
October 28th, 2005

FedNor team effectively uses video conferencing to announce ICT program funding

Read the Sioux Bulletin coverage of this announcement at: (K-Net named regional champion in broadband and ICT infrastructure funding) and (People around the world recognize K-Net's expertise)

Six Members of Parliament from across Northern Ontario (from Huntsville in the Muskoka region to Sioux Lookout in the Kenora riding) met together this afternoon along with community groups to announce a new $10 million for the development of ICT applications that will use the broadband connections being established from the $10 million FedNor announcement last year for making sure that EVERY community in northern Ontario is connected to a broadband infrastructure. Along with this announcement funding for four regional champion organizations was also announced to support small communities to get the necessary broadband infrastructure in place.

Click here to see the pictures of Roger Valley, MP for Kenora Riding in the K-Net office in Sioux Lookout for the announcement. It was also mentioned during this announcement that Roger is now the northern Ontario caucus chair.

Video conferencing services were coordinated by Contact North who bridged the meeting that connected with the Kuhkenah Network (Sioux Lookout office) as well as bringing in MP Ken Boshcoff from the FedNor office in Ottawa. The use of video conferencing proved very successful, appropriate and significant for this particular announcement. Everyone got to see the value in bringing groups together from across the region.

From the FedNor press releases at ...

FedNor Announces Northern Ontario Broadband Champions and Information Technology Commitment

HUNTSVILLE, Ontario, October 28, 2005 —The Honourable Andy Mitchell, Minister of State (FedNor), together with Northern Ontario Members of Parliament linked by videoconference, today announced FedNor support of more than $1.8M ($1,820,775) to four regional non-profit organizations that will champion the development of broadband services and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) throughout Northern Ontario. The choice of the regional champions represents a significant step forward in the $10-million FedNor commitment, announced April 22nd, 2005, to bring broadband access to every community in Northern Ontario.

Minister Mitchell also announced that FedNor will commit a further $10 million in funding over the next three years to support applications that make effective use of the broadband network. Such applications could include distance education and videoconferencing, telehealth suites for distant patient consultations, Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) that store and distribute digital scans and X-rays, and online financial networking and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for local governments and emergency services.

“The selection of these regional champions continues FedNor’s efforts to extend broadband availability throughout Northern Ontario,” said Minister Mitchell. “As well, the commitment of $10 million to foster applications will make sure that this broadband access is put to the fullest and best possible use. Both these announcements demonstrate that the Government of Canada is dedicated to investing in technology that enhances the ability of all residents to interact, transact, learn, access critical information and services, and improve their economic and social well being.”

The four non-profit champion organizations selected through a competitive process are: the Blue Sky Economic Growth Corporation (BSEGC), serving an area from Manitoulin Island to North Bay, which will receive $499,675; the Northeastern Ontario Communications Network Inc.(NEOnet), serving Cochrane and Timiskaming Districts and west to Chapleau, which will receive $498,000; K-Net, the ITC division of Keewatinook Okimakanak Tribal Council, serving First Nations across Northern Ontario, which will receive $472,000; and the Muskoka Community Network (MCN), serving the Parry Sound and Muskoka area, which will receive $351,100. The champions will cooperate in making sure all currently unserviced communities, both within and outside their respective service areas, receive broadband access.

In each case, the regional champion will undertake a number of initiatives, including the identification of broadband gaps, support for ICT application initiatives, and the coordination of the development of broadband services in unserved or under-serviced areas. The champions will work with communities, governments and other organizations along with the private sector to develop cost-effective and sustainable broadband solutions capable of fostering education, health, government, and business applications. They will also assist communities and rural businesses without broadband access to install and deploy necessary infrastructure for backbone connections that bring the service to a community, referred to as Points of Presence (PoPs). It is estimated that slightly more than 75 communities in Northern Ontario currently have no access to broadband service.

The spread of broadband in Canada and Northern Ontario is helping businesses in smaller communities and remote areas enter the global economy, research market data and offer specialized products and services to a large marketplace.

In Northern Ontario, health networks such as the NORTH Network are accelerating the exchange of medical data between hospitals, clinics and doctors, and allowing consultations and patient diagnosis over vast distances. Additionally, FedNor has supported the implementation of Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) that store and distribute digital scans and X-rays in over 40 hospitals across Northern Ontario.

Since 1999, FedNor has contributed $49.6 million toward “connectedness” projects, including $23.1 million for telecommunications infrastructure and networking projects, and $26.5 million toward information and communications technology (ICT) applications, promotion and development. As well as working closely with the Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program (BRAND) and First Nations SchoolNet, FedNor itself in the last eight years has established Points of Presence serving more than 100 Northern Ontario communities.

Funding for this initiative was provided for in the February 2005 federal budget and is therefore built into the existing fiscal framework.

To find out more about FedNor, visit us at:

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For more information, please contact:

Graeme Wilkes
Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable Andy Mitchell
Minister of State (FedNor)
(613) 947-5850

David Frood
Communications Officer
(807) 766-1820 or 1 877 333-6673

October 27th

K-Net team explores the use of Ka-Band satellite services

As part of Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program, the K-Net team in Sioux Lookout now has a Ka-band system operating at the office. Initial tests are showing a 500Kb outbound capacity and 2M inbound as promised in the promotional material. The first unit installed at a First Nation school was in Kashechewan last month but there has been some challenges in keeping their unit operational. With a unit now located at the Sioux Lookout helpdesk, we hope to better support the schools that might get this equipment. Jamie Ray and John Moreau are testing and exploring this equipment and its support services to determine the best way to support the schools.

Click here is to see pictures of the present set up.

October 26th

KO Telehealth sustainability and evaluation teams review interim report findings

On Wednesday, October 19, the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth (KOTH) Sustainability Committee and the Evaluation Committee met together to review the findings from the KOTH Interim Report. Click here to see the news story about the release of the Interim Report for links to the entire report.

After the powerpoint presentation by Dr. John Hogenbirk, Dr. David Robinson from the Department of Economics at Laurentian University highlighted the value of this report with the statement, "We have done a very limited evaluation here ... The gold standard for evaluating something economically is cost benefit and that takes into account every benefit, every cost. What this evaluation has shown really is that if you just consider the travel costs, it pays the cost of setting up and running the system! ... The program is very justified at this point" .... Click here to see Dr. Robinson's comments.

Dr. John C. Hogenbirk, Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (CRaNHR), Laurentain University presented the powerpoint presentation describing the findings of the evaluation to date. Click here to watch this presentation.

Dr. Ricardo Ramirez, School of Environmental Design and Rural Development (SEDRD), University of Guelph, another lead researcher and author of this report also commented about the Interim evaluation report. Click here to hear his comments.

Andres Ibanez, the Masters graduate candidate who did a lot of the field work and data collection for this report also made some important observations. Andres is studying at the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development (SEDRD) at the University of Guelph. Click here to see his comments.

Click here to see the web page that contains links to this important meeting.

October 25th

Revival & Revelation services in Winnipeg, Manitoba


October 24th

An invitation to help build Canada's 21st century workforce

Colleges across Ontario are working together to share and gather information about how everyone understands the changes that are happening in the global workplace. They are inviting everyone to contribute their ideas about how our communities can best participate and prosper within this changing environment ....


"Ontario and Canada are undergoing seismic shifts in the workforce.

We face competition from growing economies like India and China and many Canadian jobs are being outsourced overseas. Rapidly changing technology is making many of today's work skills obsolete. At the same time, we face a shortage of skilled workers as more workers retire.

Canada's First Ministers and Prime Minister Paul Martin will be discussing these issues soon and it is critical that their conversation is informed and is focused on making changes that will benefit the economy and all Canadian workers.

We need your input - your thoughts and ideas about the challenges ahead.

Please read the attached discussion paper and take a few moments to answer the three questions at the end of the document. The results from this consultation will be presented to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and Prime Minister Martin. "

Click here to download a copy of the discussion paper (PDF document)

Click here to have your say (a short on-line form)

Neskantaga First Nation fall powwow 2005

Neskantaga First Nation 2nd  Sobriety Powwow 2005 

November 18 to 20, 2005

This powwow is to honor the people that live a sober and clean lifestyle!

Everyone is welcome to join the tribe and come share your stories, your songs.

  • Tipis will be provide upon arrival!
  • Bows and arrows will be provide for your meals! 
  • Other events will be announced later!

Please try to confirm your group/ community as early as possible for better arrangements.

Kitchi meequetch!! 

For more information please call Bill Mequanawap or ask for Aleck Ostamas at (807) 479 2530 or Klevin Moonias at (807) 479 2745

"Building Conflict Resolving Communities in the North" gathering - Sioux Lookout

The Sioux Lookout Anti-racism Committee's REsolve program is hosting a variety of activities during November including a conference in Sioux Lookout on November 16th entitled "Building Conflict Resolving Communities in the North". The conference will address programs and practices from communities across the north that deal with racism and discrimination through conflict resolution, restorative justice, celebrating diversity, relationship building, aboriginal awareness, youth recognition, etc.

REsolve is a Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee initiative charged with  building a Community Based Conflict Resolution Model for the town.  Wava Fox and Don DeGenova are working on this project together.  

REsolve's goal is to build and nurture a conflict resolving community where ultimately hurtful conflict does not exist.  A community that welcomes all people regardless of race, faith tradition, colour, disability, sex, age, language, political or other opinion, social origin or sexual orientation by providing a safe and secure community where all peoples can live, converse, work and travel without fear of discrimination, racism, bigotry, or prejudice in a community that embraces diversity by celebrating our differences, respecting our traditions and nurtures our commitment to each other.

In the project's early stages, it was soon realized that REsolve was likely to be precedent setting in that Sioux Lookout would be the first Canadian community of its size to adopt a CBCRM for all citizens.  On August 10th, REsolve announced a strategic partnership with the Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution (CICR) which put the project on the fast track.  CICR is offering Sioux Lookout years of experience in helping citizens build conflict resolving communities. 

For more information, contact

Don DeGenova, REsolve Project Manager OR
Wawa Fox, REsolve Coordinator
Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee
Sioux Lookout  807-737-7492


Update on the Jordan Jacko memorial walk and petition from Kenora

Steve Jacko ( wrote the following e-mail on Saturday (Oct 22) after his son's memorial walk in Kenora.


The walk on Saturday when very well !!!

There were a lot of people taking part with the walk (approx. 300 people).  Kenora's Mayor Dave Canfield and one of his Councillors Rory Mcmillian were present.  Canfield made a speech and talked about the safety of our children in school and was very supportive with the petition. Canfield has signed the petition along with his council.  Terry Greene and Nancy Morrison did the Opening Prayer for Jordan.  The Grassy Narrows Women (Drummers) sang the travelling song for Jordan Jacko at the Cemetery.  After the walk, we all went to the Travel Lodge Hall and had a lunch.

I had four people videoing taping the Walk. I will mail to Diane and she wil have played it on the Wiky TV.

Talk to you later.  I am very tired and going to sleep.
Take care
Right now I have at least  4, 000  signatures!!!  Hurray.

Steve Jacko
Box 654
Kenora, On
P9N 3X6
Kenora Home:   468- 4017
Cell:      466-7183


Public Appeal for Petition for Inquiry

Memorial Walk Planned for Oct 22 2005

October 18, 2005 – (Kenora, ON)   A public appeal and petition is being brought forward by Steve Jacko who has asked the Regional Coroner for an inquest into the tragic choking death of his and Shelley’s beloved son, Jordan.  The Regional Coroner in Thunder Bay has refused an inquest and Steve and Shelley have been encouraged to launch this appeal in the hope to have the inquiry process initiated and completed to assure other parents of children’s safety in the public school system.  

Steve and Shelley want to prevent further incidents of this from occurring by:

  • Ensuring all supervision staff, teachers, and support staff at schools are mandated to have First Aid and CPR training;
  • That lunch time supervision and emergency response is reviewed; and
  • That all other issues of question that arose from this incident are answered to the satisfaction of the general public accessing services from the public education system.

“Everyday across Ontario, we entrust our children to the schools they attend.  In our case, our son did not come home due to tragic events and it is our interest to help the school system identify positive solutions and action plans to protect all Ontario school children across the board.” says father Steve Jacko.

An online petition can be accessed by Ontario residents at:

The online petition has the 657 signatures of concerned residents who support the call for the inquiry as of this morning.  The deadline for the online petition is October 21 2005.  It is at this time the Jacko family wishes to obtain as many signatures as possible to raise awareness of this issue which should be of concern to all parents, grandparents and caregivers in Ontario to prevent further tragedy.

Memorial Walk for Jordan Jacko

A memorial walk is planned for Jordan Jacko on October 22 2005 at 1:00 pm, starting from the King George School to the Kenora Cemetery.

For more information please contact:

Steve or Shelley Jacko (807) 468 –4017 Cell (807) 466-7183

October 23rd

Nominations for Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Awards with NADF

Tomorrow is the deadline for nominating this year's Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Award.

SUBMIT A NOMINATION BY OCTOBER 24, 2005. Click here to download a copy of the nomination form.

The 15th Annual Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Awards is scheduled for November 30, 2005 at the Ballroom, Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Symposium - 5:30 to 6:15 -- Dinner - 6:30 pm followed by key-note address and awards ceremony.

Tickets are $90 ($84.11 plus GST $5.89) each or reserved tables of 10 for $810 ($757.01 plus GST $52.99)
Contact Colleen Martin at (807) 623-5397 or (800) 465-6821

Hosted by Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF), the event honours outstanding Aboriginal entrepreneurs, businesses, partnerships and organizations across Northern Ontario.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Annual Business Awards was established in 1990 by NADF to recognize the efforts of individuals, groups, and corporations that have worked hard to bring positive change to their communities through business ventures.  This annual event allows individuals to nominate businesses and business people who meet the eligibility criteria and fall into one or more of the award categories (see below).

Categories include:

  • Youth
  • Executive
  • Businesswoman
  • Businessman
  • Partnership
  • Development Corporation
  • Building Communities Award

October 21st

Supreme Court rules church shares responsibility for residential school abuses

From CBC News - Last Updated Fri, 21 Oct 2005

Ottawa not fully liable for residential school claims: Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled Friday that Ottawa should not be held fully liable for damages suffered by students abused at a church-run school on Vancouver Island.

INDEPTH: Residential Schools Timeline

The court also said charities such as the United Church of Canada cannot claim immunity from damage claims because they try to do good work.

"Parties may be more or less vicariously liable for a wrong depending on their level of supervision and direct contact," said the unanimous ruling in the case known as Blackwater v. Plint.

RELATED: A Lost Heritage: Canada's Residential Schools

The United Church carried out most of the day-to-day operations at Port Alberni Indian Residential School, where six aboriginal students claimed they were abused by a dormitory supervisor from the 1940s to the 1960s. The federal government appointed the school's principal and owned the land on which the building was located.

Originally, a British Columbia judge said vicarious responsibility for the students' physical, sexual and mental abuse should be split 75-25 between the federal government and the church. The provincial Court of Appeal then ruled that Ottawa held 100 per cent vicarious liability for damage claims by the former students.

Friday's ruling restored that portion of responsibility to 75 per cent, assigning 25 per cent of the liability to the United Church of Canada.

As employer, church had no immunity

The Supreme Court said people who worked at the school were employed by the United Church of Canada, so the church must accept some responsibility for their actions.

The justices rejected the B.C. Court of Appeal finding that the United Church held charitable immunity from vicarious responsibility in the case.

"Exempting non-profit organizations when government is present would not motivate such organizations to take precautions to screen their employees and protect children from sexual abuse," the ruling said. "The presence of the government does not guarantee the safety of children, particularly where, as in this case, the non-profit organization has day-to-day management of the institution."

Lead claimant to get $200,000

As a result of the decision, the United Church will have to pay one quarter of roughly $200,000 in damages awarded to the lead claimant in the case, Frederick Leroy Barney.

The ruling has implications for other Canadian churches that ran residential schools for native students throughout the 20th century, including the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Presbyterian churches.

Many religious organizations have warned that having to pay damages in abuse cases will leave them severely short of funds, meaning they may have to sell off church buildings and restrict operations.

AFN Press Release on this ruling - OTTAWA, Oct. 21, 2005

Supreme Court Blackwater v. Plint Decision Re-Affirms Federal Government's Liability in Residential Schools Cases

The National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations acknowledged the Supreme Court of Canada' decision today in Blackwater v. Plint, commonly known as the Barney case.

The decision, written by Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, reaffirmed that the federal government and the church are both individually and jointly liable for damages in residential schools cases. A plaintiff in the Barney case can recover 100% of his losses against either the federal government or the church. If the federal government compensates a plaintiff in full, it can, if it wishes, recover 25% of its payment from the church.

"Today's decision confirms our belief that the federal government must now accept 100% liability for the tragic circumstances of the residential schools," stated National Chief Phil Fontaine. "While churches may have run many of the schools, they did so at the behest of and with the approval of the Crown. Ultimately, the federal government established the residential schools, was in a supervisory position for the schools, and is responsible for what happened at the schools. The Supreme Court affirmed the trial judge's finding in Barney that the federal government was actually in a better position that the church to supervise the situation and prevent the loss. This Supreme Court's decision makes it clear that the government has no excuse for not paying damages in legal actions on residential schools."

The National Chief also reiterated his call for the Government of Canada to move swiftly to settle residential schools claims in a fair, just and expedient manner.

"We prefer negotiation over litigation when it comes to resolving this tragic legacy of the residential schools, but it is increasingly clear that there is going to be resolution one way or another," stated the National Chief. "The abuses many of us faced, as well as the loss of our languages, cultures and sense of community, affect us not only as individuals but as First Nations as a whole. There is a clear need for compensation, reconciliation and truth-sharing, but it must be done soon, because the average age of survivors is nearing 60 and the effects on our lives and communities continue to this day. There will be a First Ministers Meeting on Aboriginal Issues at the end of November. We want to talk about the future, and this compels us to resolve this outstanding legacy of the past so we can move forward together. The time to debate is over. We need resolution now."

The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.


For further information: Don Kelly, AFN Communications Director, (613) 241-6789 ext. 320, cell.: (613) 292-2787; Ian McLeod, AFN Bilingual Communications Officer, (613) 241-6789 ext. 336, cell.: (613) 859-4335; Nancy Pine, Communications Advisor, Office of the National Chief, (613) 241-6789 ext. 243, cell.: (613) 298-6382