Creating a telecom policy agenda - an online resource "...and Communications for All?"

From New America Foundation ...  

...and Communications for All?
A Telecommunications Policy Agenda for the Obama Administration

Over the past year, the Future of American Communications (FACT) Working Group, composed of sixteen telecommunications scholars from eleven American universities, has been putting together a communications policy agenda for the next administration. On January 26th, they released the culmination of their work, a volume titled ...and communications for all: A Policy Agenda for a New Administration. An executive summary of the book can be found here.

The group's research and analysis covers a broad range of communication policy challenges facing the new administration, directly addressing issues like media ownership, universal broadband, protecting teenage privacy, and revamping competition in broadband markets.

Please use the links below to watch the event as broadcast live by C-SPAN, :

C-SPAN, Part I

FCC Commissioner Adelstein's keynote and Professor Schejter's welcome can also be viewed by clicking on the links to these highlights. 

01/26/2009 - 10:00am
01/26/2009 - 1:00pm
New America Foundation
1630 Connecticut Ave NW 7th Floor

Washington, 20009

United States

See map: Google Maps


Sascha Meinrath
Research Director
Open Technology Initiative
Wireless Future Program, New America Foundation


Hon. Jonathan Adelstein
Commissioner, FCC

Amit Schejter
Co-Director, Institute for Information Policy
Assistant Professor, College of Communications
Pennsylvania State University

Panel I 11:00 a.m
FACT Working Group A

Competition and Investment in Wireline Broadband
Marvin Ammori
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Nebraska - Lincoln

U.S. Cable TV Policy: Managing the Transition to Broadband
Richard D. Taylor
Palmer Chair and Professor of Telecommunication Studies
Co-Director, Institute for Information Policy
Pennsylvania State University

America's Forgotten Challenge: Rural Access
Sharon Strover
Chair and Philip G. Warner Regents Professor
Department of Radio-Television-Film
Director, Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute
University of Texas

The Future of E-Rate: U.S. Universal Service Fund Support for Public Access
and Social Services
Heather E. Hudson
Director of the Communications and Technology Management Program
School of Business Administration
University of San Francisco

Panel II 12:00 p.m.
FACT Working Group B

A Spectrum Policy Agenda
Jon M. Peha
Professor, Department of Engineering and Public Policy
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Director of the Center for Wireless and Broadmand Networking
Carnegie Mellon University

The Way Forward for Wireless
Rob Frieden
Professor and Pioneers Chair in Cable Telecommunications
Pennsylvania State University

Public Service Media 2.0
Ellen P. Goodman
Professor of Law
Rutgers School of Law - Camden

Creating a Media Policy Agenda for the Digital Generation
Kathryn Montgomery
Professor, School of Communication
American Univeristy

Amit Schejter
Co-Director, Institute for Information Policy
Assistant Professor, College of Communications
Pennsylvania State University