PPFHS Co-op adventure update - Home Sweet Home!

There's no place like home...

Firstly, sorry for not producing an update on Day 3, super busy!

Day 3:  Visited the Museum of Civilization, anyone know who the architect was?  Check out their website to learn more, I highly recommend it, we saw a rich collection of the history (artwork, tools, technology, etc) of the First Peoples' of Canada.  As a First Nations person you can not leave the place without feeling proud of what we have contributed to the country today.  We also stepped into a tornado, earthquake and volcano, well, okay, it was in IMAX format but still for some of us we did have to close our eyes.  Nature is amazing and we should not underestimate it.

Ottawa U, does anyone want to be a lawyer?  Well Matthew Angeconeb does, he joined us on a tour of Ottawa U and explained the benefits and struggles he is overcoming to reach his goal:  to use education to allow him to be a benefit/help to his people.  This NNEC post-secondary student is doing us proud-Way to go Matthew!

Treaty 9-Wow, what a presentation The National Archives Gallery put on for us, showing us the original treaty 9 document-very cool!  I never thought I would be able to take my students to see the original document that has impacted our lives.  This treaty and others, as well as photo's, artwork, globes, books, etc. is stored in Gatineau, QC in a state of the art building that cost, oh, 107 million dollars.

Supper, anyone?  What a treat to have Japanese food prepared right before your eyes, with the chef dicing, chopping right in front of you and then of course swoossshhh- a ball of flame.  I think we were all impressed and would go again.

Day 4:  Last Day?  Blueprints for the Future Conference, hosted by NAAF, go to www.naaf.ca for more details.  BFF is coming to Winnipeg in November, 2005, I highly recommend aboriginal youth attend.  It was a great conference, six-40 minute workshops, oh 800'ish aboriginal youth from across Canada under one roof. Waneek Horn, Water Polo Olympic Athlete (Mohawk) made us seriously consider what a friend is, a true friend that is, very appropriate message of encouraging aboriginal youth/society to hold one another up, stand up for one another, don't do anything to drag someone down.  Great stuff!  If anyone wants to learn more about BFF feel free to call me at PFFNHS, 807-737-1110.

The weather decided that we needed to spend an unexpected night in TO.  Ahhhh, why?

Day 5- We flew home on a corporate executive charter plane with AC, it was first class all the way.  Life is good!  Glad to be home and I'll try to post some pictures as soon as I can.

God bless, Desta.