Archive - 2004

August 9th

Kitchenuhmaykoosib leadership work with local youth during wilderness canoe journey

A thirty member canoe party is travelling the traditional river route from Big Trout Lake, along the Fawn River, into the mighty Severn River and ending up in Fort Severn First Nation.

Click here to see some pictures as the paddlers set out on their adventure. Watch the new Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (formerly known as Big Trout Lake First Nation) web site at for more news stories and pictures about this important trip.

The annual trip which Chief Donny Morris has been making for several years is an opportunity for young people from the community as well as neighbouring communities to gain experience and develop skills in wilderness survival. Many stories, history of the region and traditional activities are shared along this traditional route. Working as a group within this wilderness setting supports everyone in maintaining their strong connections and respect for the land and the region.

KO hosts guest from University of Queensland, Australia

Dr. Levi Obijiofor who is a lecturer with the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, met with the Keewaytinook Okimakanak team and other partners on Thursday, July 29 and Friday, July 30. Levi is involved in a project with a Canadian - Asian Pacific agency to prepare a study about the use of ICTs in indigenous communities. The actual Project Title is called - "A comparative ethnographic study of the impact of new communication technologies on Indigenous communities in Australia, Canada and New Zealand."

Florence Woolner acted as Levi's host for his trip providing him with a rich cross-cultural experience including various Blueberry Festival events as well as a trip to the Eagle Lake Traditional Powwow. Click here to check the pictures of Levi meeting with Brian Walmark via video conference.

Levi spent the first part of his trip in Sioux Lookout, meeting with different people and conducting some interviews for this study. On Tuesday, August 3, he travelled to Fort Severn First Nation to continue his interviews and research. He will be travelling back to Australia starting on Saturday, Aug 7.
We hope that by introducing him to K-Net, the work and the team we are involved with in developing these on-line resources and connections that further collaboration and opportunities might arise in the future.

Empowering Our Youth through Education & Healthy Lifestyles Powwow in Thunder Bay

Oshki-Anishnawbeg Student Association (OASA) Presents...

Empowering Our Youth through Education & Healthy Lifestyles Powwow

When: September 10, 11, & 12, 2004

Where: Confederation College, Thunder Bay Ontario

Host Drum: Black Water Creek

Master of Ceremonies: TBA

Arena Director: Jeordie Pierre


Contact OASA @ 807-475-6314 or through email

Palidia Meekis 3rd Memorial Gospel Jamboree in Deer Lake

I would like to extend an invitation to family, friends or whoever is interested to come and join us in Deer Lake for the Gospel Jamboree and Feast that will be held here on September 6, 7 and 8, 2004.  Our guests that will be in attendance is:

Ronne Disbrowe - Thompson, MB

Silas Woodhouse Band - Fairford, MB

Abraham Monias - Keewaywin, On

If you are interested in attending, we could make arrangements for your accommodation.  Just give us a shout.  (807)775-9577 /2108 or (807)347-2222.

This will be our third year in holding the memorial gospel Jamboree in loving memory of our mother Palidia Meekis who passed on to a better place on September 8, 2001.  

For my mother.........

The moment that you died
my heart split in two.
The one side filled with memories
the other died with you.

I often lay awake at night
when the world is fast asleep
and take a walk down memory lane
with tears upon my cheeks.

I hold you tight within my heart
and there you will remain
Life has gone on without you
but it will never be the same.

For those that still have your moms
treat her with tender care
You'll never know the emptiness
until you turn and she's not there

We also like to remember our other loved ones at this time.  Our brother Rodney Meekis who left us on March 25, 1999 and our father Morley Meekis - April 4, 2000.

They say memories are golden.
well maybe that’s true
But we never wanted memories,
we only wanted you.

A million times we've needed you
A million times we've cried .
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.

In life we loved you dearly,
in death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a special place
no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stair case
And heartache build a lane
We'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.

Our family chain is broken
And nothing seems the same
but as God calls us one by one,

The chain will link again.


August 8th

Upcoming Events in Deer Lake

From August 17-18, 2004. T.C.W (Tony's Championship Wrestling) will be in Deer Lake.  Following that, The Deer Lake Recreation Committee will be having their Annual Men's Memorial Invitational Fastball Tournament from the 18th to the 22nd.

For more information on these upcoming events click here


July 30th

Kuhkenah international conference final report now on-line

The final report of the activities and finding from the Kuhkenah Smart International Gathering held on March 17-18, 2004 is now available on-line. This report was produced by the conference facilitators John Rowlandson, Florence Woolner and Jennifer Moreau.

Click here to read the report (466K PDF document)

Campmeeting 2004 - Deer Lake First Nation

Aug.19-22, 2004.
7:30pm nightly..

will post speakers and guests at a later date!!! for info call amos @775 9522 or at

July 28th

CO-ED volleyball tournament in Sandy Lake

Sandy Lake

Co - Ed

Volleyball Tournament

Date: August 5 - 7, 2004.

Entry Fee: $800.00 (outside team)

$1000.00 (local team)

Prize: 1st place - $5000.00

2nd place - $3000.00

3rd place - $2000.00

July 26th

National Chief meets with KO's Executive Director

National Chief coming to Balmertown

National Chief Phil Fontaine discussed telecommunications opportunities and KO applications and programs with Geordi Kakepetum, KO’s Executive Director during the AFN meeting in Charlottetown, P.E.I. The National Chief pledged to tour KO’s Balmertown sub office in September. While in Balmertown, Fontaine will be briefed on ICT applications such as KiHS, the Internet High School and the Telehealth expansion. KO shared its accumulated knowledge and experience gained from Industry Canada’s Smart Communities and First Nations SchoolNet programs with a variety of Chiefs and other First Nations including, NAN Grand Chief Stan Beady and Union Grand Chief Earl Commanda. See photos

New NAN web-based business owned by Alanna McKenzie highlighted

New website site gets over 1200 visits last month...

Alanna MacKenzie owner manager of Nation Base Software Solutions offers First Nations custom databases to track education, health and governance performance... "The number of hits to our website indicates to me that our people really need tools to collect, analyze and report data," she said.  A member of Muskrat Dam, McKenzie also provides a news and public affairs service on the site... She provided nightly updates during the recent AFN meeting in P.E.I. ... "Our people need to know what’s going on," she said. "They’re interested and they want to be well informed." Check out Alanna's new web site...