Community News

UN's Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples becomes a national law in Bolivia

U.N. declaration becomes law of the land in Bolivia

From the article below:

''From the passage of this declaration,'' Morales continued, ''I feel that the indigenous movement has gone from one of resistance to one of power, but not sectarian, personal, individual or regional power, but to create a power that, at it's core, is a way of living in a community ... it is the power of resolving problems equally for all, not only in Bolivia but in the entire world.

Bill calling for the promotion of Aboriginal History in Canadian schools being introduced by MP


Brent St. Denis introduces Bill to promote Aboriginal History in Schools

December 13, 2007 - It is with great pride Liberal MP Brent St. Denis introduces his bill entitled An Act to promote the teaching of aboriginal history and culture in Canada’s schools.

Ontario economic outlook statement benefits cities leaving rural sectors out in the cold

From CBC News

Ontario targets battered sectors for help

December 13, 2007

Ontario's Liberal government is dishing out new tax cuts for manufacturers and other businesses to boost sectors that have been battered by a high dollar and a slumping U.S. economy.

International coverage of youth suicides in First Nations challenges Harper government

From Interpress Service (IPS)

Native Youth Suicides in Canada Reach Crisis Rate

By Am Johal

VANCOUVER, Dec 12 (IPS) - Suicide rates are now five to seven times higher for First Nations youth than for non-aboriginal youth, according to Health Canada, and among Inuit youth, suicide rates are 11 times the national average. Some aboriginal bands have suicide rates over 800 times the national average.

Chiefs of Ontario host Chronic Care Management and Traditional Approaches Workshop

COO Press Release ...

"Chronic Care Management and Traditional Approaches Workshop"

December 7, 2007

Chiefs of Ontario is pleased to announce that we are coordinating a workshop for Community Support Services and Home and Community Care. The workshop is titled “Chronic Care Management and Traditional Approaches”. The workshop will be held at the Courtyard Marriott, 475 Yonge Street in Toronto on January 22nd and 23rd, 2008.

Some residential school survivors in remote First Nations being charged 1.5% cheque fee

Two conflicting stories in the Winnipeg Free Press indicates there is still lots of confusion about how Residential School Survivors are being supported in their communities by Northern Stores (see below for the December 6 story - North West nixes fees for survivors' cheques)

From Winnipeg Free Press  - December 8, 2007

Residential school survivors gouged?
Northern stores charge 1.5% cheque fee

By Alexandra Paul