KO staff produce residential school video material from PiiWaseya Gathering

As part of their work with Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet, Cal Kenny and Jesse Fiddler attended the Pii Waseya gathering of residential school survivors recently held in Eagle Lake First Nation. Throughout the four day event, Cal and Jesse interviewed and video taped a number of the different activities and participants. Click here to view the photos from this gathering.

As a start, a series of short video clips are being produced highlighting some of the information obtained throughout this event. The first four video clips consist of four statements by Mahgeegan Shawanda, a youth workshop leader and conference presenter. The following clips are now available on-line (Windows media player required):

  1. Introduction (7.49M)
  2. Youth activities (8.88M)
  3. Community and Individual healing work (8.91M)
  4. Parenting and family relationships (13.7M)

Additional video taped sessions from this gathering are now available (July 23):

  1. Kitty Everson - an elder's story
  2. Steve Jordain - dealing with abuse in our communities
  3. Dr. Gilchrist
  4. Canoe  Race
  5. Phil Gatensby- Part 1
  6. Phil Gatensby- Part 2, Story