FedNor Announcements Funding for NAN Telecom Projects

Formal announcements and press releases about a number of FedNor funded telecommunication projects have been posted on their web site. K-Net staff worked each of these projects to ensure the organizations and First Nations are able to participate and contribute to the ongoing development and support of the Kuh-ke-nah Network. The three announcements include: Eabametoong and Webequie First Nations to develop local broadband connectivity solutions - announced August 1, 2002 Wawatay Native Communications Society developing broadband connectivity - announced May 30, 2002 Shibogama First Nations Council supports Kasabonika, Kingfisher Lake, Wapekeka and Wunnumin Lake First Nations to get connected - announced January 22, 2002 All these announcements can be seen on the FedNor website under their press releases at http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/fn00849e.html