INAC officials visit Keewaytinook Okimakanak and Deer Lake First Nation

The Keewaytinook Okimakanak KNET team hosted a welcoming barbeque on Tuesday evening at the home of Jesse and Angie Fiddler for a team of INAC officials who arrived in Sioux Lookout.

Meetings are planned for Wednesday and Thursday to provide the visitors from Ottawa and Toronto with a overview of the programs and services that are being supported in the remote First Nations across northern Ontario.

The proposed schedule (as much as possible will be videoconferenced and webcast):

Tuesday, April 27 - barbeque and visiting at the Fiddler's

Wednesday, April 28

AM - Keewaytinook Okimakanak program and services

Traditional lunch with KO partners

PM - FNSSP ( partners

Evening - boat cruise and Meet and Greet session at Forest Inn

Thursday, April 29

AM - travel to Deer Lake First Nation, meet with Chief and Council

Lunch - hosted by Deer Lake School Grade 9 class

PM - meeting with KIHS classrooms and community programs

Evening - supper and tour

Scheduled guests includes:

  • Elinor Bradley, INAC Director Education, Ottawa headquarters
  • David Smith, INAC A/Senior Policy Manager Outreach, Community Infrastructure, Ottawa headquarters
  • Jimmy Fecteau, INAC Financial Advisor, CFO, Ottawa headquarters
  • Celine Hurtubise, INAC Account Manager, CIO, Ottawa headquarters
  • Jean-Paul Mbuya Mutombo, INAC Program and Evaluation Branch, Ottawa headquarters
  • Bernadette Wabie, INAC Ontario Region, Senior Education Officer, Brantford
  • Barry King, INAC Ontario Region, Financial Officer, Sioux Lookout
  • Dobi-Dawn Frenette, NAN Education Coordinator/Advisor
