
February 3rd, 2009

Matrimonial Real Property Rights on Reserves legislation being re-introduced by INAC minister

INAC press release ...

Government of Canada Reintroduces Legislation to Provide Matrimonial Real Property Rights on Reserves

Ottawa, Ontario --(Feb. 2, 2009) - The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Metis and Non-Status Indians, today reintroduced the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act legislation addressing the issue of matrimonial real property on reserves.

Kenora lawyer thinks First Nations require "postracial style of politics" to gain power in Canada

From the Globe and Mail

Why Canada has to wait for its Obama moment

JEFF ROBERTS - February 2, 2009

Many Canadians shared in the sweet sense of pride as they watched the first black U.S. President take his oath of office. That moment, still lingering, symbolized an opportunity for Americans to feel free of their racial demons.

February 2nd

The importance of Indigenous Education supporting a different approach to the world's survival

An essay from First Nations House  

Can Indigenous Education Save the World?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
By Deborah McGregor

I have been giving this subject much thought recently, particularly as my 12-year-old son queries me about the discrepancy between what he is learning in school about Aboriginal Peoples and what he experiences in his life as a First Nations person.

January 31st

INAC minister tells audience to take advantage of the economic stimulus now

From The Star Phoenix

Take advantage of stimulus: Strahl

Luke Simcoe, The StarPhoenix - January 31, 2009

Indian Affairs and Northern Development Minister Chuck Strahl had five words Friday for those contemplating taking advantage of the Conservative government's new spending incentives: "Use it or lose it."

January 30th

Indian Residential School's Truth and Reconciliation Commissioners resign for fresh start of work

Joint Statement of Truth and Reconciliation Commissioners Claudette Dumont-Smith and Jane Morley

We announce today with sadness our intention to resign as Commissioners of the Indian Residential School Truth and Reconciliation Commission, effective June 1, 2009.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak and DMTS partnering to bring mobile cell services into remote First Nations

Keewaytinook Okimakanak is partnering with DMTS to support the development and operation of cellular phone services in the remote First Nations across NAN. These community owned cellular systems will be able to access the same services described in the following DMTS press release.

DMTS press release 


Dryden, Ontario – January 13, 2009 – Dryden Municipal Telephone System (DMTS) operating Dryden Mobility announced today it will operate a GSM network in Northern Ontario.

January 29th

Indian Residential School Truth and Reconciliation session in Sioux Lookout on Feb 13

The Community Coalition for Healing and Reconciliation
Invites everyone to

Let the Dialogue Begin
Residential Schools – From Legacy Toward Healing

With guests

  • Aideen Nabigon, Executive Director, Truth and Reconciliation Commission

  • Jim Morris, Executive Director, Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority

Friday February 13
7 PM
Sunset Room, Sunset Inn

Ontario operating new DIGITAL ONTARIO website for sharing stories and resources

New Digital Ontario Website:

Dear Colleague,

Over the course of recent discussions, workshops and conferences on broadband in Ontario, many of our partners and stakeholders from across academia, the ICT industry, rural communities and small businesses have noted the need for a Website through which to share documents and ideas, and collaborate on issues relating to broadband promotion and use.

January 28th

TVO discussing economic development in First Nations during stop in Thunder Bay on Feb 8

TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin will be in Thunder Bay February 8 and 9 for the fourth stop in its On the Road tour to meet Ontarians and discuss the changing nature of our province’s regional economies. While in Thunder Bay, The Agenda will be exploring Ontario’s Aboriginal economy.