KO team attends Sharing Our Success - Promising Practices in Aboriginal Education conference in Winnipeg

The Ontario Regional Management Organization (K-Net) for INAC's First Nations SchoolNet program worked with the other RMOs to sponsor a panel presentation on the Effective Use of Technology in First Nation Classrooms at the Sharing Our Success conference, PROMISING PRACTICES IN ABORIGINAL EDUCATION, in Winnipeg (Nov 23 and 24).

Brian Walmark of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute (http://research.knet.ca) shared the K-Net story on a panel with Tim Whiteduck from Quebec's RMO who spoke about the First Nations SchoolNet program and the role of the RMOs in supporting communication technologies in First Nation schools and Peter MacDonald from the Eel Ground First Nation school who spoke about the effective use of communication technology in his school.

The conference brought together over 100 presenters from across Canada delivering a variety of presentations in over 70 different sessions available. For more information about the conference, visit the conference web site at  http://www.saee.ca/successconference/ and review the conference details at http://www.saee.ca/successconference/Details.pdf.

The conference provided an opportunity for the Regional Management Organization coordinators to meet and discuss strategies for continuing and expanding the support being provided to First Nation schools across the country.