New publication - Supporting Healthy Child Development in Aboriginal Families

Press Release - "A Sense of Belonging: Supporting Healthy Child Development in Aboriginal Families" - 5/13/2006

 The Best Start Resource Centre is delighted to announce a new resource related to maternal / child health in the Aboriginal community. "A Sense of Belonging: Supporting Healthy Child Development in Aboriginal Families".

There are many things that service providers can do to foster a sense of belonging in Aboriginal families with young children, connecting parents to the information and supports that they need in a respectful and caring manner, acknowledging their strengths and thereby promoting health and wellbeing.

The Best Start Resource Centre has released a resource on healthy child development in Aboriginal families that was developed through an Aboriginal researcher and advisory group, with the expertise of Aboriginal service providers and Aboriginal parents of young children.

This strength-based resource focuses on service provider strategies that can be used in working with Aboriginal families with young children, including information about areas of risk and concern, Aboriginal parenting beliefs and teachings, as well as effective approaches. The Best Start Resource Centre was established in 1992 as a key program of the Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse. To view or order this manual please visit: (7Mb PDF document)

ZS Worotynec
Information Specialist
Best Start Resource Centre
416-408-2249 ext 345