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More about the Lakota Nation withdrawal from their treaty with the United States



Today is a historic day and our forefathers speak through us. Our Forefathers made the treaties in good faith with the sacred Canupa and with the knowledge of the Great Spirit, They never honored the treaties, that is the reason we are here today...Garry Rowland, Wounded Knee

From WHY

"Uphold existing Aboriginal and treaty rights" - Senate committee tells Harper government

From the Final Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs

39th Parliament – 2nd Session

December 2007

Summary of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

Programs and support for urban Aboriginals by government, nothing new for First Nations

From CBC ...

Mind shift or policy change? Government's new focus on off-reserve economic development nothing new for natives

KATHERINE WALKER - December 20, 2007

There is a "complete native mind shift" about to take place in Canada. At least that's how Maclean's magazine put it in a Sept. 3, 2007, article titled An aboriginal 'glasnost'. Other media have followed suit and run stories recently on this new trend.

Ontario "hits the jackpot" with resource rich remote and rural First Nations

From the Toronto Star

Bryant has a long to-do list - Aboriginal affairs minister eyes progress on Caledonia standoff, economic opportunities

Dec 22, 2007 - Robert Benzie - Queen's Park Bureau Chief

Minutes after announcing at Queen's Park that Ipperwash Provincial Park would be turned over to natives who had their nearby land confiscated during World War II, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant hopped in a small plane and flew there.

Bryant, 41, is a man in a hurry.

Ontario Environment Commissioner being lobbied to support mining groups interests in First Nation lands

Mining Association press release ...

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative of FNIHB requesting proposals for off-reserve projects

Request for applications for the Métis, Off-reserve Aboriginal and Urban Inuit Prevention and Promotion Program

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative

Ontario government and mining company continue to ignore rights of the people of KI and NAN

Over nine years ago the Ontario government  and Platinex Inc were informed by the leadership of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug to abandon their plans for mining on their traditional territories. And the KI struggle continues today with accusations, ignorance, legal claims, court rulings, press releases, etc, etc ...

From Canadian Securities Administrators' System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) website -

Platinex Inc, November 1, 2005 filing

Withdrawing from treaties with US government creates the new independent Lakota Nation

From Fox News

Lakota Indians Withdraw Treaties Signed With U.S. 150 Years Ago

December 20, 2007 - WASHINGTON —  The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States.

"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us,'' long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means said.

Surprise, Surprise - Ontario court rulings outlined to KI in support of Platinex and province

Superior Court Communique to the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation

December 19, 2007


This message is being distributed to the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation at the direction of the Superior Court in the litigation involving Platinex Inc., KI and Ontario

Ontario Lieutenant Governor and police launch 2008 book drive for aboriginal youth in remote First Nations

Press release ...

Lieutenant Governor announces book drive for aboriginal youth

    TORONTO, Dec. 19 - The Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, announced a book drive for aboriginal youth  in the Lieutenant Governor's suite at Queen's Park.

    In the tradition of former-Lieutenant Governor James Bartleman, the Honourable David C. Onley launched the book drive that will begin on Tuesday, January 1st, and last until Friday, January 18th. Only brand new children's books will be collected during this drive.