Community News

Special needs of First Nation children subject of AFN Request for Proposals

Assembly of First Nations 2007-2008 Special Needs Research RFP

Click here to see the entire RFP

The objective of this Request for Proposal is to identify a consultant or consulting team to undertake this second phase of research related to special needs for the AFN.


Australian voters choose a Labour government over Howard, one of Harper's mentor


Indigenous leaders welcome Howard defeat

November 25, 2007 - Some indigenous leaders have welcomed the end of the Howard government and expressed relief that Mal Brough has been forced out of parliament.

Mr Brough - the outgoing minister for indigenous affairs - lost his Queensland seat of Longman to Labor candidate Jon Sullivan after suffering a swing of more than 10 per cent.

K-Net team works with partner remote First Nations to realign all satellite dishes to Telesat's Anik F3

Working with the K-Net team, Rick Garrick produced the following article about the Kuhkenah Network Satellite Dish Realignment initiative. 

K-Net realigns satellite dishes across the north

Rick Garrick - November 24

Airsickness and bad weather could not hold back progress for K-Net’s community network.

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug host Ontario First Nation leaders in struggle to protect their land

NAN press release ... 

First Nation Leaders Gather in Solidarity with KI

November 21, 2007

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Stan Beardy together with Eabametoong First Nation Chief Solomon Atlookan, Ginoogaming First Nation Chief Celia Echum, Muskegowuk Council Grand Chief Stan Louttit, and Ontario Regional Chief Angus Toulouse will gather in solidarity in Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) this Thursday November 22, 2007.

KO team presents programs at Chiefs of Ontario Education conference in Thunder Bay

Cheryl Chukra, Administrative Assistant and Martina Kanakakeesic, Youth Worker with KORI, were at the Kuhkenah Network display at COO's Education conference - "Our Children, Our Future, OurWay!" in Thunder Bay.

"High speed" internet providers are really only delivering "up to" the advertised speed

From CBC News ...

Beware the fine print in high-speed internet ads: CBC Marketplace probe

November 21, 2007

Some Canadian internet providers are promising high-speed services they aren't always delivering, a CBC Marketplace investigation has found.

"We're totally being pushed on speed," said Dali Bentolila, a telecom consultant from Canada who spends most of his time in Buenos Aires.

Affirming Aboriginal cultural traditions, ways of knowing and values goal of innovation approach to learning

From  Canadian Council on Learning

A breakthrough for Aboriginal learning in Canada

Ottawa, Nov. 20, 2007—The Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) and its Aboriginal Learning Knowledge Centre, in partnership with Aboriginal organizations in Canada, have developed an innovative approach to measuring Aboriginal learning—one that should lead to more effective lifelong learning and contribute to a higher quality of life for Aboriginal Peoples across Canada.

Harper government is failing children across Canada says United Nations report

United Nations Slams Conservative Children’s Policies

OTTAWA, November 20, 2007  – A new United Nations report on the plight of children confirms what many Canadians already know – the Conservative government of Stephen Harper is content to let children fend for themselves, Liberal Social Development Critic Ruby Dhalla said today.

First Nations using the satellite connections on Kuhkenah Network being moved to Telesat's Anik F3

The 7.3M satellite earth station in Sioux Lookout is now pointing at Telesat's Anik F3 satellite. The re-positioning of the dish was successfully completed by Adi Linden and Terence Burnard early this morning.

Upcoming Videoconference: Good Practices for Multi-Site Videoconferencing in First Nations

Register your site, advertise the event in your community and join us to share your experience and stories.

Good Practices for Multi-Site Videoconferencing in First Nations

This event will seek input from many communities to develop guidelines for good practice for multi-site videoconferencing, share experiences of good practice, identify resources and training needed in communities to encourage videoconferencing.