Nominations for Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Awards with NADF

Tomorrow is the deadline for nominating this year's Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Award.

SUBMIT A NOMINATION BY OCTOBER 24, 2005. Click here to download a copy of the nomination form.

The 15th Annual Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Awards is scheduled for November 30, 2005 at the Ballroom, Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Symposium - 5:30 to 6:15 -- Dinner - 6:30 pm followed by key-note address and awards ceremony.

Tickets are $90 ($84.11 plus GST $5.89) each or reserved tables of 10 for $810 ($757.01 plus GST $52.99)
Contact Colleen Martin at (807) 623-5397 or (800) 465-6821

Hosted by Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF), the event honours outstanding Aboriginal entrepreneurs, businesses, partnerships and organizations across Northern Ontario.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Annual Business Awards was established in 1990 by NADF to recognize the efforts of individuals, groups, and corporations that have worked hard to bring positive change to their communities through business ventures.  This annual event allows individuals to nominate businesses and business people who meet the eligibility criteria and fall into one or more of the award categories (see below).

Categories include:

  • Youth
  • Executive
  • Businesswoman
  • Businessman
  • Partnership
  • Development Corporation
  • Building Communities Award