
October 31st, 2006

Wasaya Airways LP adds adds new Beech 1900 to fleet for 21 aircrafts

Wasaya press release ...


Thunder Bay, Ontario -- Monday, October 30, 2006

Wasaya Airways LP is proud to announce the purchase of another Raytheon Beech 1900D. The aircraft will be arriving in Thunder Bay on Wednesday, November 1st at the Wasaya Airways Hangar at the Thunder Bay airport.

As part of Wasaya Airways’ ongoing commitment to provide modern, state-of-the-art aircraft, we are very pleased with this acquisition of a new Beech 1900 to be utilized in our Passenger Service routes,” said Tom Morris, President & CEO of Wasaya Airways LP

The Raytheon Beech 1900D is a modern, twin-turbine, pressurized passenger aircraft which is configured for spacious airline-line style seating, accommodating 1 to 18 passengers. The 1900D is an exceptional aircraft for business travel and is a popular choice for many of Wasaya Airways' private and public sector customers

The Beech 1900D translates from pavement to gravel easily, due to the on-board, anti-skid modifications which allows for commercial operation into areas that would not normally be served by other aircraft in its class.

Wasaya relies on this option in order to provide an economical means of air service to our diverse customer base, without compromising our high standards for safety.

Dean Woloschuk, the Director of Passenger Services explained that the addition of this aircraft will add over 600 seats weekly to Wasaya’s capacity, and will be focused on the airline’s highest demand markets - allowing the Sioux Lookout base to offer additional charter availability and service.

“This acquisition will also add to the launch of our enhanced schedule, being implemented in early November,” said Morris. “We have always listened to our customers to help serve them better, and we always try to be first in addressing the concerns of our passengers.”

Wasaya’s passenger fleet is the most modern of any air carrier in Northwestern Ontario, and all of our aircraft offer two key features: they are suited to operate in northern climates and on shorter gravel runways.

Raising grandchildren becoming more common for First Nation grandparents


First Nations grandparents increasingly taking charge of grandchildren

Michelle McQuigge, Canadian Press - Sunday, October 29, 2006

TORONTO -- On Feb. 12, 2005, Connie Johnson sent her husband out to cruise Ottawa's downtown streets in search of her five-year-old granddaughter.

She had just gotten word that Maggie was in the care of her drug-addicted mother, in direct violation of orders from the Children's Aid Society.

Hours later, Johnson's husband found Maggie at a Salvation Army shelter and opened a new chapter in the Inuk girl's life.

Maggie became one of thousands of First Nations children to permanently fall under the care of grandparents who had previously thought their child-rearing days were behind them.

"I had thought all this was in my past," said Johnson, a 70-year-old mother of three. "I never expected to have to do this again."

Johnson's situation is far from unique, according to research conducted at the University of Toronto.

One study states the number of Canadian grandparents raising children under the age of 18 jumped 20 per cent between 1991 and 2001.

While the trend is evident across all ethnic groups, research shows that Canada's First Nations population is most affected by the trend.

Esme Fuller-Thompson, an associate professor of social work at the University of Toronto, said 17 per cent of all caregiving grandparents are of First Nations origin.

"This was easily more than five times the numbers you'd expect to find given the population," she said.

While Fuller-Thompson said it's difficult to pinpoint why aboriginals are so over-represented in the study, she said cultural beliefs and history play a key role.

"There's certainly a strong sense that the First Nations population is very committed to passing on their cultural heritage," she said, adding that residential school experiences strengthened the desire to preserve aboriginal values.

Fuller-Thompson also cited the long-held tradition of deferring to elders for wisdom and guidance, saying that grandparents have historically cared for younger children while their parents tried to support the family.

Today, however, Fuller-Thompson and other researchers found children are usually driven into their grandparents' homes when their parents succumb to substance abuse Johnson said Maggie's mother, who grew up in an Inuit community, began using drugs when the child was only six-months-old.

Maggie lived with her father but frequently spent weekends with her grandparents when Dad did not want to watch over her.

By the age of five, Maggie had become the subject of two separate investigations by the Children's Aid Society after both her kindergarten teacher and staff at her school began to suspect abuse.

Johnson herself became concerned about the way Maggie's father was raising his only child, eventually growing to fear his violent temper, and finally deciding to report her own son to the Children's Aid Society.

"I knew if he came to the door, I wouldn't be able to let him in because of fear, which is very painful," she said.

Maggie has not seen either of her parents since last year, and among the many struggles Johnson now copes with is the emotional strain of watching her granddaughter mourn parents who have abandoned her.

"She would cry, and almost sort of wail ... for her mother and father," she said.

"She would usually go hide somewhere, and you couldn't approach her. ... It was really, really heartbreaking to hear her and know there was nothing you could do."

Another of Johnson's major challenges is coming up with enough money to raise a child.

The Ontario government provides caregiving grandparents with $221 a month plus two $50 handouts with which to buy school supplies and winter clothes.

In contrast, foster parents receive $50 a day to raise their children.

While research shows most provinces have begun to endorse kinship care, only British Columbia offers equal financial support for grandparents and foster parents.

Some provinces, such as Ontario and Alberta, are revisiting their kinship care policies and may provide additional support to struggling grandparents.

"We recognize that in many cases, the best option for the child may be to be placed with an extended family member like a grandparent, but we also realize that those options need to be viable," said Chris Carson, a spokesman from the Ontario Ministry of Children's Services.

"We have policy work underway to make sure that we provide the support that grandparents need to make those options as viable as possible."

While Johnson would welcome financial relief, she said the emotional toll that comes with raising Maggie is her most demanding problem.

She starts many days in tears fearing she is no longer up to the challenge of raising a child with serious behavioural issues, and laments the loss of quality time with her husband, children, and other grandchildren.

She fears that at age 70, her good health may give out at any time, leaving her incapable of raising a girl who needs love and stability above all else.

And she lives in dread of the day when her granddaughter will be able to fully understand the degree to which her parents rejected her.

Family Services Thunder Bay to address challenges facing local workforce

Press Release ...

Thunder Bay, ON:  How do local businesses maintain a healthy and resilient workforce while faced with the challenges of increased economic pressures? These and other issues will be confronted at the Northwestern Ontario Work and Wellness Conference, unveiled today by Family Services Thunder Bay. The theme of the conference is “Survive and Thrive: Promoting Resiliency in your Workplace” and will feature key note speakers Nora Spinks and Dr. Louise Hartley at the Valhalla Inn on March 6th and 7th 2007.

It was also announced that Family Services Thunder Bay will unveil its own new organizational image at the conference; the result of a re-branding and marketing strategy currently being developed thanks to Ontario Trillium Foundation funding.

Says Nancy Chamberlain, Executive Director of Family Services Thunder Bay: “Maintaining a high level of organizational wellness is directly linked to workplace productivity, yet is becoming less of a priority in today’s economic climate for employers. Employers and employees participating in the conference will gain practical strategies on how to reduce incidents of stress and sick leave within the workplace and how to create more healthy working environments. It is proven that healthy workplaces make for more prosperous businesses, happier families and as a result, stronger communities.” 

Areas for discussion at the 2007 Work and Wellness Conference include topics such as: substance use in the workplace, the use of workplace computers, bringing nutrition to work, leadership and management styles, managing work and balancing family time, amongst other organizational work wellness practices.   

Continues Nancy Chamberlain: “We are also excited about revealing our new Family Services brand and moving forward with an image that better represents our wide range of programs, which includes community counseling as well as corporate development services.

For more registration information contact: Family Services Thunder Bay at: 807-684-1880, email: or visit:


Keynote speaker Nora Spinks is President of Work-Life Harmony Enterprises, an international consulting and training firm based in Toronto.  For more than 20 years, Nora has been providing leadership to leading corporations, governments, labour and community groups on work-life issues by focusing on creating supportive work environments, strengthening families and building healthy communities.

Keynote speaker Dr. Louise Hartley is Vice President of Employee and Organizational Health at Family Services Employee Assistance Programs in Toronto.  FSEAP pioneered Employee Assistance Programming in Canada in 1975 and now provides services to more than 400,000 employees across the continent. Over the past 29 years, Dr. Hartley has developed expertise in the field of organizational development that includes both individual and team interventions designed to build healthy work environments.

Media Contact: 

Lisa Kokanie, Firedog Communications
Tel: 807-767-4443, Fax: 807-767-4479, Cell: 807-624-7868 Email:

AFN National Chief comments on the Native Fiscal Imbalance

From The Globe and Mail 30/10/06 Commentary

The Native Fiscal Imbalance - PHIL FONTAINE

The recent report of the federal ombudsman for inmates reveals the shocking overrepresentation of First Nations peoples in Canada's justice system, and the systemic discrimination against them in that system. The Sapers report testifies to the urgent need to address Canada's greatest social injustice: poverty among First Nations peoples.

The justice system is but one area where First Nations are suffering disproportionately. More than 27,000 First Nations children are in the care of child-welfare agencies: Indian and Northern Affairs reported a 70 per cent increase in child welfare cases from 1995-2003. The key reason for taking children into care is physical neglect due to poverty. A direct link exists between the number of First Nations youth (40 per cent) who are incarcerated and those in the child-welfare system.

Despite the strong evidence showing the continuum between poverty and these social conditions, the federal government has no comprehensive plan to effect change. Correctional Services' own statistics confirm that, despite years of task-force reports, internal reviews, national strategies and partnerships, there has been no measurable improvement in the overall situation of aboriginal offenders over the past 20 years. This is much the same finding that the Auditor-General of Canada reported in her five-year review of programming for First Nations released in May.

Next month will mark the 10-year anniversary of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Canada has failed to respond to that commission's report. The only meaningful follow-up was the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and the first ministers accord on aboriginal issues reached last November in Kelowna, B.C. And yet the Conservative government claims that the $5.1-billion accord was not secured and could not be included in the 2006 budget. Recently, a majority of members of Parliament voted in favour of implementing the accord, testifying that it was indeed an agreement between the Ottawa, provinces, territories and First Nations governments.

The federal government says it is acting on a more concrete plan, such as safe drinking water. But the 21 remedial action plans promised for high-risk First Nations communities have not been completed since the spring announcement.

Instead, the Conservative government recently announced the $13.2-billion federal surplus will be applied to the federal debt, with no opportunity for debate. The funds for the first ministers accord could have been found in this surplus, and $12-billion could still have been applied to the debt.

Meanwhile, Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice has publicly said that $9.1-billion is spent on aboriginals. But this figure relates to all aboriginal peoples in Canada (1.4 million), compared to 750,000 First Nations peoples. The $9.1-billion, if broken down according to the First Nations population, shows a serious fiscal imbalance. Per capita spending on First Nations is half the amount for average Canadians.

Spending on First Nations through core federal programs is capped annually at rates lower than inflation and population growth. The Auditor-General has reported that, from 1999-2004, funding increased by only 1.6 per cent, excluding inflation, while the population increased by 11.2 per cent.

This contrasts dramatically with Canada Health and Social Transfers, which are growing at 6.6 per cent annually and will increase by 33 per cent from 2004 to 2009. Even though First Nations population figures are included in calculating CHST amounts, provinces and territories are not accountable for spending on First Nations, and some explicitly exclude, through legislation or policy, First Nations living on-reserve.

So how can this injustice be remedied?

To ensure a productive and competitive Canada, First Nations must have equal opportunities, a fair fiscal framework and real self-government for real self-sufficiency.

Only through a comprehensive plan supported by real investments can First Nations finally and forever break free from the prison of poverty.

Phil Fontaine is national chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

October 30th

Aboriginal artists celebrated as modern day warriors and changemakers


Artists hailed as First Nations changemakers 

Grania Litwin, Times Colonist - Sunday, October 29, 2006

The role of the indigenous artist is that of a warrior, says Victoria writer and First Nation's philosopher Taiaiake Alfred.

"The definition of a warrior is one who struggles to make change in life, but also maintain the visual connection to our selves," said the eloquent orator.

The Mohawk, who moved here from Montreal, spoke at the Victoria International Arts Symposium yesterday, and gave the Indigenous art session keynote address.

He said "warrior artists" battle the culture of dependence, victimization and path of self destruction that many First Nations people are on and are, in some cases, "better leaders than the leaders."

The academic said that thanks to colonialism, having been taken from their land and having others' will, religion and beliefs imposed on them, "we have not been given the freedom to live life as our ancestors did, in relation to the world and each other."

But painters, filmmakers, singers, writers, dancers, carvers and artists of other kinds are helping "us recover our true selves."

Alfred, who is director of Indigenous Governance Programs and the Indigenous People's Research Chair at the University of Victoria, said disconnection is the greatest crisis facing First Nations and results in psychological discord, anger and aggression. The value of the artist today is in helping us reconnect to self, to each other, to the land, traditional stories and our ancestors' teachings.

"I'm not talking about buckskin, beads and feathers, but our authentic selves. I'm talking about people who keep us strong and vibrant . . . by offering wisdom and guidance."

The discussion panel included local carver Tony Hunt, storyteller Tim Tingle, from the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and Vancouver filmmaker Loretta Todd, who were asked: How do we navigate in a world that is increasingly conservative, celebrity driven, and assaulting us with information?

"By finding a way to integrate the constant downloads that stop us being attentive," Todd answered.

Artists, like warriors, can make sense of knowledge and make space for silence," Todd said. "This does not mean emptiness, but implies being in the moment when you bring all your experience to bear."

She noted the best hunter-gatherers today are those who can assemble and analyze knowledge.

Master carver and hereditary Kwakiutl nation chief Tony Hunt, whose totems stand in dozens of cities around the world from Mexico to Japan, said artists are those who record history. He was taught to carve by Mungo Martin at Thunderbird Park from 1952 to 1962 and passed on his knowledge to 150 others.

"The legacy of poles is stories, and being an artist-warrior means to spread a form of friendship and peace . . . history and understanding.

"The tradition we carry on today is more than 10,000 years old, but how weak it was in the 1950s. How dangerous it would have been if Mungo Martin had not taught me."

Tingle sees this as a strong and powerful time, during which virtues of listening and hard work are critical. "Through art you can tell everything," he said, noting any external journey is a journey of introspection.

Community Arts Centre Gallery curator Paul Scrivener said the cultural resurgence among First Nations people is a wonder to behold. "It's the return of the sacred."

Eel Ground FN school invites teens and staff to share stories about Teenage Stress

The Eel Ground students and school staff invite everyone to contribute and participate in this Nation-wide discussion on "Teenage Stress" via videoconferencing on Tuesday, November 21.

We are soliciting presentations from First Nation schools and organizations and hope to have national input and discussions. In short, interesting presentations are in special demand! Please contact Peter MacDonald (, principal of Eel Ground School, to notify him of any content that you would like to share.

Testing of all content (powerpoint, digital video, songs) and participating sites will be done 24 hours in advance, on Monday the 20th.

October 28th

Anti-racism committee hires new Business Manager in Sioux Lookout

Press Release from SLARC ...

Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee announces new Business Manager

Sioux Lookout, October 18, 2006 – The Executive Committee of the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee (SLARC) announced today that SLARC has hired Jennifer Morrow of Sioux Lookout as their new Business Manager.  Jennifer, who has extensive experience in community-based fundraising and non-profit sustainability, will head up SLARC’s five-year business plan to secure sustainable funding for the 15 year old organization.

Morrow’s plan is to build a stable and multi-faceted source of support for the organization so that SLARC’s programs can continue and grow.

“My first job will be to establish a Business Planning Advisory Team,” says Morrow. “They will work with me to envision where we want SLARC to be in five years, and how we’re going to raise the financial resources to get there.”

Developing new partnerships will be key to broadening SLARC’s funding base.

“We are very excited to welcome Ms. Morrow to SLARC,” said Terry Lynne Jewell, Executive member. “She has the exact combination of skills we are looking for to make a difference to our organization”.

Ms. Morrow has worked in fundraising, communications, training, and land use planning with a variety of organizations including First Nations, the Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority, NNEC, and several environmental organizations including Moving the Economy and Pollution Probe.

“I’m thrilled to be working for SLARC,” said Morrow, who moved to Sioux Lookout in 2003 after working in Bearskin Lake First Nation on resource development and land use planning.  “SLARC has been around since 1989 and is practically synonymous with Sioux Lookout. I can’t think of a better way to contribute to the town.”

SLARC coordinates and organizes numerous annual community events including the Bannock Bake-Off, Sioux Mountain Music and Cultural Festival, Multicultural Feast, and Race Relations Week. Its ongoing programs reach most of the community and include REsolve Conflict Resolution Training, Piskapiiwin camps and the Youth Empowerment program.

Several years ago SLARC lost a consistent source of funding due to changes in government funding criteria.  The board has scrambled to keep its numerous dynamic programs afloat in the interim.

For further information, contact:

Terry Lynne Jewell, Secretary   737-2831
Jennifer Morrow, Business Manager 737-4901

85 King St. 2nd Floor
Box 1194
Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1B7
1-807-737-1501 (main office)
1-807-737-2600 (fax)
1-877-737-5272 (toll-free) (e-mail) (website)

INAC announces millions for existing programs and services - "no new dollars"

Over this past week there have been a series of press releases from INAC concerning millions of dollars being invested in First Nations across Quebec. A press release from the AFN Regional Chief clarifies, "We did not witness this week a significant change in the attitude of the federal government, who contented itself, allowing for exceptions, to reinvest moneys which had already been announced some time ago. We received nothing new".


The Regional Chief hails the First Nations Socioeconomic Forum as a "success" - "Our future rests on a joint management" - Ghislain Picard

     MASHTEUIATSH, Oct. 27 /CNW Telbec/ - The Regional Chief of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL), Mr. Ghislain Picard, and the Chief of Council of the Innus of Mashteuiatsh hail this first Socioeconomic Forum of the First Nations as a success, in spite of the very little concrete gestures by the governments of Quebec, Canada and the civil society. "The First Nations attended their Forum in a large number and worked hard to bring out consensus of actions. We come out of this Forum with a common action plan and a common vision of the First Nations' future. From now on, we will increase our efforts towards the achievement of the goals we have set and lead the other governments into supporting our initiative", declared Ghislain Picard at the conclusion of the Forum's proceedings.

     Among other things, the leaders of the First Nations clearly indicated today their intention of putting the territorial rights issues at the height of their priorities. "To us, it's clear that the socioeconomic development of the First Nations goes through the access to territories and its resources.
Our future rests on a joint management", explained Chief Picard. "The future that we have envisioned today is one of a harmonious cohabitation between the aboriginal nations and the Quebec nation who share a common territory", added Chief Dominique.

     Very little pledges from the governments

     "We did not witness this week a significant change in the attitude of the federal government, who contented itself, allowing for exceptions, to reinvest moneys which had already been announced some time ago. We received nothing new", declared Ghislain Picard, underlining in particular the refusal of the federal government to support the objective to build 10 000 houses over the next five years.

     As for the Quebec government, the Regional Chief saluted the presence of the Premier and several ministers who made some significant announcements during the Forum. "However, it is crucial to initiate a dialogue on the more fundamental issues, since Quebec is now holding the key to the access to resources, which represents the only solution path for our peoples", declared Ghislain Picard.

     "During these three days, we have sown a few seeds. Some of these seeds will certainly begin to form and bear fruit before long. Even in not very fertile grounds, it's possible to believe that a seed can bear fruit", concluded the Regional Chief, Ghislain Picard.

     The Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador is the regional organization representing the Chiefs of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador.


/For further information: Alain Garon, Communication and Information Officer, Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador, (418) 842-5020, Cellular: (418) 956-5720/


One of several press releases from INAC ...

Canada's New Government announces over $88 million in initiatives and investments at Socio-economic Forum in Quebec

     MASHTEUIATSH, QC, Oct. 27 /CNW Telbec/ - The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, reiterated the commitment made to advance the goals of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples in Quebec and Labrador by Canada's New Government at the First Nations Socioeconomic Forum, which ended today. During the conference, the federal government announced more than $88 million in initiatives and investments to benefit First Nations, Metis and Inuit people in these regions.

     "Canada's New Government is committed to making progress on Aboriginal issues, and working with provincial, territorial and Aboriginal leaders to improve opportunities that will deliver real results," Minister Prentice said.

"As a government we are focussing our initiatives on empowering individuals and communities; accelerating efforts to settle land claims; promoting on-the-job training, skills development and entrepreneurship; and laying the groundwork for responsible self-government."

     "The announcements the Government of Canada has made at this important event are symbolic of the willingness that we all share to work together to improve quality of life and to promote prosperous, sustainable communities," said Minister Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

     During the Forum, the federal government announced several initiatives and investments, including three significant commitments that will advance the future of Aboriginal peoples in Quebec and Labrador, as follows:

     - Quebec is also receiving $38.2 million through the Off-Reserve Aboriginal Housing Trust, set up in the Federal Budget to support investments to increase the supply of rental housing and enhance home ownership opportunities for Aboriginal Canadians living off-reserve.

     - A financial contribution of $3.8 million to the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT) for its First Nations Building project, by Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.

     - The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the First Nations Education Council (FNEC) and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), supported by the sum of $150,000 from INAC to implement the objectives of the MOU.

     "The federal government is proud to contribute to the unique university First Nations Pavillon project," said the Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of Labour. "This investment will have long term benefits as it will increase the opportunity and access to higher learning for First Nation students."

     Mr. Steven Blaney, MP, Lévis-Bellechasse, and Special Representative for the government, stated: "I am very proud to have received this mandate from Minister Prentice. I have attended all the working sessions of the Socio-economic Forum, and I have heard the concerns expressed by the First Nations representatives. The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of working together in forums such as this one to bring about lasting solutions."


/For further information: Deirdra McCracken, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, (819) 997-0002/

Job opportunities in Thunder Bay Aboriginal organizations (Oshki and ONWA)

Attached is a list of courses being offered in January 2007. If interested in applying, submit your resume at:

Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute
106 Centennial Square, 3rd Floor
Thunder Bay, ON
P7E 1H3
FAX: 807-622-1818

Oshki-Pimache-O-Win requires instructors for the following courses for the Winter 2007 session:

First Nations Business Administration Certificate

  • Spreadsheet Management
  • Mathematics of Finance
  • Introduction to Marketing II
  • Managerial Accounting
  • FN Human Resources Management I
  • First Nations Funding Agreements

Aboriginal Community Services Worker Program

  • Promoting the Needs of Elders
  • Crisis Intervention and Response Planning
  • Understanding Mental Illness and Treatment
  • The Human Body
  • Health Administration
  • Approaches to Wellness for Women

Native Early Childhood Education

  • Introductory Computer Skills
  • Methods 1
  • Child Growth & Development 1
  • Field Practicum/Seminar 1
  • Interpersonal Communications
  • Introduction to Ojibway
  • Introduction to Cree



The Receptionist is to provide day-to day support and assistance the staff of Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute. The Receptionist will receive functional direction from the Finance & Administrative Officer.

  1. To organize and maintain up-to-date filing system, telephone directory and other materials.
  2. Answer incoming calls, acknowledge and accommodate public inquiries for information on Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute, and provide information requested or direct calls to the requested person and take messages when necessary.
  3. A basic understanding of MS Office products would be helpful in this role.
  4. Provide general administrative and support services as required.

This position will be in the afternoons from 12:00 pm to 4:00pm daily from Monday to Friday.

To submit resume send or drop off at:
106 Centennial Square, 3rd Floor
Fax:  807-622-1818


Ontario Native Women’s Association
212 East Miles Street, Thunder Bay ON P7C 1J6
1-800-667-0816 or 807-623-3442;   Fax: 807-623-1104
General Email:;

Position: AHWS Communications & Admin Support Intern

Reports To: Community Development Support Worker; Executive Director
Program: Youth Intern  
Term: 3 month probation; one year;
Hours of Work: 35 hours weekly; Monday – Friday, with occasional flex hours required;
Salary Rate: $12.50 - $13.00 per hour;

Mandatory Qualifications: Candidate must meet admissions criteria of funding source (Youth Intern) which is as follows:

  • Unemployed or under-employed youth (under the age of 30) who have graduated with a degree or diploma from a post secondary institution within the last three years, are legally entitled to work in Canada, and not previously employed under a Youth Internship Initiative funding Agreement.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Excellent communication skills (verbal & written); Creative writing and design skills an asset;
  • Strong working knowledge of computer software programs, including: Word, Publisher; Excel; Outlook; Internet, Ability to create in-house newsletters and promotional material;
  • Good organizational skills and ability to multi-task; Ability to work independently and follow instructions;
  • Knowledge and familiar with basic office procedures, such as: courteous telephone techniques; operation of standard office equipment; data entry; filing; business correspondence;
  • Understanding and appreciate for Aboriginal Cultural Traditional values and beliefs;
  • A criminal reference check will be required;

General Accountability: Full Job Description Available upon request.

The AHWS Communications & Admin Support Intern is employed by the Ontario Native Women’s Association and is under the direct supervision and reports to the Community Development Support Worker (CDSW); is accountable to the Executive Director, adheres to all policies and procedures set forth by the volunteer Board of Directors and notifies supervisor of any deviations &/or recommendations for improvement.

Duties include but not limited to: Assist with design, development and distribution of ONWA AHWS program promotional materials; including but not limited to brochures, newsletters, pamphlets; Assist with the planning, marketing, coordination and scheduling of Community Outreach/ Networking initiatives; Provides administrative clerical support services as required,

Start Date:  As soon as position is filled.

Applicant Deadline: Submit cover letter, resume, three employment references and sample of promotional material by 9:00 am Monday, November 6, 2006 to:

Hiring Committee –  Youth Intern
Ontario Native Women’s Association
212 East Miles Street; Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1J6
Fax: 807-623-1104 or Email:


Position: Health Policy Analyst (HPA)
Reports To: Executive Director
Program: Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy  
Term: 3 month probation; annually renewal upon successful completion of job responsibilities;
Hours of Work: 35 hours weekly; Monday – Friday, with occasional flex hours required;
Salary Rate: $45,000 - $50,000 annually; plus benefits package after probation period;

Preferred Qualifications:

  1. A university degree or college diploma in Political Studies, Health &/or Social Services; OR acceptable combination of education, training and min. 3 years work experience as Political advocate/ policy analyst;
  2. Thorough understanding and knowledge of current Health issues facing Aboriginal Elders, women and children will be a priority;
  3. Excellent communication skills (verbal & written); Ability to advocate on behalf of Aboriginal women in Ontario; Proven track record in government proposal writing and reporting;
  4. Strong organizational skills; Demonstrated self-confidence and ability to complete tasks/ lead projects independently; Ability to work within tight deadlines and stressful situations
  5. Knowledge of policy analysis, family healing, health care development, including legislative changes;
  6. Strong interpersonal and supervisory skills; Ability to delegate and ensure follow thru;
  7. Solid working knowledge of Outlook, Word, Excel; Publisher; Internet;
  8. Experience working with a Not for Profit Aboriginal organization and established network within Health field and Aboriginal community;
  9. A criminal reference check will be required;

General Accountability: Full Job Description Available upon request.

The Health Policy Analyst (HPA) reports and is accountable to the Executive Director, adheres to all policies and procedures set forth by the volunteer Board of Directors and supervises Community Wellness Workers (CWW) in three (3) community sites;

The HPA will be responsible to address the broader areas of family violence and health policy and programming; will identify/ determine existing and emerging health and wellness concerns with Aboriginal communities particularly related to the reduction of family violence, primary health care, health promotion and illness prevention. The HPA will be required to consult with community groups; draft correspondence, position papers, project proposals, work-plans, reports and will be required to represent the Association at regional &/or government committees/ tables.

Applicant Deadline: Submit cover letter, resume and three employment references by 9:00 am Monday, November 6, 2006 to:

Hiring Committee – Health Policy Analyst
Ontario Native Women’s Association
212 East Miles Street; Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1J6
Fax: 807-623-1104 or Email:

October 26th

Kasabonika Wins 2 NAN Business Awards in Timmins!


Guests who attended the 16th NAN Business Awards on Wednesday evening, October 25th in Timmins saw Kasabonika win 2 business awards. Other winners are listed below in the newspaper article ...


'Executive of the Year' Award went to Deputy Chief Eno H. Anderson for all his hard work and leadership in economic development, business development, and infrastructural renewal as Kasabonika Lake First Nation rebuilds its' community for future growth. Major sponsor was Bearskin Air.'Building Communities' went to Kasabonika Lake First Nation in recognition of the turnaround the community has taken to come out of Co-Management after many years and enter surplus territory for the first time in a long time. Band members, leaders, Elders, and Youth sacrificed over many years before being able to constuct many new facilities, enter business agreements, and develop mutually beneficial relationships with private sector companies and government ministries and departments. Major sponsor was CMHC.



Aboriginal entrepreneurs recognized at awards cermony - Chelsey Romain - Thursday, October 26, 2006

In 1991, The Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Awards began recognizing the businessman and businesswoman of the year with awards.

Today, the awards are presented for the achievement of Aboriginals in business in eight different categories.

On Wednesday representatives and award winners travelled to Timmins from First Nation communities spread across the large land mass that makes up the area known as Treaty No. 9.

"It's a time to recognize and celebrate Aboriginal achievement," said Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF) chairwoman Madeline Commanda .

"(It's also) inspiring existing entrepreneurs and business leaders in our communities," she said.

Those nominated for awards, were nominated by people who felt the entrepreneurs had made a positive contribution to their community; had demonstrated a commitment to their community, while having ethical business thinking and ran a successful, and well-managed business with sound financial management and success.

Stan Kapashesit and Jay Monture have been in the mobile DJ service in Moose Factory for 10 years, but have been partners in Solstice Production for four years.

Last year, the duo took home the youth entrepreneur award and this year were given the Partnership of the Year award.

"We basically took our hobby and turned it into a small business," said Monture.

"But I'm glad there are these kinds of awards to recognize small businesses."

Solstice Productions offers professional sound and lighting services to the Moosonee and Moose Factory area. Thanks to new equipment Kapashesit and Monture were able to obtain two large contracts this past summer which included Creefest 2006 and the National Cree Gathering in Moose Factory.

For Paul Kataquapit, it was an "interesting and nerve-wracking" experience as he picked up the award for Youth Entrepreneur of the Year.

Three years ago Kataquapit's father handed over full ownership and financial responsibility to Kataquapit and since then he has managed to expand the business allowing him to pursue larger contracts and projects.

"All the hard work paid off today," said Kataquapit, whose sister Janie won the same award two years ago. "It gives me more confidence and it recognized all my hard work."

Two years after the awards began, the event also became a fundraiser for the Dennis Franklin Cromarty Memorial Fund. Cromarty was a Grand Chief and president of the NADF. Today the fund provides bursaries to Aboriginal students furthering their education.

The Daily Press is a major sponsor of the awards.

"No question these businesses have done very well," said NADF president and chief executive officer Harvey Yesno. "They work in small communities where their market is the community. For them to succeed in that environment is incredible."

NADF helps with a number of areas when it comes to Aboriginal entrepreneurs, including helping with the start up, securing business financing and offering support services once the business is operating.

Yesno explained how over the years recipients of the awards have gone on either to corporate positions or have expanded their businesses to other communities, proving Aboriginal businesses are just as capable and credible as other small businesses.

"People are happy to hear other people have been successful," said Yesno. "Often it encourages people and we hope to keep at it. We need success stories and that's what's happening here."

The Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Awards take place every year, rotating between the communities of Timmins and Thunder Bay.

Winners of the 16th annual Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Awards announced on Wednesday:

  • Youth Entrepreneur of the Year: Paul Kataquapit, Kataquapit Freight Service  
  • Businessman of the Year: Dan Villars, Dan's Backhoe o/a Cut-Rite Firewood  
  • Businesswoman of the Year: Diane Lacouciere, Mountjoy Variety  
  • Executive of the Year: Eno H. Anderson  
  • Partnership of the Year: Stan Kapashesit and Jay Monture, Solstice Productions  
  • Development Corporation of the Year: Bamaji Lake Economic Development Corporation  
  • Building Communities Award: Kasabonika Lake First Nation  
  • NeeChee Achievement Award: WLON Distribution Ltd.