INAC announces millions for existing programs and services - "no new dollars"

Over this past week there have been a series of press releases from INAC concerning millions of dollars being invested in First Nations across Quebec. A press release from the AFN Regional Chief clarifies, "We did not witness this week a significant change in the attitude of the federal government, who contented itself, allowing for exceptions, to reinvest moneys which had already been announced some time ago. We received nothing new".


The Regional Chief hails the First Nations Socioeconomic Forum as a "success" - "Our future rests on a joint management" - Ghislain Picard

     MASHTEUIATSH, Oct. 27 /CNW Telbec/ - The Regional Chief of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL), Mr. Ghislain Picard, and the Chief of Council of the Innus of Mashteuiatsh hail this first Socioeconomic Forum of the First Nations as a success, in spite of the very little concrete gestures by the governments of Quebec, Canada and the civil society. "The First Nations attended their Forum in a large number and worked hard to bring out consensus of actions. We come out of this Forum with a common action plan and a common vision of the First Nations' future. From now on, we will increase our efforts towards the achievement of the goals we have set and lead the other governments into supporting our initiative", declared Ghislain Picard at the conclusion of the Forum's proceedings.

     Among other things, the leaders of the First Nations clearly indicated today their intention of putting the territorial rights issues at the height of their priorities. "To us, it's clear that the socioeconomic development of the First Nations goes through the access to territories and its resources.
Our future rests on a joint management", explained Chief Picard. "The future that we have envisioned today is one of a harmonious cohabitation between the aboriginal nations and the Quebec nation who share a common territory", added Chief Dominique.

     Very little pledges from the governments

     "We did not witness this week a significant change in the attitude of the federal government, who contented itself, allowing for exceptions, to reinvest moneys which had already been announced some time ago. We received nothing new", declared Ghislain Picard, underlining in particular the refusal of the federal government to support the objective to build 10 000 houses over the next five years.

     As for the Quebec government, the Regional Chief saluted the presence of the Premier and several ministers who made some significant announcements during the Forum. "However, it is crucial to initiate a dialogue on the more fundamental issues, since Quebec is now holding the key to the access to resources, which represents the only solution path for our peoples", declared Ghislain Picard.

     "During these three days, we have sown a few seeds. Some of these seeds will certainly begin to form and bear fruit before long. Even in not very fertile grounds, it's possible to believe that a seed can bear fruit", concluded the Regional Chief, Ghislain Picard.

     The Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador is the regional organization representing the Chiefs of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador.


/For further information: Alain Garon, Communication and Information Officer, Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador, (418) 842-5020, Cellular: (418) 956-5720/


One of several press releases from INAC ...

Canada's New Government announces over $88 million in initiatives and investments at Socio-economic Forum in Quebec

     MASHTEUIATSH, QC, Oct. 27 /CNW Telbec/ - The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, reiterated the commitment made to advance the goals of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples in Quebec and Labrador by Canada's New Government at the First Nations Socioeconomic Forum, which ended today. During the conference, the federal government announced more than $88 million in initiatives and investments to benefit First Nations, Metis and Inuit people in these regions.

     "Canada's New Government is committed to making progress on Aboriginal issues, and working with provincial, territorial and Aboriginal leaders to improve opportunities that will deliver real results," Minister Prentice said.

"As a government we are focussing our initiatives on empowering individuals and communities; accelerating efforts to settle land claims; promoting on-the-job training, skills development and entrepreneurship; and laying the groundwork for responsible self-government."

     "The announcements the Government of Canada has made at this important event are symbolic of the willingness that we all share to work together to improve quality of life and to promote prosperous, sustainable communities," said Minister Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

     During the Forum, the federal government announced several initiatives and investments, including three significant commitments that will advance the future of Aboriginal peoples in Quebec and Labrador, as follows:

     - Quebec is also receiving $38.2 million through the Off-Reserve Aboriginal Housing Trust, set up in the Federal Budget to support investments to increase the supply of rental housing and enhance home ownership opportunities for Aboriginal Canadians living off-reserve.

     - A financial contribution of $3.8 million to the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT) for its First Nations Building project, by Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.

     - The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the First Nations Education Council (FNEC) and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), supported by the sum of $150,000 from INAC to implement the objectives of the MOU.

     "The federal government is proud to contribute to the unique university First Nations Pavillon project," said the Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of Labour. "This investment will have long term benefits as it will increase the opportunity and access to higher learning for First Nation students."

     Mr. Steven Blaney, MP, Lévis-Bellechasse, and Special Representative for the government, stated: "I am very proud to have received this mandate from Minister Prentice. I have attended all the working sessions of the Socio-economic Forum, and I have heard the concerns expressed by the First Nations representatives. The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of working together in forums such as this one to bring about lasting solutions."


/For further information: Deirdra McCracken, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, (819) 997-0002/