Archive - 2006

May 17th

New publication - Supporting Healthy Child Development in Aboriginal Families

Press Release - "A Sense of Belonging: Supporting Healthy Child Development in Aboriginal Families" - 5/13/2006

 The Best Start Resource Centre is delighted to announce a new resource related to maternal / child health in the Aboriginal community. "A Sense of Belonging: Supporting Healthy Child Development in Aboriginal Families".

There are many things that service providers can do to foster a sense of belonging in Aboriginal families with young children, connecting parents to the information and supports that they need in a respectful and caring manner, acknowledging their strengths and thereby promoting health and wellbeing.

The Best Start Resource Centre has released a resource on healthy child development in Aboriginal families that was developed through an Aboriginal researcher and advisory group, with the expertise of Aboriginal service providers and Aboriginal parents of young children.

This strength-based resource focuses on service provider strategies that can be used in working with Aboriginal families with young children, including information about areas of risk and concern, Aboriginal parenting beliefs and teachings, as well as effective approaches. The Best Start Resource Centre was established in 1992 as a key program of the Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse. To view or order this manual please visit: (7Mb PDF document)

ZS Worotynec
Information Specialist
Best Start Resource Centre
416-408-2249 ext 345

May 15th

Canadian CED Network requesting letters to gov't for FedNor Social Economy funds

A letter writing campaign is now underway lead by the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet - in support of the social economy funding that was originally allocated to FedNor and the regional economic development programs across Canada (see below).

The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) is a national member-based, democratic organization. 

The membership of CCEDNet is made up of Community Economic Development (CED) community-based organizations and practitioners from every region of Canada.  Our members bring urban, rural and northern experience and a diverse range of community economic development expertise to the work of CCEDNet.
The CCEDNet mission is to promote and support community economic development for the social, economic and environmental betterment of communities within Canada.

Dear Members,

Funding to support CED and social economy organizations and initiatives was approved by the Federal Government back in 2004.  But as we are all aware, it hasn’t been implemented outside of Quebec.  We are concerned now that the implementation of the funding by Regional Development Agencies of the Federal Government (Western Diversification, FEDNOR, ACOA) will be cancelled as part of budget adjustments by the new Government.  We would like all of our members to join us in writing to MPs of all parties, and the relevant Ministers, to urge that funding support for CED and the Social Economy be continued, and that proposal calls be implemented as soon as possible in all provinces.   
A sample letter is available for you to use, and a list of the key Ministers in the new government together with opposition critics are also available by clicking here (PDF document).  Please copy us on your letters and any replies that you receive. You may also wish to visit the website of the Canadian Co-operative Association at to use their simple tool for sending letters on the social economy to Members of Parliament.  
In addition, CCEDNet’s submission on the 2006 budget is available here (PDF document).  
We hope you will join in this work to secure funding for our communities.  Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Rupert Downing,
Executive Director

Chiefs Steering Committee web site on Manitoba-Ontario-Interconnect initiative

The Chiefs Steering Committee is sharing information online about the proposed Clean Energy Transfer Initiative (Ontario-Manitoba Interconnect) and the various options being studied. For more information about this important initiative visit the new web site at

A message from the Chair of the CSC, Harvey Yesno, that is in their first newsletter (available at

Welcome, Boozhoo, Wachiya!

The Chiefs Steering Committee is pleased to launch the first in a series of newsletters to northern Ontario’s First Nations.

The purpose of this newsletter series is to provide regional First Nations with vital information and updates regarding the proposed Manitoba-Ontario Interconnect initiative (formerly known as the Clean Energy Transfer Initiative).

This information is to ensure that our First Nations can make informed decisions about what the potential implications of this project would mean at the community level.

As the Chiefs Steering Committee continues to gather information through the Manitoba-Ontario Interconnect-related studies and through its meetings with Ministry of Energy, it will continue to disseminate its findings through all available communication channels and tools. This potential project must be appropriately addressed at the community membership level with all potentially impacted First Nations having the opportunity to input their comments and recommendations.

We invite you to provide feedback to your community or Tribal Council representative or visit our new website at: for more information.


Harvey Yesno, Chair of CSC


For more information about the CSC contact:

Michael Fox
Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund
Tel: 807-623-5397

May 14th

Upcoming national, provincial, territorial political leader elections/gatherings

The election of the political leaders who will be representing the Assembly of First Nations, the Chiefs of Ontario and Nishnawbe Aski Nation will be taking place this summer.

The dates and locations for each of these gatherings are now confirmed.

  • 27th AFN Annual General Assembly is taking place on July 11-13, 2006 in Vancouver, BC. Visit for more information.
  • 32nd Annual All Ontario Chiefs Conference is confirmed and scheduled for June 27-28-29, 2006 hosted by Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation. Visit for more information.
  • Nishnawbe Aski Nation's Keewaywin Conference is scheduled for August 2 - 4, 2006 in Sachigo Lake First Nation. Registration information is pending but visit for updates.

North West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN 14) hosting community meetings

Community meetings are planned for Red Lake (June 12) and  Sioux Lookout (June 15) to share information about the new health agency being developed to provide services across this region.

The North West Local Health Integration Network, or LHIN -, is a new organization designed to plan, coordinate and fund health services in Northwestern Ontario, including hospitals, community care access centres, home care, long term care homes, community health centres, community support services and mental health and addiction services. Click here to read the Integration Priority Report for North West Local Health Integration Network.

The North West LHIN is now in the process of holding public meetings in communities across the region to talk about the role of the LHIN and to obtain the public's input into their first Integrated Health Services Plan (IHSP) which will identify:

  • What is working well in health services in Northwestern Ontario
  • What are some unmet needs for care and / or services
  • What are some opportunities to improve:
    • access to health services
    • organization and delivery of services

Everyone is invited to these public meetings in urban centres across the region. People are invited to let them know if there are any special needs so arrangements can be made to help people attend a nearby session.

For more information contact:

Anne Seeley
Tel: 807-684-9425, ext 2001 or toll-free 866-907-5446

Click here for a complete list of locations for these meetings

June 7, 2006 7-9 pm
Best Western Lakeside Inn & Convention Centre
470 – 1st Avenue, Kenora, Ontario

June 12, 2006 7-9 pm
Couchenour Community Hall
1 William Street, Red Lake, Ontario

June 13, 2006 7-9 pm
Corporation/Dryden Regional Cultural Centre
100 Casimir Avenue, Dryden, Ontario

June 15, 2006 7-9 pm
Sunset Suites
14 Hillcrest Road, Sioux Lookout, Ontario

May 13th

AFN Chiefs' resolution requires INAC Basic Infrastructure formula include ICT funding support


AFN Special Chiefs Assembly - Resolution no. 11/2006
March 27 and 28, 2006, Gatineau, QB

Subject: First Nation Basic Infrastructure Includes Information Communication Technology

Moved By: Proxy Edward John, Tl’azt’en First Nation, BC

Seconded By: Chief Randall Phillips, Oneida of the Thames, ON


On March 28, 2006, the Co-Chair referred draft resolution numbers 7, 9, 10, 12 and 13 to the AFN Executive Committee for their consideration.  On April 10, 2006, at a duly convened meeting, the AFN Executive Committee received and affirmed draft resolution numbers 7, 9, 10, 12 and 13.

WHEREAS there is a need for First Nation communities to have broadband access to the internet, videoconference, and telehealth services that includes connecting all administrative offices, schools, health centres, water treatment plants, cultural education centres, protection services, communication and other community owned facilities and residences; and

WHEREAS information communication technology should be considered as important as other levels of basic infrastructure, such as community roadways, water, electrical energy supply, and telephone; and

WHEREAS the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) has been mandated under Resolutions 72/2005; 65/2004; 15/2004; 15/2003; 25/2002 and other national resolutions to support, examine and advocate for appropriate Information Communication Technologies to better serve First Nations and First Nations citizens; and

WHEREAS information communication technologies in First Nations are sporadic, with varying standards, and generally lack the necessary funding to achieve and maintain a base level of connectivity; and

WHEREAS First Nation and federal government services, programs and capacity can be increased at the local, tribal, regional and national levels through advancing technology; and

WHEREAS increased connectivity initiatives will assist First Nations governments to communicate with citizens living in and away from their community of origin.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Assembly of First Nations will focus on specific initiatives to support the development of connectivity solutions in First Nations and amongst our organizational structures as a basic level of infrastructure;  and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Assembly of First Nations request the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs to:

  1. Instruct his officials to advocate for amendment of the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) Capital Program to include funding for telecommunication and supporting technology as basic community capital infrastructure; and,
  2. Ensure that INAC’s Northern Program has the authority to fund telecommunication and supporting technology; and,
  3. Work with the President of the Treasury Board of Canada to amend INAC’s Capital Program Funding Authority to include telecommunications and supporting technology with other basic community capital infrastructure; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that connectivity initiatives must support community-identified and community-driven solutions; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the AFN Chiefs’ Committee on Economic Development establish a National Working Group on First Nations Connectivity to identify key federal policy gaps, and technical issues such as resource requirements, human resources, training, capacity gaps, and operation and maintenance issues; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the AFN Chiefs’ Committee on Economic Development will consider the reports of the National Working Group and ensure appropriate linkages to work involving with Community Development; Social; Health; Education; Languages; Economic Development to promote more comprehensive connectivity solutions; and

FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that the Assembly of First Nations work with key federal departments (INAC, Health Canada, Industry Canada, and others) to identify and implement funding, advance these recommendations and identify new initiatives requiring immediate support for increased community connectivity.

The UN's Fifth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues opens Monday

The United Nation's Fifth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues will open on Monday, May 15 with the launching of the Programme of Action for the Second Decade of the World's Indigenous People. Visit the session web site at

Click here to watch the webcast of the Opening Ceremony, Monday 15 May, 11:15 ET

For more information about the Permanent forum visit

Visit  to see a list of planned activities and side events.

May 12th

NOSM to provide northern aboriginal youth mentorship positions

See the Thunder Bay Source news story below the NOSM press release ....


MEDIA RELEASE - Northern Ontario School of Medicine - May 9, 2006

Medical School Donation Strengthens Future Prospects for Northern Youth

For Immediate Release: May 9, 2006 - Earlier today, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) announced a unique partnership which will allow funding in support of a youth mentoring program. A generous donation from the ING Foundation will allow the Medical School to manage a youth mentoring pilot project where at-risk youth will be matched with medical student role models.

“Building the Applicant Pool for Health Care Careers: Canada’s Youth at Risk and Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders” will be piloted this summer. During the week-long enrichment experience, Northern Ontario high school students will learn about medical school and health care careers while being mentored by NOSM medical students.

ING Canada recognized the value of the project for the future of Northern youth and health care professionals. “ING Canada strives to help build safer, healthier and stronger communities,” said Sue Gibbs, Vice President, ING Group Insurance - Ontario Region. “This program not only provides opportunities to at-risk youth, it also strengthens the leadership skills and sense of community within future physicians. We are very proud to partner with the Medical School on such a worthwhile venture.”

Dr. Dan Hunt, NOSM Vice Dean, Academic Activities, is confident that the program will have long-term benefits for all involved – the youth, NOSM students and the communities of Northern Ontario. “Studies show that enrichment programs coordinated out of medical schools that target at-risk youth make a difference.” “The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is grateful to ING for providing the funding to help move this program forward,” said Dr. Roger Strasser, Founding Dean. Dr. Strasser further noted that the program is in keeping with the Medical School’s commitment to community-based programs.

The pilot program is representative of NOSM’s mandate to focus on training more physicians from Aboriginal backgrounds, rural environments and Northern Francophone environments. Youth from these backgrounds are historically at higher risk for not completing school and do not receive exposure to the science courses required to gain entry to health sciences and medical schools. The focus of this mentoring program is to engage participants while increasing their knowledge of health care careers with a particular focus on gaining entry in to medical school.

Recruitment of youth participants will begin shortly. The pilot project will take place at the School’s West Campus at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay. Expansion of the program will be based on the results of the pilot.

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is a pioneering faculty of medicine. The School is a joint initiative of Lakehead and Laurentian Universities, with main campuses in Thunder Bay and Sudbury, and multiple teaching and research sites across Northern Ontario. By educating skilled physicians and undertaking health research suited to community needs, the School will become a cornerstone of community health care in Northern Ontario.


Tracie Smithh
NOSM West Campus
(807) 766-7314 or (807) 624-7862 

Marlene Moore
NOSM East Campus
(705) 662-7243


Youth at risk mentoring project
Tb News Source
Web Posted: 5/9/2006 8:26:19 PM

A donation to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine Tuesday will help strengthen future prospects for Northern Youth.

Sixty-thousand dollars has been received by the school from the I-N-G Foundation. The funding is to help support a youth mentoring pilot project, where high school students will be matched with medical student role models.

Vice dean, Dan Hunt says the program will focus on students from aboriginal, rural and francophone backgrounds, and it's designed to encourage participation in the medical field.

The pilot project will take place at the local West Campus of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, and is currently set for the week of July 17. Recruitment of youth participants will begin soon.

Nibinamik First Nation presents 8th Annual Youth Wilderness Retreat Program


The 8th Annual Youth Wilderness Retreat Program

will be taking place on the week of July 24-29, 2006 at the Breathing Grounds.

Which is about a half hour boat ride from Nibinamik.

So come out and learn a little.

More information will be posted at a later date.

May 11th

Equaywuk's Healthy Families, Healthy Nations logo contest for aboriginal youth

Equay-wuk (Women's Group) is sponsoring a logo contest in search of a logo for the Healthy Families Healthy Nations - Family Violence Prevention Manual.


The focus of the Healthy Families Healthy Nations Program is to develop a family violence prevention manual for community service providers.

This manual will assist community workers in developing or enhancing a family violence prevention program in their home communities.

The successful logo will appear on the cover of the manual and will be distributed to the 31 participating First Nation communities served by Equay-wuk (Women's Group).

Logo Theme:             Healthy Families, Healthy Nations

Eligibility:                   Youth attending school (grades JK-12)

Logo Requirements: 

  • black and white or color
  • reflect a positive message
  • reflect First Nation culture
  • max. size 8" x  11"
  • name, age, grade, school, community


  • Winner will receive $300.00
  • 2 Honorable mentions @ $100.00 each

For more information, contact:

Jennifer Derosier, Project Coordinator
Equay-wuk (Women's Group)
(807) 737-2214 (phone)
1-800-261-8294 (toll free)

Or Mail to:                 

Equay-wuk (Women's Group)
P.O.Box 1781
Sioux Lookout, ON
P8T 1C4

Visit our website: