KO team participates in residential school gathering in Eagle Lake First Nation

Jesse Fiddler and Cal Kenny spent four days video taping and participating in the Pii Waseya gathering in Eagle Lake First Nation. Click here to see pictures from the gathering. Everyone who attended the gathering is invited to sign the guestbook expressing their thoughts about this event.

This Residential School and Family Wellness Gathering took place from July 1 to 4, 2004 on the shores of Eagle Lake at the local traditional camping grounds.

Pii Waseya is the Ojibway description for the dawning of a new day ... when those first rays of light begin to show. Pii Waseya was a gathering designed by a committee made up of Eagle Lake residential school survivors, local program staff, council members. This group was supported by other residential school programs from Lac Seul First Nation and Kenora, along with the provincial Integrated Support Services Unit. The planning committee wanted to provide survivors and their families with tools that everyone can use to support strong and healthy family units and communities.