Update on the Jordan Jacko memorial walk and petition from Kenora

Steve Jacko (steve.jacko@gmail.com) wrote the following e-mail on Saturday (Oct 22) after his son's memorial walk in Kenora.


The walk on Saturday when very well !!!

There were a lot of people taking part with the walk (approx. 300 people).  Kenora's Mayor Dave Canfield and one of his Councillors Rory Mcmillian were present.  Canfield made a speech and talked about the safety of our children in school and was very supportive with the petition. Canfield has signed the petition along with his council.  Terry Greene and Nancy Morrison did the Opening Prayer for Jordan.  The Grassy Narrows Women (Drummers) sang the travelling song for Jordan Jacko at the Cemetery.  After the walk, we all went to the Travel Lodge Hall and had a lunch.

I had four people videoing taping the Walk. I will mail to Diane and she wil have played it on the Wiky TV.

Talk to you later.  I am very tired and going to sleep.
Take care
Right now I have at least  4, 000  signatures!!!  Hurray.

Steve Jacko
Box 654
Kenora, On
P9N 3X6
Kenora Home:   468- 4017
Cell:      466-7183


Public Appeal for Petition for Inquiry

Memorial Walk Planned for Oct 22 2005

October 18, 2005 – (Kenora, ON)   A public appeal and petition is being brought forward by Steve Jacko who has asked the Regional Coroner for an inquest into the tragic choking death of his and Shelley’s beloved son, Jordan.  The Regional Coroner in Thunder Bay has refused an inquest and Steve and Shelley have been encouraged to launch this appeal in the hope to have the inquiry process initiated and completed to assure other parents of children’s safety in the public school system.  

Steve and Shelley want to prevent further incidents of this from occurring by:

  • Ensuring all supervision staff, teachers, and support staff at schools are mandated to have First Aid and CPR training;
  • That lunch time supervision and emergency response is reviewed; and
  • That all other issues of question that arose from this incident are answered to the satisfaction of the general public accessing services from the public education system.

“Everyday across Ontario, we entrust our children to the schools they attend.  In our case, our son did not come home due to tragic events and it is our interest to help the school system identify positive solutions and action plans to protect all Ontario school children across the board.” says father Steve Jacko.

An online petition can be accessed by Ontario residents at:


The online petition has the 657 signatures of concerned residents who support the call for the inquiry as of this morning.  The deadline for the online petition is October 21 2005.  It is at this time the Jacko family wishes to obtain as many signatures as possible to raise awareness of this issue which should be of concern to all parents, grandparents and caregivers in Ontario to prevent further tragedy.

Memorial Walk for Jordan Jacko

A memorial walk is planned for Jordan Jacko on October 22 2005 at 1:00 pm, starting from the King George School to the Kenora Cemetery.

For more information please contact:

Steve or Shelley Jacko (807) 468 –4017 Cell (807) 466-7183