Upcoming national, provincial, territorial political leader elections/gatherings

The election of the political leaders who will be representing the Assembly of First Nations, the Chiefs of Ontario and Nishnawbe Aski Nation will be taking place this summer.

The dates and locations for each of these gatherings are now confirmed.

  • 27th AFN Annual General Assembly is taking place on July 11-13, 2006 in Vancouver, BC. Visit http://afn.ca/article.asp?id=2483 for more information.
  • 32nd Annual All Ontario Chiefs Conference is confirmed and scheduled for June 27-28-29, 2006 hosted by Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation. Visit http://chiefs-of-ontario.org/news/may09_06.html for more information.
  • Nishnawbe Aski Nation's Keewaywin Conference is scheduled for August 2 - 4, 2006 in Sachigo Lake First Nation. Registration information is pending but visit www.nan.on.ca for updates.