Nodin CFI Deliver Art Therapy Via Telehealth

Nodin Child and Family Intervention Services delivered art therapy sessions utilizing the KO Telehealth private network to children in the remote First Nation Communities of Big Trout and Sandy Lake. Art Therapy is a therapeutic tool to support children with mental health needs. The sessions were extremely successful with positive comments regarding the sessions from all involved.

The Community Telehealth Coordinator's (CTC's) have an extremely important role in the delivery of successful sessions. The CTC contacts the patient/gaurdian regarding the appointment date and time, as well as, setting up the room and running the telehealth equipment. During the art therapy sessions the CTC's used the peripheral devices such as the document camera and the exam camera to allow the therapist to view the child drawing as well as zooming in on the completed art work.

Big Thanks go out to all involved in coordinating the sessions. The telehealth technology is definitely an asset to enhancing the health services of our remote First Nation Communities.