
July 12th, 2009

Funding from Ontario approved for new Community Centre in Mishkeegogamang First Nation

Ontario press release

New Community Centre For First Nation - McGuinty Government Supports New Facility In Mishkeegogamang

July 9, 2009

Residents of Mishkeegogamang First Nation will soon be able to hold community and regional gatherings, sporting events and other social events at a new community centre.

July 10th

Upcoming Conference in Thunder Bay - Aboriginal Health Care: Creating a Healing Infrastructure


Aboriginal Health Care:Creating a Healing Infrastructure


Connecting Rural Canadians program requesting broadband information from First Nations

The first phase of the Broadband Canada: Connecting Rural Canadians program, mapping verification process, began July 6th.

Industry Canada (IC) is inviting Canadians to tell them about their Internet access.

Canadians can find their location on a map of Canada and from there they will be directed to a summary information page which will tell them if, according to IC information, that location has broadband Internet access.

July 9th

Ontario's New Relationship Fund investing $9.5M in 105 First Nations

Ontario press release

Stronger First Nation Communities, Stronger Economy
July 8, 2009 4:30 PM

McGuinty Government Helps Build Technical Skills and Expertise

Ontario is providing 105 First Nations with the resources they need to strengthen their communities, build their local economies and play an active role in Ontario's prosperity.

July 8th

Angus Toulouse continues as Regional Chief of Chiefs of Ontario after re-election

COO Press release

Batchewana First Nation (July 8, 2009)- Regional Chief Angus Toulouse was re-elected to serve another 3 years by the Chiefs in Assembly at the All Ontario Chiefs Conference in Batchewana.

Gov't plans speedy development in First Nations, boost business loans & opportunities

From Globe and Mail

Ottawa pushes plan to boost native economy

Grappling with aborignal poverty and exploding population, Tories vows to boost business loans, provide more government contracts and speed development on reserves

Jul. 08, 2009 -  OTTAWA BUREAU CHIEF

July 7th

Nishnawbe Aski Nation extending deadline for nomination the 2009 Keewaywin Awards

Nishnawbe Aski Nation is extending the deadline for nomination the 2009 Keewaywin Awards and is trying to get the message out to the communities.

Please submit your nominations using the form below.

Info is also available at 


Lac Seul First Nation hosting Youth Empowerment Conference July 21 - 23

Lac Seul First Nation Youth Council presents:

Youth Empowerment Conference 

July 21, 22, 23rd, 2009


Frenchman's Head

Adam Beach
Fara Palmer

July 6th

Canadian Youth Assembly Logo Contest to highlight organization's goals

From the Canadian Youth Assembly website:   


CYA Logo Contest


The Canadian Youth Assembly is a federal non-profit organization that has three major focuses: education, volunteerism and creating dialogue. 

Tax exemption for First Nation members working off-reserve under attack by Revenue Canada

The OI Group ( recently sent its former employees the following sample BCR and support letter that indicates that their court efforts to protect tax emeption for status Indians working for them has been exhausted. A letter was drafted and sent to the Minister of Revenue Canada (see below) ...


WHEREAS: Section 35 of the repatriated Constitution of Canada confirms that Aboriginal and Treaty Rights are recognized and affirmed; and,