Anti-racism committee hires new Business Manager in Sioux Lookout

Press Release from SLARC ...

Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee announces new Business Manager

Sioux Lookout, October 18, 2006 – The Executive Committee of the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee (SLARC) announced today that SLARC has hired Jennifer Morrow of Sioux Lookout as their new Business Manager.  Jennifer, who has extensive experience in community-based fundraising and non-profit sustainability, will head up SLARC’s five-year business plan to secure sustainable funding for the 15 year old organization.

Morrow’s plan is to build a stable and multi-faceted source of support for the organization so that SLARC’s programs can continue and grow.

“My first job will be to establish a Business Planning Advisory Team,” says Morrow. “They will work with me to envision where we want SLARC to be in five years, and how we’re going to raise the financial resources to get there.”

Developing new partnerships will be key to broadening SLARC’s funding base.

“We are very excited to welcome Ms. Morrow to SLARC,” said Terry Lynne Jewell, Executive member. “She has the exact combination of skills we are looking for to make a difference to our organization”.

Ms. Morrow has worked in fundraising, communications, training, and land use planning with a variety of organizations including First Nations, the Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority, NNEC, and several environmental organizations including Moving the Economy and Pollution Probe.

“I’m thrilled to be working for SLARC,” said Morrow, who moved to Sioux Lookout in 2003 after working in Bearskin Lake First Nation on resource development and land use planning.  “SLARC has been around since 1989 and is practically synonymous with Sioux Lookout. I can’t think of a better way to contribute to the town.”

SLARC coordinates and organizes numerous annual community events including the Bannock Bake-Off, Sioux Mountain Music and Cultural Festival, Multicultural Feast, and Race Relations Week. Its ongoing programs reach most of the community and include REsolve Conflict Resolution Training, Piskapiiwin camps and the Youth Empowerment program.

Several years ago SLARC lost a consistent source of funding due to changes in government funding criteria.  The board has scrambled to keep its numerous dynamic programs afloat in the interim.

For further information, contact:

Terry Lynne Jewell, Secretary   737-2831
Jennifer Morrow, Business Manager 737-4901

85 King St. 2nd Floor
Box 1194
Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1B7
1-807-737-1501 (main office)
1-807-737-2600 (fax)
1-877-737-5272 (toll-free) (e-mail) (website)