Community News

Urban-based "think tank" authors another report about the disadvantages of living in a First Nations

People living in urban centres continue to promote their life choices by producing reports, while those who choose to live and work in remote and rural communities continue to be dismissed by those who are dependent upon these communities ...  

From CBC News

Leaving reserve is key to aboriginal success: think tank

April 11, 2008

Locations of some of the mass grave sites of children attending residential schools across Canada

From The Dominion - News from the Grassroots

April 10, 2008

Tribunal reveals locations of mass graves of residential school children at sites across Canada

At a public ceremony and press conference held today in Vancouver, the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD) released a list of twenty eight mass graves across Canada holding the remains of aboriginal children who died in Indian Residential Schools.

K-Net multi-media team produces short video about speech-language research in remote First Nations

As a follow up to last week's visit to Lac Seul First Nation by Dr. Alice Eriks-Brophy, the K-Net Multi-media team produced a 3 minute video about the research work she is undertaking in partnership with the Keewaytinook Okimakanak team.

 Click here to watch the video

This research is examining the use of videoconferencing in Speech Language Pathology assessment for First Nations children residing in remote communities of Ontario. 

The research objectives include:

KI leaders provide clear directions to Ontario government on their requirements


KI-6 Leader's Ledger: Why We Are In Jail     


April 9, 2008

To Our Allies, Friends and Supporters

From the Chief and Council of KI:

Why We Are In Jail

Canada and Ontario jailing First Nation leaders for protecting their lands and waters


Rallys and Protests over KI-6 Continue -- Ontario Impact Internationally Uncertain     

09 April 2008 

"These conflicts could have been avoided, if the McGuinty government had listened to Aboriginal people and removed these lands from mining."

New web site from NAHO deals with the tough issues of suicide by celebrating Aboriginal youth

NAHO and Health Canada press release ... 

First Nation unrest is "hot" topic in Ottawa as Senate Committee studies Kelowna Accord bill

From Globe and Mail

Tory approach to natives could mean protests, Martin says

BILL CURRY - April 8, 2008

OTTAWA — The Conservative government's “too bad, so sad” approach to Canadian aboriginals will be to blame if natives increasingly turn to confrontation and protest, former prime minister Paul Martin warned yesterday.

Ontario Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) 2008 - 2009 - Call for Proposals

Sweetgrass First Nations Language Council Inc.
in partnership with Department of Canadian Heritage





This ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES INITIATIVE program has been in place since 1998.
The Sweetgrass First Nations Language Council Inc. has been designated to deliver the ALI program as the Ontario Regional Delivery for the same time period.