KO's e-Health team travels to conference in Vancouver to share telemedicine stories

Donna Williams, KOTM Program Manager and Penny Carpenter, K-Net's Business Manager traveled to Vancouver this week to attend the e-Health 2008: Extending the Reach conference.

This year’s conference theme, Extending the Reach provided a showcase of the progress being made in advancing the e-health agenda. 

From the conference web site at http://www.e-healthconference.com/ 

Every jurisdiction in the country, every type of care setting, even patients in their homes, are reaping the benefits of technology-enabled solutions that are allowing for more effective, and timely provision of quality care and system Management.

e-Health 2008 provided:

  • An excellent conference program filled with practical experiences and lessons
    from those on the ground ‘at the coal face’
  • One of the largest e-Health tradeshows in Canada
  • Social event/networking opportunities
  • A Canadian Interoperability Showcase

Donna also took the opportunity to travel to Nanaimo to attend the opening of the Inter Tribal Health Authority e-Health program (http://www.intertribalhealth.ca/)