Clerk of Privy Council looking at ICTs and infrastructure to support a modern workforce

From the Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa’s top bureaucrat says embrace 'Facebook' workers

By Kathryn May, April 11, 2010

OTTAWA — Canada’s top bureaucrat wants to retool the federal workplace and change how public servants work, where they work and even what they do.

Organizations awarded 20 local projects that support victims of crime in remote First Nations

Ontario press release

April 9, 2010

First Nations receive funding to develop wind farms - Ontario Sustainable Energy Association

Press release

People across the province embrace renewable energy - Contracts for green electricity awarded to communities, First Nations

Nominations for 2010 NAN Keewaywin Awards now being accepted!

Nishnawbe Aski Nation

2010 Keewaywin Awards


In recognition of outstanding achievements and dedication to the people of Nishnawbe Aski Nation

ONLINE Diabetes Prevention Conference in Your Community April 13-14, 2010

Chiefs of Ontario “Our Time, Our Health” 

Diabetes Prevention Conference

April 13th, 14th, 2010

Video Conference Schedule in Partnership with Keewaytinook Okimakanak 

All times listed in Central Daylight Time


Income gap between Aboriginal and non-native people continues to be a challenge


Income gap persists for aboriginal Canadians

April 8, 2010

Income disparity between aboriginal people and other Canadians is decreasing but remains "significant and troubling" and will continue for decades without government support, a new study suggests.

Ontario Trillium Foundation provides $2.5 million for Aboriginal communities and groups

Press release

$2.5 million in 29 OTF grants for Ontario Aboriginal communities and groups

April 7, 2010 

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is awarding $2,541,600 to 29 projects benefiting Aboriginal communities and community groups across Ontario. Funding represents $1,639,600 in Community grants made to 23 local eligible organizations and $902,000 in Province-Wide grants awarded to six larger or umbrella organizations whose projects will serve Aboriginal communities across the province.

Employment Opportunity at PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise

PARO invites applications for the position of Mentoring Coordinator

Employment Opportunity - KO Accounts Payable Clerk in Balmertown


Keewaytinook Okimakanak is seeking a self-motivated individual to perform the duties of an Accounts Payable Clerk in the Finance Department. This is a One (1) year contract term position to replace a leave.

Reporting to the Finance Manager, you will be responsible to assume the duties of the Accounts Payable Clerk as follows:

Overall management of vendor accounts including:

Residential school archives kept by churches proving to be difficult to access

From the Globe and Mail

Catholic church reluctant to release residential schools records

Privacy laws cited as negotiations continue with commission investigating abuse of Indian students

Ottawa — Apr. 06, 2010