Call to Residential School Survivors for Quilt Squares for Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Attention to all Indigenous Peoples: Inuit, Metis, & First Nations!!

A message from Alice Olsen Williams, Quilter, Anishinaape of the Curve Lake First Nation in Ontario

A call for quilt blocks acknowledging and honouring our pain and horror, BUT MOVING ON TO HEALING, TO LIVING A GOOD LIFE.

As a result of all the news and information, Stories and Truths about the horrible and hideous experiences lived by people of Indigenous Heritage of this great and sacred Turtle Island in the residential schools, and all the scary undesirable effects resulting from all that, there are several paths that have been taken to help us to heal from that atrocity. 

One of those ways is the setting up of The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) which works towards developing, as much as is possible, a fair and lasting resolution of the damning legacy of Indian residential schools.  The TRC, "an official body that investigates a pattern of abuses over a period of time in order to create an accurate and public historical record of the past" will function for 5 years, so The People will be able "to share their individual experiences in a safe and culturally appropriate manner through statement taking or truth-sharing".   At the end of it all, a final report on the research and historic findings, and recommendations will be produced and distrbuted widely. So that it will be accessible to all, a National Research Centre will be established.

As part of my efforts to help us along on our personal healing journeys, I am  putting out a call for quilt blocks.  Each square should be 13" x13". The design is yours; the colours are yours; the embellishments are yours; the materials you use are your choice.  Just make sure the blocks can be added and used in the quilt.  You can even paint on canvas or stiff paper, or use photos or pictures, because I can get these things transferred onto fabric - which can then be used in the quilt.  If you have any questions about what media you can use, please get a hold of me.

The project is to create a quilt made up of the squares sent in to me by Indigenous Peoples  who contribute a square depicting the theme.  Each block is to be about what you want to express regarding residential schools .  It can be about what you experienced, or it can be about how you have compassion for what others of Our Peoples went thru - whatever it is YOU want to share or express.  The quilt will hang at the National Research Centre on residential schools when it is established. All the blocks have to be in my hands by Aboriginal Day, June 21, 2008.

When you send your block in to me, Please include:

  1. a long or short story telling what your square is about,
  2. your name and address,
  3. your email address (if you have one) and
  4. your phone #. 

I may need to ask you something about your square and I would like to keep you informed about the progress of the quilt and maybe even be able to send you a picture of the completed quilt.

When your square is finished, please send it to:

Alice Olsen Williams
Curve Lake First Nation, ON
K0L 1R0

Should you want to get a hold of me, my phone # is (705) 657-3319.

My email is

For more information about me and my work:



Alice Olsen Williams, Quilter
Anishinaape of the Curve Lake First Nation in Ontario.