First Ministers agree to better process for progress on First Nations issues in Regina

AFN press release

First Ministers agree to better process for progress on First Nations issues

     OTTAWA, Aug. 6 /CNW Telbec/ - Newly elected National Chief Shawn Atleo forged an important consensus among First Ministers at a meeting of the Council of Federation yesterday. Atleo was attending the Council of the Federation meeting in Regina along with Premiers from all Provinces and Territories and representatives from other National Aboriginal Organizations. National Chief Atleo brought forward specific recommendations and encouraged all Premiers to take important steps to demonstrate leadership, commitment and solid outcomes.

     This meeting represents the sixth consecutive time that the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) has participated in the Council of the Federation. National Chief Atleo encouraged the Premiers to take this engagement further and to commit to a process to develop interests, sustain and track progress in between meetings.

     National Chief Atleo encouraged every jurisdiction to work cooperatively to address the long list of outstanding interjurisdictional issues including H1N1, funding social programs and lands and resources issues.

     According to National Chief Atleo, "In order to look forward we must ensure that we all shoulder the collective responsibility, bring forward the required leadership, investment and accountability to all of the people of Canada. We are all Treaty people and we all share in this land. We must dedicate ourselves to the clear processes and outcomes that enable us to fulfill this important role and function as the Canadian federation."

     At the conclusion of meeting, on behalf of the Council of the Federation, Premier Wall announced the formation of an Aboriginal Affairs Ministers Working Group to begin working immediately to develop issues and interests towards a proposed First Ministers Meeting in November 2010. This commitment represents significant agreement with a principal recommendation brought forward by the Assembly of First Nations.

     National Chief Atleo expressed his appreciation for this support and commitment to ensure that this process is efficiently designed and effectively executed to maximize outcomes for every First Nation across Canada. "We will begin a concerted effort to fully engage all of our people and all of our communities in this important opportunity. We must and we will lead this effort ensuring that our Treaties and agreements are fully implemented and our governments respected and supported. As I have said, I believe this is our time, a time for Indigenous peoples to come together in recognition and respect to lead the change needed for all people to live sustainably and in harmony. Today's meeting gives me added hope and optimism that we are on the right track."

     The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.


/For further information: During this transitional period media enquiries should be directed to; Robert Simpson, (778) 991-1407;  Chantelle Krish, (778) 990-9544/


From the Globe and Mail

Premiers sound alarm on flu threat

Brian Laghi - Regina, Aug. 05, 2009

Premiers and aboriginal leaders are urging swift and deep co-operation among all levels of government to deal with a flu threat that one leader says is careening toward Canada like a “truck coming around a corner.”

Provincial and territorial leaders gathered for their annual summer meeting Wednesday seized with the need to find ways to beef up education programs, co-operate on vaccine purchases and prepare hospitals for a potential influx of patients. Manitoba Premier Gary Doer said dealing with an H1N1 pandemic could cost up to $1-billion.

“We have to prepare, I believe, as Canadian leaders working with Parliament, as if there is an H1N1 truck coming around the corner with serious implications for the health of many Canadians,” he said, calling the threat the most important issue facing the leaders at their talks.

“We're all in this together,” he added.

After a meeting with aboriginal leaders, Saskatchewan's Brad Wall noted that native Canadians are particularly vulnerable. Overcrowding on reserves makes it easier for the flu to spread, and remoteness and lack of simple supplies such as hand-washing liquid are causing anxiety.

The premiers and aboriginal leaders also demanded that all levels of government avoid jurisdictional squabbling in responding to the potential crisis.

Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief Shawn Atleo said Canada's natives want government assistance and money.

“In effect, we're asking for help to make sure the most vulnerable of our population – the indigenous peoples of this country – are well-served,” he said. “I absolutely feel that we cannot allow interjurisdictional wrangling to hold us up in doing what's right for first nations citizens of this country.”

Mr. Atleo said governments cannot fight over who is responsible for paying for health services while the disease races through the population. Health is a shared jurisdiction in Canada, with the federal government responsible for native reserves and disease prevention and the provinces for delivering health care.

Late last month, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities warned that Ottawa has not done enough to keep essential services going if pandemic influenza becomes debilitating this fall. The FCM is concerned that no plan is in place to help front-line workers such as police, public transit operators and public-health professionals.

While the premiers refrained from criticizing Ottawa, Mr. Doer said more work needs to be done.

“This is a huge challenge for Canadians,” he said. “Quite frankly, I hope I'm wrong, but I think you in the media, and we as leaders, are going to be spending a lot of time on this challenge in the fall of 2009.”

However, he said Canadian authorities are better prepared for H1N1 than they were for the SARS outbreak.

Also this week, the premiers are expected to discuss the federal government's approach to the Copenhagen climate change talks on a successor agreement to the Kyoto Accord. Quebec and Alberta want seats at the table. The provinces, however, remain distant on how far they want the government to go in reducing greenhouse gases. Alberta has expressed deep concern that too robust a regime would gut its oil sands industry.

Finally, the premiers will discuss responses to U.S. policies that allow American municipalities to bar foreign competition from infrastructure projects funded by government economic stimulus.