Archive - 2004

June 14th

First Nations, First Nation Schools and other on-line resources

Keewaytinook Okimakanak is Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet regional management organization (RMO) for Ontario. The web portal created for this program is collecting and posting a variety of online resources on this site under the title "On-line Educational Resources".

Everyone is invited to submit their upcoming education conferences and events, as well as their favourite web sites and on-line resources to to be included on this site. Be sure to check out the existing First Nation web sites as well as the different First Nation schools web site that are being developed under this project.

All First Nation schools and communities are invited to use the existing domains ( and to create their own web site using the on-line resources being made available under this SchoolNet program.

The present categories listed include:

Red Lake Indian Friendship Centre Aboriginal Day celebrations

The Red Lake Indian Friendship Centre will be celebrating national Aboriginal Day on Saturday, June 19, 2004 by hosting a Trading Village in at the High School in Red Lake.

We are looking for local artists, crafts, food, etc…whoever would like to display or sell their merchandise throughout this special day.  Free promotional opportunity for those interested in participating in this event.

We are also looking for entertainers - musicians, drummers to enjoy each other talents on an open mike…

The Kanata Dance Troupe will be the main feature at 4 o’clock.

Poster reads as follows:

Aboriginal Day Celebration
Saturday, June 19, 2004

Red Lake Indian Friendship Centre would like to invite your family to celebrate with us on

Saturday, June 19, 2004

At the Red Lake District High School

From 1:00 to 5:00 pm

Featuring Kanata Dance Troupe

Also featuring the Trading Village

with Local merchants, crafts, for display or for sale and our local musicians, drummers, entertainers to provide an afternoon of entertainment – open mike

Please contact Shelley, Ann, or Lori K. for further information @ 727-2847

Outdoor Gospel Rally 2004 (Weagamow Lake)

Outdoor Gospel Rally 2004

Weagamow Lake, Ontario

On June 25, 26 & 27, 2004

Featured Guest Speaker: Henry Mckay - Sachigo Lake, Ontario

Guest Singers: Ernie Kematch - Pelican Rapids, Manitoba

Hank Williams - Shoal Lake, Ontario

For more information you can contact

Edna Quequish at (807) 469-7501 (home)

Or Stephen Kenequanash (807) 469-1320 (home)

Services will be aired on the WRN Radio on Saturday and Sunday.

June 7th

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Keewaywin Conference 2004

NAN's 2004 Keewaywin Conference is scheduled for August 3, 4, 5, in Sachigo Lake First Nation.

There are many issues and concerns that require a unified direction so that as Nishnawbe Aski Nation we can move forward as one.

Download for more info (WORD 26KB)

June 6th

Winner of On-line Creative Writing Challenge for Grade 8 students announced

Twila Kakegamick, a grade 8 student attending Keewaywin Elementary School in Keewaywin First Nation, won this year's Creative Writing Challenge. The writing contest was hosted by the On-line Grade 8 Supplementary English Literacy course being facilitated by Fernando Oliveira as part of Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program.

Click here to read Twila's winning poem, "One Day" (scroll down to see the news story) and to see the other winning participants who submitted their stories and poems.

Traditional activities at Pelican Falls First Nation High School 2003-2004

The students attending Pelican Falls developed an on-line presentation documenting all the different traditional educational activities undertaken during the 2003-2004 school year. Wayne Mercer, Pelican Falls Principal reported that Paige Mawakeesic who is seen in many of the pictures used many of the skills gained during her cooperative education placement at K-Net to coordinate the production of this web site. Click here to see their Traditional Activities home page.

The different activities documented include:

The project is described as ...

"This project was part of a joint effort between NIS (Network Of Innovative Schools) and Pelican Falls First Nations High School. The project's goal was to introduce & enhance ICT's into the classroom and use it as a tool to communicate the students unique First Nation culture and heritage to others around the world. Two curriculum areas worked in partnership to make this project a reality. Two Interdiciplinary studies classes with curriculum focus on traditional technologies and traditional skills provided material for the website recording and writing about their endeavours. The computer class learned to construct & build webpages then used the material to create the unique website seen here. Native Language classes and student volunteers also helped with the project.

Partnerships were also created with the Ojibway & Cree Cultural Centre in Timmins, Ontario, to produce a book of the bark canoe project. Overall, the project was a big success and teachers and students look forward to next years projects."

June 5th

New KiHS classrooms under construction in KO First Nations

.Poplar Hill's new KiHS building is nearing completion. Located near the local elementary school, this new building will be used by those students wishing to stay in their community for their Grade 9 and 10 programs. Click here to see all the pictures of the construction process.

The other four KO First Nations (Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin and North Spirit Lake) are also getting similar KiHS buildings for their students to be able to participate in the Keewaytinook Internet High School. As well, Deer Lake, Keewaywin and North Spirit Lake are constructing new e-Centres to better meet the needs of their community members. Langreen shipped these modular units on the winter road and is working with Keewaytinook Okimakanak Public Works and Neegan Burnside to get them built this summer for the start of the new school year in September.

Funding for these eight modular units came from the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Smart Communities project with the actual funds coming from FedNor and the Smart Communities program.

June 4th

Native Early Childhood Education Program at Oshki

In September 2004, Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute, in partnership with Cambrian College, will offer the Native Early Childhood Education Program. This 2-year program will be delivered through a modular format and is designed to prepare graduates for employment in licensed child care settings.

For further information please contact Joan Hardy at (807) 346-2784, or by email at

Business Administration (First Nation Specialization) Certificate Program at Oshki

In September 2004, Oshki-Pimache-O-Win, in partnership with Cambrian College will begin delivery of the Business Administration (First Nation Specialization) Certificate Program. This one-year program will be delivered through a modular format, providing students with the flexibility of earning a BA certificate, while remaining employed in their home communities.

For further information please contact Joan Hardy at 1 807-346-2784 or by email at

Assembly of the new 7.3M satellite earth station begins in Sioux Lookout

The contractors and the satellite dish pieces arrived in Sioux Lookout on Wednesday, June 2. Thanks to some great coordination by the team from Cygnial (Tom Wolstencroft), K-Net, and everyone else involved, it now looks like everything is now in place to begin constructing the new satellite earth station. 

Two large transport trucks delivered the various components that will be assembled over the next two weeks. Paul and Pat arrived from Toronto to begin putting the various pieces together.

K-Net will be documenting this ongoing development on-line. Watch this construction project unfold by visiting the photo gallery and clicking on each of the days to watch this new dish become a reality.