Family Services Thunder Bay to address challenges facing local workforce

Press Release ...

Thunder Bay, ON:  How do local businesses maintain a healthy and resilient workforce while faced with the challenges of increased economic pressures? These and other issues will be confronted at the Northwestern Ontario Work and Wellness Conference, unveiled today by Family Services Thunder Bay. The theme of the conference is “Survive and Thrive: Promoting Resiliency in your Workplace” and will feature key note speakers Nora Spinks and Dr. Louise Hartley at the Valhalla Inn on March 6th and 7th 2007.

It was also announced that Family Services Thunder Bay will unveil its own new organizational image at the conference; the result of a re-branding and marketing strategy currently being developed thanks to Ontario Trillium Foundation funding.

Says Nancy Chamberlain, Executive Director of Family Services Thunder Bay: “Maintaining a high level of organizational wellness is directly linked to workplace productivity, yet is becoming less of a priority in today’s economic climate for employers. Employers and employees participating in the conference will gain practical strategies on how to reduce incidents of stress and sick leave within the workplace and how to create more healthy working environments. It is proven that healthy workplaces make for more prosperous businesses, happier families and as a result, stronger communities.” 

Areas for discussion at the 2007 Work and Wellness Conference include topics such as: substance use in the workplace, the use of workplace computers, bringing nutrition to work, leadership and management styles, managing work and balancing family time, amongst other organizational work wellness practices.   

Continues Nancy Chamberlain: “We are also excited about revealing our new Family Services brand and moving forward with an image that better represents our wide range of programs, which includes community counseling as well as corporate development services.

For more registration information contact: Family Services Thunder Bay at: 807-684-1880, email: or visit:


Keynote speaker Nora Spinks is President of Work-Life Harmony Enterprises, an international consulting and training firm based in Toronto.  For more than 20 years, Nora has been providing leadership to leading corporations, governments, labour and community groups on work-life issues by focusing on creating supportive work environments, strengthening families and building healthy communities.

Keynote speaker Dr. Louise Hartley is Vice President of Employee and Organizational Health at Family Services Employee Assistance Programs in Toronto.  FSEAP pioneered Employee Assistance Programming in Canada in 1975 and now provides services to more than 400,000 employees across the continent. Over the past 29 years, Dr. Hartley has developed expertise in the field of organizational development that includes both individual and team interventions designed to build healthy work environments.

Media Contact: 

Lisa Kokanie, Firedog Communications
Tel: 807-767-4443, Fax: 807-767-4479, Cell: 807-624-7868 Email: