Community News

K-Net works with Speech-Language Pathologists researching delivery of services in remote First Nations

Speech-language pathologists test videoconferencing for speech and hearing assessments

Rick Garrick - April, 2008

Three speech-language pathologists have been looking into the use of videoconferencing to test children for speech and hearing problems in remote northern Ontario First Nation communities.

Women begin fasts to protest jailing of First Nation leaders by Ontario "justice" system

From the Prince George Citizen 

Women begin 'wave fast' to protest jailing natives in mining fight

By Sue Bailey, THE CANADIAN PRESS - April 1, 2008

OTTAWA - A group of native women in northern Ontario was to stop eating for 24 hours in hopes of launching a "wave fast" across Canada to support a great grandmother jailed in a mining dispute.

Harper government inserts new micro-management clauses in INAC CAs with First Nations

Hopefully these types of micro-management clauses are being added to all the contracts being issued by the military and every federal government department. This move will probably keep the acountants and the lawyers happy for years to come ...

INAC press release ... 

Ontario steps up to ensure First Nations Technical Institute survives for another year


First Nation’s Technical Institute avoids closure — for one year

By | April 1st, 2008

Feds can't shirk responsibility for aboriginal education programs: minister

NAN First Nations working with forestry and mining companies to protect their traditional lands

The following three press releases highlight how some Nishnawbe Aski Nation First Nations are working with forestry and mining companies to develop resources on their traditional lands. The extraction of these resources must be carefully and respectfully done with the First Nation leadership to protect the lands and the waterways for their future generations.


First Nation and Forestry Company Find Success Where Least Expected

Chief Donnie Morris shares his thoughts about his First Nation and mining from the Thunder Bay jail


Click on the above link to listen to Chief Donnie Morris of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) describe what is happening to him, his council and community members as a result of his struggle to protect their traditional lands.

First Nations face similar challenges as the far northern Arctic region described by ITK president

Like the communities in Arctic described in the following article, remote and rural First Nations across Canada face exactly the same paternalistic and colonial attitudes ...

From the Globe and Mail

In the Arctic, you can't go back to the future

MARY SIMON - March 26, 2008

Stephen Harper visited Yellowknife this month for the Arctic Winter Games, his fifth trip to the North since becoming Prime Minister in 2006.

NAN Chief Beardy requests help from United Nations to protect First Nations' traditional lands

The following two articles highlight the importance of the land for the people of KI ...

From the Thunder Bay Source

Hampton visits, NAN Chief calls for help from UN

Web Posted: 3/28/2008 6:21:58 PM 

NDP leader Howard Hampton was in the city Friday visiting Chief Donny Morris and the other Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug band members in an effort to urge the Ontario government to provide some assistance.

Key recommendations affecting First Nations left out of the Rosehart Report on Northwestern Ontario

Key recommendations affecting First Nations were left out of the Rosehart Report as the story below indicates. Along with the "Duty to Consult" and "Resource Revenue Sharing", there were no recommendations concerning improving telecommunication services and electrical grid development, although these items were also "mentioned" in the report.

From the Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal

Sandy Lake First Nation election results from voting on March 28

Sandy Lake First Nation election results from voting on March 28 

Chief:               Adam Fiddler

Deputy Chief:  Bart Meekis


Head Councillor: Robert Kakegamic