Community News

First Nations and Harper government continue to struggle as chiefs sit in jail for protecting the land

From the Globe and Mail

Natives' frustration with Ottawa threatens to boil over

BILL CURRY - April 7, 2008

OTTAWA -- Smiling photo ops with aboriginals across the country have been a regular occurrence throughout the first two years of the Harper government.

Land claims have been signed, a residential-schools deal has been reached and new water-treatment facilities have been unveiled with much federal fanfare.

"Older Than America" - a film about residential schools in Canada and the States

The world premier of Older Than America ( shown

at the 2008 South by Southwest Fim Festival (

Director: Georgina Lightning

Cast: Adam Beach, Tantoo Cardinal, Bradley Cooper, Georgina Lightning, Wes Studi, Steve Yoakum, Chris Mulkey, Glen Gould, Dennis Banks, Gloria Eshkibok

Runtime: 102 minutes

Climate change affects remote Aboriginal communities first, creating major challenges

From the Winnipeg Sun

Aboriginals to be hit hard by climate change: UN report

By Canadian Press - April 3, 2008

TORONTO -- Aboriginal communities in Canada and around the world will be among the most gravely affected by the effects of climate change, and more attention should be paid to changes in their traditional ways of life to help gauge the onset of global warming, United Nations researchers said yesterday.

World Indigenous Television Broadcasting to form global network after inaugural conference

The successful inaugural World Indigenous Television Broadcasting Conference was held in Auckland, New Zealand (March 26 - 28, 2008).


Indigenous TV Broadcasters to Form Global Network

A global network of indigenous television broadcasters will be a major outcome of the inaugural World Indigenous Television Broadcasting Conference hosted by Māori Television at the end of March.

Call to Residential School Survivors for Quilt Squares for Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Attention to all Indigenous Peoples: Inuit, Metis, & First Nations!!

A message from Alice Olsen Williams, Quilter, Anishinaape of the Curve Lake First Nation in Ontario

North American Indigenous (NAI) as a top-level domain application to ICANN moving forward

There is a two page overview of the NORTH AMERICAN INDIGENOUS (.NAI) proposal for a cultural and linguistic top-level domain in the current (ca 2008/9) ICANN new gTLD rounds. The overview can be seen at (Wampum).

Residential school survivors continue to wait as Harper government makes political choices

From the Canadian Press

Tories delay healing as wait drags on for native truth-telling panel: critics

OTTAWA — Critics say the federal Conservatives are taking too long to officially apologize and launch a truth-and-reconciliation commission on native residential schools.

First Nations still struggle to access equitable telecom services in remote and rural regions

From the Business Edge

First Nations lag behind in connectivity - Service providers urged to improve services to remote communities

By Monte Stewart - Business Edge - 04/04/2008 - Vol. 8, No. 7

Canada's telecom and broadband-service companies should be providing better connectivity to First Nations reserves, particularly those in remote areas, says a communications professor.

First Nation Chiefs deliver clear message to Harper and McGuinty governments - FREE KI 6 NOW!

 Nishnawbe Aski Nation Press Release

NAN suspends Northern Table until KI leadership released

     THUNDER BAY, ON, April 3 /CNW/ - Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Stan Beardy announced today a unanimous decision of support for Kitchenuhumaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) leadership by NAN Chiefs-in-Assembly and the decision by NAN to suspend bilateral discussions with the Government of Ontario regarding lands and resources until the immediate and unconditional release of KI Chief and Council currently serving a six month jail sentence.