Community News

First Nations education and health support included in Ontario government's Speech from the Throne

From the Toronto Star

McGuinty gets credit for making native people a priority

Nov 30, 2007 - Ian Urquhart

There was one real surprise in yesterday's Speech from the Throne at Queen's Park: the section on the province's native peoples.

"The government seeks to forge a stronger, more positive relationship with Ontario's First Nations," said the speech.

KO team attends Circle of Light 2007 Education conference in Toronto

KO team presents programs at Circle of Light 2007 conference in Toronto

Fernando Oliveira, G7-G8 Program Coordinator and Brian Beaton, K-Net Coordinator were at the Kuhkenah Network display at INAC and the Ministry of Education's conference - "Circle of Light 2007" in Toronto on November 27 and 28.

As well, Darrin Potter, Principal of KIHS along with two KIHS teachers, Linda Johnson (Weagamow) and Kevin Dempsey (Poplar Hill) attended this event and answered questions at the First Nations SchoolNet booth.

Youth writing challenge - Produce short story about a defining moment in Aboriginal history for chance to win $2000

Aboriginal Writing Challenge

Submit your story to WIN $2000!

Deadline for the 2008 Writing Challenge is March 31, 2008

Chiefs of the Anishinabek Nation resolution to rid their First Nations of drug abuse

Anishinabek Nation press release 

Anishinabek Nation Chiefs Declare War On Drugs

OJIBWAYS OF GARDEN RIVER FN, Nov. 26 - Chiefs of the 42 member Anishinabek Nation communities have unanimously passed a resolution giving First Nation councils the authority to rid their communities of drug dealers.

Lawyers receive millions from Harper Government for Indian residential school settlement

From CBC News

Ottawa pays $45.6M to lawyers involved in residential school cases

November 26, 2007 - More than $45 million has recently been paid to residential school lawyers — one of the largest legal bills in Canadian history.

According to federal officials, a government cheque for $45.6 million has been sent to a consortium of lawyers — most of them in Alberta and Ontario — who had been involved in the Indian residential schools class action.

Climate change resulting in melting of winter roads to First Nations, requires new infrastructure investments

From CBC News

Northern ministers seek infrastructure help to adapt to climate change

November 26, 2007 - Politicians representing northern regions of Canada say they need more infrastructure to help adapt to climate change, which they say is melting much-needed winter roads.

Canada's economy would benefit with improvements in First Nation education outcomes and systems

Press release from the Centre for the Study of Living Standards about the recently released report called “The Potential Contribution of Aboriginal Canadians to Labour Force, Employment, Productivity and Output Growth in Canada, 2001-2017” (found at

KO team attends Sharing Our Success - Promising Practices in Aboriginal Education conference in Winnipeg

The Ontario Regional Management Organization (K-Net) for INAC's First Nations SchoolNet program worked with the other RMOs to sponsor a panel presentation on the Effective Use of Technology in First Nation Classrooms at the Sharing Our Success conference, PROMISING PRACTICES IN ABORIGINAL EDUCATION, in Winnipeg (Nov 23 and 24).

BC and First Nations partnership results in The First Nations Education Act, 2007

NEWS RELEASE - BC Ministry of Education and First Nations Education Steering Committee


VICTORIA, Nov. 22, 2007  - The Province introduced historic legislation today that recognizes participating First Nations' jurisdiction over education on First Nations land in British Columbia and supports First Nations student achievement and lifelong learning.

AFN works with federal government to develop process for Resolving Specific Claims

A Communiqué from National Chief Phil Fontaine - Resolving Specific Claims: Renewed Approach Coming Soon

November 2007 - The Assembly of First Nations and the Government of Canada have been working together since June to develop a renewed approach to resolving First Nations specific land claims. The goal is to reform the specific claims resolution process to make it truly fair, fast and effective. A key objective is establishing an Independent Tribunal with authority to make binding decisions on claims, which will be available to First Nation claimants on a voluntary basis.