KO Telehealth sustainability and evaluation teams review interim report findings

On Wednesday, October 19, the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth (KOTH) Sustainability Committee and the Evaluation Committee met together to review the findings from the KOTH Interim Report. Click here to see the news story about the release of the Interim Report for links to the entire report.

After the powerpoint presentation by Dr. John Hogenbirk, Dr. David Robinson from the Department of Economics at Laurentian University highlighted the value of this report with the statement, "We have done a very limited evaluation here ... The gold standard for evaluating something economically is cost benefit and that takes into account every benefit, every cost. What this evaluation has shown really is that if you just consider the travel costs, it pays the cost of setting up and running the system! ... The program is very justified at this point" .... Click here to see Dr. Robinson's comments.

Dr. John C. Hogenbirk, Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (CRaNHR), Laurentain University presented the powerpoint presentation describing the findings of the evaluation to date. Click here to watch this presentation.

Dr. Ricardo Ramirez, School of Environmental Design and Rural Development (SEDRD), University of Guelph, another lead researcher and author of this report also commented about the Interim evaluation report. Click here to hear his comments.

Andres Ibanez, the Masters graduate candidate who did a lot of the field work and data collection for this report also made some important observations. Andres is studying at the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development (SEDRD) at the University of Guelph. Click here to see his comments.

Click here to see the web page that contains links to this important meeting.