aboriginal artist to represent Canada on the world stage.

"In its diversity and richness, aboriginal art plays an important role in the contemporary artistic life of Canada," Hobday said. He added that supporting the creation and dissemination of aboriginal art is one of the council's priorities.

Belmore, who has exhibited across Canada and in Cuba, New Mexico and Australia, will develop her as-yet-untitled work for the Biennale over the summer and into the fall, and will complete her piece in the spring of 2005.

The Venice Biennale is the world's oldest and most prestigious international exhibition of contemporary art. In 2001, artists Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller won two awards at the approximately five-month-long festival for their audio-visual installation The Paradise Institute.

The 51st Venice Biennale will take place June 2005.

Job Opportunity in Sandy Lake: Home Care Case Manager / Nurse

Sandy Lake First Nation is looking for a full time Case Manager / Nurse for its  Home and Community Care Program.  This program provides full service delivery for chronic care and elderly clients to assist them with living within the community.  For more information and/or to inquire about this job opportunity, see the full job ad at or click here to download the PDF version or call (807) 774-5262.

June 17th

Task Force on Aboriginal Languages and Cultures announced

The recently announced Task Force is required to "submit to the Minister of Canadian Heritage on September 15, 2004 , a report in fulfillment of its mandate."

From the Canadian Heritage - Aboriginal Affairs web site ...

In support of Canada's commitment to preserve, revitalize and promote Aboriginal languages and cultures, the Government of Canada announced in December 2002 that it will contribute $172.5 M over 11 years. The three-phased action plan includes a two-year extension of the current Aboriginal Languages Initiative, establishment of a Task Force on Aboriginal Languages and Cultures, and creation and on-going operations of a new Aboriginal Languages and Cultures Centre (ALCC). The Centre will be a shared-governance entity operating as a not-for-profit corporation, composed predominantly of Aboriginal individuals. The Task Force on Aboriginal Languages and Cultures has recently been named. It will examine and make recommendations on the operations, programming and objectives of the ALCC to the Minister of Canadian Heritage in 2004. The ALCC is expected to be operational by 2005.

For additional information please use the following links:

Deer Lake Head Start Program has a new web site

Ga Wiianiniiganiitamagogak Children's Centre has a new web site providing community members with regular updates and information about our program and services.

Check it out at

Watch for future developments!!


KO Telehealth and KO Research Institute partner with universities

The Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO) Telehealth initiative and the KO Research Institute are working a number of different unversities to conduct research and produce an evaluation of the KO Telehealth project. Working with faculty and graduate students from Laurentian, Lakehead and Guelph universities, Kevin Houghton (KO Telehealth Project Manager) and Brian Walmark (KO Research Institute Coordinator) will be involved in a number of initiatives to support the development and sustainability of telehealth services in partner First Nations across the region. The research team will be involved  in participatory research (also called action research) in which the communities and primary stakeholders will have an active role in defining the evaluation objectives, setting priorities and in designing the tools.

The evaluation component of the KO Telehealth project is designed to fulfill three primary requirements:

  1. ensure that the evaluation meets the needs of the First Nations communities and the First Nations political organizations;
  2. assist First Nations communities, their political organizations, and other stakeholders in the use of the data and results arising from the evaluation including ensuring that the communities will have the means to continue to collect, analyze and use data in the years after the formal evaluation program has ended;
  3. meet the needs of the main funding agencies, principally, the Primary Health Care Transition Fund: Aboriginal Envelope, FedNor (Industry Canada), and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund.

The partners in this important project component include:

  • The School of Environmental Design and Rural Development (SEDRD), University of Guelph - Dr. Ricardo Ramírez, Dr. Don Richardson,
Dr. Al Lauzon and Mr. Andres Ibanez, MSc candidate at SEDRD.
  • The Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (CRaNHR) at Laurentian University - The evaluation team at CRaNHR will comprise: Raymond W. Pong, PhD; John C. Hogenbirk, MSc; Sheila Hardy, BScN, MBA, PhD (candidate); and Bruce Minore, PhD (at Lakehead U).
  • The KO Telehealth Team - lead by Kevin Houghton
  • The KO Research Institute - lead by Brian Walmark.
  • Graduation ceremonies, community feast and school trip for students in Muskrat Dam

    The Education Director of Samson Beardy Memorial School is pleased to announce the Samson Beardy Memorial School Graduation Ceremonies happening today in Muskrat Dam, Ontario, June 17, 2004 @ 1:30 PM.

    The Community members, members of the Chief and Council, Muskrat Dam Education Board members, School Staff and Students are pleased and very happy to annouce that 6 young people will be graduating from Samson Beardy Elementry School this afternoon. June 17, 2004.

    Also graduating from the Kindergarten Program will be 7 students.

    Graduation Ceremonies are scheduled to commence at 1:30 PM.  

    Following this will be the Annual Student Achievement Awards. The Teaching staff will be recognizing the students for their acheivements by presenting them with plaques.

    Immediately following the awards presentations will be the Community Feast, which will be at 4:00 PM.

    Later on the evening, the staff, students and community members will be joining the graduates with the Graduation Dance at the School Gym.  

    Grade 7 & 8 School Trip

    On Friday morning, June 18, 2004 at 6:00 AM, the Grade 8 Graduating Class along with the Grade 7 Class will be leaving on the School Class trip to Toronto, Ontario. The students will be travelling back to the community on June 26, 2004

    June 16th

    Cat Lake Campmeeting 2004

    Pentecostal Faith Temple Campmeeting 2004
    Cat Lake, Ontario

    July 28 - August 1, 2004

    7:00 PM NIGHTLY

    11 Am Sunday Morning

    Guest Speaker

    Evangelist Ralph Thomas From Easterville Manitoba

    Musicians Also From Easterville

    Services will be aired through WRN Starting July 30 - August 1, 2004

    Other visitors coming from Surrounding communities

    Travel at your own expense

    meals and accomadations will be provided

    for more info please call

    Pastor Alec Bighead @ (807) 347-2118

    First Nation SchoolNet Grade 8 supplementary courses completed for 2003-04 school year

    Fernando Oliveira is the program developer and instructor for the First Nations SchoolNet on-line Grade 8 Supplementary courses. Over this past year, he explored different on-line delivery methods to support Grade 8 students and teachers in their classrooms.

    The teacher evaluation of the English Literacy course is now available on-line. Here are some of the comments from the teachers that took the time to complete the course survey ...

    • I think this is a great program for the students to experience. It helps them with their English skills as well as provides them with practice with their computer skills.
    • I think this is an excellent course, and if you are having these courses next year we would like to be involved again.
    • It was refreshing to see our students so excited about a school program. I think the combination of games, videos and personal profiles, along with the regular assignments, made the program effective and enjoyable. Computer skills are way up. Thanks for bringing something new into our classroom.
    • Overall, this was an excellent experience for my students. I noticed that many were more motivated, attended more regularly, and made more of an effort than they normally would have.

    The Grade 8 course took on a new look for the English Literacy material. Fernando worked with a team of developers to adapt the open source Moodle e-learning platform to accommodate the different classrooms, students and learning materials.

    The fall semester Fernando delivered a variety of Grade 8 Science supplementary units in 11 different First Nation classrooms. Click here to read his report and the comments from the teachers about this experience.

    The winter semester saw 17 First Nation schools sign up for the Math supplementary on-line course that Fernando offered. Click here to read his report and the comments from the teachers about the Math on-line course.

    This initiative was first piloted in the spring of 2003 working with the Keewaytinook Okimakanak community partners who are part of  the Keewaytinook Internet High School. Fernando, who use to teach with KiHS in the remote First Nations of Poplar Hill and Fort Severn, agreed to develop and facilitate the delivery of the first on-line science units for Grade 8 students in 8 communities. This pilot proved very successful (click here to read the results of this pilot project). This pilot was funded by the KO Smart Communities project.

    2nd Annual Adel Morris Gospel Jamboree in Big Trout Lake

    The Gospel Jamboree will be held on the weekend of June 26 - 29, 2004

    If you require more information, Please contact

    Laura Morris - (807) 537-2263

    June 15th

    Canada Day Fishing Derby in Muskrat Dam





    • 1ST PRIZE  $3000.00
    • 2ND PRIZE $2000.00
    • 3RD PRIZE $1000.00



    • GIDEON THUNDER  at 471-2573 or 471-2669
    • STAN BEARDY at 471-2568 or 471-2524
    • PETE NOTHING at 471- 2695 or 471-2587