Angus Toulouse continues as Regional Chief of Chiefs of Ontario after re-election

COO Press release

Batchewana First Nation (July 8, 2009)- Regional Chief Angus Toulouse was re-elected to serve another 3 years by the Chiefs in Assembly at the All Ontario Chiefs Conference in Batchewana.

“It is an honour for me to serve as Regional Chief and I look forward to continuing my service to the First Nations peoples in Ontario,” said Regional Chief Toulouse. “First Nations leadership in Ontario want significant changes and improvements for their peoples and communities through implementation of their treaty rights based on their treaty relationships with the Crown”

Through the open and transparent traditional leadership process applied by the Chiefs in Assembly, Angus Toulouse was selected to the position of Regional Chief. Other candidates vying for the position included Bentley Cheechoo and Larry Jourdain. Regional Chief Toulouse will be serving his second term as Regional Chief after being initially selected in 2005.

The All Ontario Chiefs Conference will continue until Thursday, July 9 with discussions on a range of issues including Resource Revenue Sharing, Treaty implementation and strategies to deal with the H1N1 risks faced by First Nations communities.


For more information, please contact:
Roger Jones
Chiefs of Ontario