KO team attends Circle of Light 2007 Education conference in Toronto

KO team presents programs at Circle of Light 2007 conference in Toronto

Fernando Oliveira, G7-G8 Program Coordinator and Brian Beaton, K-Net Coordinator were at the Kuhkenah Network display at INAC and the Ministry of Education's conference - "Circle of Light 2007" in Toronto on November 27 and 28.

As well, Darrin Potter, Principal of KIHS along with two KIHS teachers, Linda Johnson (Weagamow) and Kevin Dempsey (Poplar Hill) attended this event and answered questions at the First Nations SchoolNet booth.

K-Net is the Ontario Regional Management Organization with INAC's First Nations SchoolNet program. See http://firstnationschools.ca and http://ned.ca for more information about the services and programs available under this project.

On the second day, Brian Beaton, K-Net Coordinator is doing a presentation entitled Effective Use of Communication Technologies in First Nation Communities.


Ontario government press release ...

McGuinty Government Hosts Aboriginal Education Conference

TORONTO, Nov. 26 - Education Minister Kathleen Wynne will speak at Circle of Light: A First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Conference.

The conference - the first of its kind in 25 years - will bring together principals, teachers and other aboriginal stakeholders for two days of plenary sessions, workshops and keynote speakers from across Canada.

The conference will engage participants with discussions and information about tools, strategies and best practices to help support the success of Aboriginal students in Ontario.

The minister will be available to the media after she speaks at the opening of the two-day conference.

DATE: November 27, 2007

TIME: 8:15 a.m.

LOCATION: Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre
525 Bay Street
Toronto, ON


For further information: Michelle Despault, Minister's Office, (416) 212-3747; Patricia MacNeil, Communications Branch, (416) 325-2676