
August 10th, 2009

Investing in First Nation education and social well-being shown to save gov't billions in report

The Effect of Increasing Aboriginal Educational Attainment on the Labour Force, Output and the Fiscal Balance

Prepared for the Educational Branch of Indian and North Affairs Canada | By the Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS) - May 2009

From the Executive Summary

August 8th

August 9 - International Day of the World's Indigenous People - how are you celebrating


International Day of the 
World's Indigenous People

Ontario Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy final report of Phase III Longitudinal Study

Phase lll - LONGITUDINAL STUDY - Final Report
Joint Management Committee Approved, March 25, 2009

Click here to download a copy of the 165 page report

August 7th

Ontario First Nation leaders support Nishnawbe Aski Nation in their struggle against Bill 191

COO press release

First Nation Leadership Across Ontario Support Nishnawbe Aski Nation in Protecting Their Homelands

August 6, 2009

Toronto, ON – Angus Toulouse, Ontario Regional Chief joined Stan Beardy, Grand Chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) at a Rally at Queen’s Park today to condemn the Government of Ontario’s proposed legislation on land-use planning in the Far North, Bill 191: the Far North Act.

August 6th

Tributes honouring Mi'kmaq activist, Donald Marshall after his death is announced

AFN press release ...

National Chief Pays Tribute to late Donald Marshall

     OTTAWA, Aug. 6 /CNW Telbec/ - National Chief Shawn Atleo expressed sorrow at this morning's passing of Donald Marshall, a Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq activist who made an enormous contribution in advancing First Nations rights.

August 5th

Conference - Aboriginal Health Care: Creating a Healing Infrastructure in Thunder Bay

Aboriginal Health Care: Creating a Healing Infrastructure
September 17 & 18, 2009
Victoria Inn
555 W. Arthur St., Thunder Bay

Chair: Dr. Cynthia Wesley–Esquimaux
The Centre for Aboriginal Initiatives, University of Toronto

August 4th

"10 Years of Teaching our Children" Powwow - Deer Lake Head Start Celebrates!!

"10 Years of Teaching our Children" Powwow

Deer Lake Head Start Celebrates 10 years of Excellence in Early Childhood Development.

Deer Lake First Nation

August 21-22, 2009

First Nation youth traveling to Toronto to join Bill 191 protest rally at Queen's Park

NAN press release 

NAN "youth train" to join Bill 191 rally at Queen's Park

     THUNDER BAY, ON, July 31 /CNW/ - Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Stan Beardy is announcing that a group of NAN First Nation youth will journey by train to Toronto to tell Dalton McGuinty that he is wrong to impose Bill 191, the Far North Act, on them and future generations as well as to present the Standing Committee on General Government with a petition reinforcing their opposition.