Archive - Jun 2006

June 30th

Candidates for National Chief of the AFN share their positions on their web sites

With only 12 days left before the elections for the position of National Grand Chief, both candidates are presenting their stories online.

Check out the two candidates at their web sites ...

Pikangikum's Whitefeather Forest Land Use Strategy gets support from Ontario

Visit for more information about the Land Use Strategy for the Whitefeather Forest and Adjacent Lands. Download a copy of the strategy (PDF -13Mb) at

Press release from

McGUINTY GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS PROSPERITY FOR ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES - Whitefeather Forest Land Use Strategy Will Provide Greater Self-sufficiency For Pikangikum First Nation

PIKANGIKUM, June 26, 2006 — The McGuinty government is helping build stronger Aboriginal communities by sharing in the approval of the Whitefeather Forest Land Use Strategy, Natural Resources Minister David Ramsay announced today.

“We are working with Pikangikum First Nation to identify resource-based economic opportunities that will lead to greater self-sufficiency and a stronger community,” said Ramsay. “A key component of the strategy is also protecting natural heritage and conserving biodiversity, including species at risk such as the woodland caribou.”

The Whitefeather Forest Land Use Strategy, entitled Keeping the Land, is the first of its kind in Ontario and balances social, economic and environmental values. It was prepared under the Community-based Land Use Planning process adopted by the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Northern Boreal Initiative. The goal of the initiative is for First Nations to play a leading role in planning for their future. Pikangikum First Nation launched its Community-based Land Use Planning initiative in 2003.

“Keeping the Land embodies the wisdom of our Elders and the vision of the people of Pikangikum for the future of this community and our children,” said Chief Dan Owen of Pikangikum. “In partnership with Ministry of Natural Resources staff, we’ve ensured the strategy reflects our Anishinaabe values and highlights our shared responsibilities for the land.”

Today’s announcement is another example of the McGuinty government’s commitment to building stronger and more prosperous northern and Aboriginal communities. Other initiatives include:

  • A $1-million capital grant to the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres to support the renovation of 23 Indian Friendship Centres throughout the province.
  • Opening up the development of waterpower sites on Crown land, some of which directly benefit First Nations.
  • Investing more than $500,000 over three years in Aboriginal youth employment programs to provide summer jobs and training for Aboriginal youth.
  • Contributing $60 million to the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation to support job creation and emerging technologies.

“This strategy, prepared in partnership with Pikangikum First Nation, will lead to a brighter future for First Nation youth and benefit all Ontarians,” said Ramsay. “We are working hard on behalf of Aboriginal communities and the North, and I congratulate Pikangikum First Nation for taking a leadership role in land use planning and looking towards a brighter future for its young people.”

Related Information:


Backgrounder - Northern Boreal Initiative - June 26, 2006

The Ontario government established the Northern Boreal Initiative in 2000 to explore new opportunities for land use planning, commercial forestry and protected areas in the part of the province north of current forestry operations. The initiative supports greater self-sufficiency and prosperity for northern First Nation communities through resource-based economic development. It was designed to help far north First Nations take a leadership role in community-based land use planning, a process that balances environmental and economic interests with traditional Aboriginal values.

The Northern Boreal Initiative aims to deliver new jobs and allows First Nations in the far north to assume a leadership role in sustainable forest management. Strategic land use planning that seeks to balance resource development, protection and conservation while respecting Aboriginal traditional knowledge and customary pursuits will pave the way for stronger and more prosperous First Nations.

Community of Pikangikum and Whitefeather Forest

Pikangikum First Nation (population: 2,200) is a remote-access community located approximately 100 kilometres north of Red Lake in northwestern Ontario. The Whitefeather Forest is a northern boreal forest area traditionally used by the people of Pikangikum. A variety of remote tourism establishments exist throughout the area based on numerous lakes and river systems. There is one all-weather road in the area, and customary activities in the forest include hunting and fishing, trapping, and harvesting of other non-timber forest products. These customary livelihood activities are no longer sufficient to support this rapidly growing community. The Whitefeather Forest planning area covers 1.3 million hectares north of Red Lake. This initiative provides an opportunity for economic renewal for the community, now and in the future.

Community-based Land Use Planning Process

In June 2003, Pikangikum First Nation and MNR began Community-based Land Use Planning for the Whitefeather Forest and Adjacent Areas. This approach considered local community concerns and priorities, as well as broader ecological factors and provincial level direction. Factors such as forest management, resource-based tourism, mining exploration, hydro-electric development, parks and protected areas, resource access and community access were also reviewed.

Pikangikum Elders provided guidance throughout the process, and assisted with planning, consultation, and provision of indigenous knowledge and direction for new activities. Meetings were held with First Nation organizations in Ontario and Manitoba, provincial environmental groups, tourist operators, forest industry representatives, local hunters and anglers, the mineral sector and the Municipality of Red Lake. Open houses held in Pikangikum and Red Lake were all well-attended.

The ministry acted as a planning partner and facilitator, provided ecological information, and led public participation in environmentally significant decision-making. A major amendment to Crown Land Use Policy will implement the land use direction for the establishment of protected areas, enhanced management areas and general use areas as described in the approved strategy.

Forestry as a New Land Use

Community-based Land Use Planning considered forestry as one of many interests. With the approval of this strategy, Pikangikum First Nation will move towards acquiring commercial forest management tenure. Keeping the Land sets out objectives and provides guiding direction for the manner in which forestry will take place. Pikangikum will take a leading role in planning, forest management and operations. New commercial forestry opportunities will require approval under the Environmental Assessment Act and licensing under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act. The allocation of specific areas for the purpose of commercial forest management will subsequently require the preparation of a forest management plan.

Conservation and Protection

Keeping the Land commits to maintaining healthy ecosystems, sustainability of resources, protection of significant features and a variety of recreational opportunities through strategic land use planning. Implementation of the strategy provides the opportunity to add over 400,000 hectares to Ontario’s protected areas system by dedicating spectacular landscapes and 400 kilometres of culturally significant waterways to a new partnership arrangement between Pikangikum First Nation and Ontario Parks. Protected areas include representative natural and cultural features, contributing to the completion of Ontario’s parks system and the protection of Aboriginal interests.

The strategy also recognizes the importance of the ongoing protection of species at risk and their habitat. Both the Ontario government and the people of Pikangikum are committed to the conservation of woodland caribou in the northern boreal forest. Land use direction for conservation of biodiversity is outlined in Keeping the Land. The strategy identifies protected areas that include suitable habitat, calving islands and travel corridors. It also commits to a strategic access approach to maintain remoteness. The strategy directs an adaptive management approach to respond to new developments in woodland caribou research, resource development or natural events on the landscape such as wildfire or blowdowns.

Funding support has been provided to the Whitefeather Forest Initiative by the following agencies: FedNor, Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation, Living Legacy Trust, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Forestry Futures Trust, Natural Resources Canada - First Nations Forestry Program, Independent First Nations Alliance, the Sioux Lookout Area Aboriginal Management Board and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.


Media Enquiries
Alex Peters
Whitefeather Forest Management Corp
Pikangikum First Nation

Tim Sullivan
Ministry of Natural Resources
Ontario Parks

John Sills
Ministry of Natural Resources
Thunder Bay District

General Enquiries
Natural Resources Information Centre
TTY 1-866-686-6072 (Hearing Impaired)

Ontario investing $500,000 in summer jobs for Aboriginal youth



THUNDER BAY, June 27, 2006 — The McGuinty government is investing more than $500,000 for summer jobs and training for Aboriginal youth, Minister of Natural Resources and Aboriginal Affairs David Ramsay announced today.

"Aboriginal youth represent a large and increasing percentage of the future workforce in northern Ontario," said Ramsay. "These programs introduce aboriginal young people to resource management, provide a forestry-oriented training and work experience and the opportunity to further develop life skills."

The Ministry of Natural Resources, in partnership with Confederation College and the forest industry, coordinates and administers the First Nations Natural Resources Youth Employment Program. Aboriginal youth from First Nations communities in Northern Ontario work on forestry projects like tree planting. They also receive workplace training and take personal development workshops.

Another program, the Aboriginal Youth Work Exchange Program, being piloted this summer provides young Aboriginal people with work placements over three summers with a focus on resource management projects. Two placements are with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the other is with a First Nations community.

The Ministry of Government Services is funding 20 positions in the Aboriginal Youth Work Exchange program - 10 in northeastern Ontario and 10 in northwestern Ontario.

"This program gives young people the skills they need to positively contribute to the economy and sustainability of their communities and regions," said Minister of Government Services Gerry Phillips.

These Aboriginal youth employment programs are among the ways the McGuinty government supports opportunities for young people and for people in northern Ontario. Other initiatives include:

  • Creating 75,000 more opportunities in postsecondary education for qualified students
  • Creating 1,000 skilled trades training spaces
    Investing $15.4 million to keep good schools open and $6.6 million to repair and improve schools in northern Ontario.

Related Information

Backgrounder - from

Aboriginal Youth Work Exchange Pilot Program

  • Administered jointly by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Government Services
  • $169,000 from Ministry of Government Services for 20 placements annually for three years
  • Aboriginal students aged 15 to 24 (up to 29 if disabled)
  • Three consecutive work terms of summer employment- two with the Ministry of Natural Resources and one in a First Nations community
  • Each work term is eight weeks
  • The ministry funds and delivers job skills readiness training for participants
  • Aims to provide Aboriginal youth with advanced training, job skills, networks and experience to support potential future careers in natural resources occupations and/or the Ontario Public Service.

First Nations Natural Resources Youth Employment Program (First Nation Ranger program)

  • Total of $360,000 from the Ontario government over two years: 2006 and 2007
  • Two-summer program
  • 30 young people placed in each of 2006 and 2007
    Partnership between Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario Secretariat for Aboriginal Affairs, Confederation College and several forest companies including Bowater
  • Goal is to encourage First Nation youth to pro-actively engage in their future career aspirations through a commitment to employment, training and education and to build capacity among First Nations youth for their future participation in forest-related/natural resources occupations.
  • Since 2000, 165 youth, representing 26 First Nation communities, have participated in the First Nations Natural Resources Youth Employment Program.


Media Enquiries
Karen Gowanlock
Ministry of Natural Resources
Aboriginal Youth Work Exchange Program

Brian Kurrika
Confederation College Forestry Centre
First Nations Natural Resources Youth Employment Program


Media Enquiries
Barry Radford
Communications Services Branch
416- 314-2103

General Enquiries
Natural Resources Information Centre
TTY 1-866-686-6072 (Hearing Impaired)

KI mining dispute highlights the need for Ontario to respect "Duty to Consult"


Province 'missing in action' in mining dispute, lawyer says - KATE HARRIES - Special to The Globe and Mail - POSTED ON 26/06/06

THUNDER BAY -- The Ontario government came under fire in court on Friday for standing by while a dispute has escalated between an Indian band and a Toronto mining exploration company.

"There's been an absolute and complete failure by Ontario to fulfill its duties," lawyer Francis Thatcher told Mr. Justice Patrick Smith of the Superior Court, who is hearing an application by Platinex Inc. for an injunction to prohibit Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation (KI) from getting access to its drilling site on Crown land in KI traditional territory.

Mr. Thatcher, acting for the Independent First Nations Alliance, an intervenor in the case, said the province has dragged its feet since a Supreme Court ruling six years ago spelled out its duty to consult with aboriginals in any situation where treaty rights could be infringed.

He scornfully dismissed draft consultation guidelines, circulated last week by the Ontario Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat, as "a day late and a dollar short," adding that extensive aboriginal input should have been sought before they were produced.

The draft guidelines are to be officially released tomorrow when Aboriginal Affairs Minister David Ramsay addresses an All Ontario Chiefs conference in KI. "This is just a starter document," spokeswoman Anne-Marie Flanagan said in a telephone interview Friday. "We want to have a really open and full consultation on this."

Mr. Thatcher said the province was "missing in action" and should have had a lawyer in court to explain its conduct, as Judge Smith's ruling on the dispute has the potential to affect the rights of aboriginals across Ontario. "Ontario has completely dropped the ball," he said.

"If they dropped the ball on KI, they dropped a brick on Platinex," said company lawyer Neal Smitheman, who told Judge Smith that a finding against Platinex could jeopardize all mining activity north of the 51st parallel. "Failure to consult by the province could put in jeopardy every mining claim in the province," he said, adding, "I'm asking the court not to punish Platinex for the sins of the province."

KI lawyer Kate Kempton told Judge Smith that the province's failure to consult with KI on mining exploration in its traditional territory make its approval of Platinex's claims and leases void.

"Ontario completely abdicated its responsibility to Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug," she said, noting that officials from the Northern Development and Mines Ministry attended only three meetings in the seven years Platinex has owned claims in the Big Trout Lake area.

KI is seeking an injunction to stop Platinex from proceeding with its plans without KI's consent and has launched a challenge of the Ontario Mining Act which, Ms. Kempton said, makes no provision for constitutionally required consultation.

She pointed out that, according to Mr. Smitheman, Northern Development and Mines has just renewed Platinex mining claims that were due to expire next month. "Guess what? My client wasn't consulted about that." The failure, she argued, is an "absolute violation" of Canadian law, as shaped in recent Supreme Court decisions.

"This disrespectful, abusive relationship with the Crown cannot continue," she said. "Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug is seeking a meaningful decision-making role about its own fate and its own future. . . . which is what the law requires."

Ms. Kempton said KI is not opposed to economic development and is willing to consult with Platinex and the province. The harm comes from unilateral decisions that have no regard for aboriginal laws and perspectives, she said.

"There is an intolerable risk that one more harm heaped on top of all those with which KI is currently burdened would push KI and its social and cultural structure past the brink."



Natives seek a voice as miners eye North
By MURRAY CAMPBELL - Friday, June 30, 2006, Page A11

BIG TROUT LAKE, ONT. -- The four native men who walked to Toronto across Ontario's vast northern expanse didn't get the publicity that the protesters at Caledonia did. This is a great pity because the issues that drove these guys to walk 2,000 kilometres at the height of black-fly season are just as compelling as the dispute over a subdivision near Brantford.

the full story must be purchased online...

June 29th

Rights of Indigenous Peoples declaration moves forward - Canada votes against it

Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Moves Forward Despite Canadian Government Interference

     OTTAWA, June 29 /CNW Telbec/ - Indigenous peoples and human rights organizations in Canada are welcoming the historic decision by the United Nations Human Rights Council to back the adoption of the draft UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

     However, these organizations also expressed their deep frustration and disappointment with the Canadian government's efforts to stall this much-needed and long overdue human rights instrument. Canada called the vote as a pre-emptive move against the Declaration's passage, but in the end Canada was one of only two countries to vote against the Declaration.

     Instead, the Council voted to bring the proposed Declaration forward for possible adoption by the UN General Assembly later this year. The vote was 30 in favour and 2 against (with 12 abstentions and 3 absent).

     "Canada's opposition to the Declaration has soured the first meeting of the Human Rights Council," says Beverly Jacobs, President of the Native Women's Association of Canada. "The Council was created in the hope that states would set aside domestic considerations and work impartially to advance the human rights of all. It's a bitter disappointment that Canada would mar the very first session by openly pursuing a dubious domestic agenda."

     The Canadian government was an active participant in the Working Group that drafted the current text and, in recent years, had a played a critical role in building state support for the principles of the draft Declaration. The current government has tried to explain its sudden opposition by claiming that some provisions of the Declaration are incompatible with Canadian law. It has not provided any substantiation of this claim. Canada had failed also in an earlier attempt to bring forward a counter-resolution to have the decision on the Declaration delayed so it could be re-opened for further negotiation. All of these moves damage Canada's international reputation as a leader in Indigenous and human rights.

     Indigenous peoples' organizations that have participated in the Working Group point out that not only is the Declaration a non-binding, aspirational statement that would not override any domestic laws, it also contains specific assurances, introduced by Canada, that its provisions must be interpreted in a fair and balanced manner that respects basic principles of human rights, democratic society and good government.

     "We are outraged that Canada would demonstrate such bad faith in opposing a text that it helped write," says Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada "It is even more astounding that Canada would then try to persuade other states that another round of negotiations is needed. It was fortunate - though embarrassing for all Canadians - that Canada quickly found itself isolated on a Council that was prepared to move forward with a principled defence of Indigenous peoples' human rights."

     Strong international support for the Declaration is an important step forward in countering the widespread racism and discrimination that threatens the survival and well-being of Indigenous peoples worldwide. The draft Declaration clearly affirms that Indigenous peoples must not be arbitrarily denied the right of self-determination, which is recognized in international law as a universal right of all peoples. The Declaration also affirms diverse rights regarding lands, territories and resources that are essential to the cultural identities of Indigenous peoples and the fulfillment of their basic human rights.

     "This is an historic day for Indigenous peoples around the globe," said Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine. "We are grateful that the Council has recognized the importance and urgency of moving ahead with human rights protections for Indigenous peoples. It is very unfortunate that in trying to stand in the way of the Declaration, Canada has done so much harm to its credibility and influence on a Council that it worked so hard to create."

     The Declaration has been under development for more than two decades. The current proposal, which emerged from an 11-year-long Working Group process, has been endorsed by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People and by the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. It has also been supported by a wide range of states worldwide, including states such as Norway and Denmark which, like Canada, have a history of negotiation and treaty-making with Indigenous peoples.


/For further information: Media Contacts: Craig Benjamin, Amnesty International Canada, 1 (613) 744-7667 ext. 235,; Don Kelly, Assembly of First Nations, Communications Director, (613) 241-6789, ext. 320,; Ian McLeod, Assembly of First Nations, Bilingual Communications Officer, (613) 241-6789, ext. 336,; Jennifer Preston Howe, Canadian Friends Service Committee, (416) 920-5213; Linda Kayseas, Native Women's Association of Canada, Media Coordinator, (613) 722-3033, ext. 231; Louis Moubarak, Rights & Democracy, (514) 283-6073, ext.



Aboriginal Leaders Feel 'Betrayed' By Ottawa - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS  - UN high commissioner Louise Arbour happy with decision.
United Nations Human Rights Council overrides Canada and Russia to approve native peoples declaration
By Lisa Schlein - The Canadian Press GENEVA (Jun 30, 2006)

Over the objection of Canada and Russia, the new United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a declaration to protect the rights of indigenous peoples around the world, including their land claims and resources.

By a 30-2 vote yesterday, the council approved the declaration that says indigenous people should be free from discrimination and that they have a right "to consider themselves different and to be respected as such."

Only Canada and Russia voted against it. A dozen countries abstained and three were absent.

When the tally appeared on the electronic screen, the packed conference room erupted into applause. People wept and hugged each other and smiled broadly. Louise Arbour, the UN high commissioner for human rights and a former Supreme Court of Canada justice, joined in the standing ovation.

"I'm very excited," said Willie Littlechild, an aboriginal lawyer and Treaty Six international chief from Alberta. "I'm very, very delighted and encouraged by the signal the new Human Rights Council has given the world that they are serious about addressing indigenous issues as we go forward by adopting a declaration."

The declaration goes to the UN General Assembly for final adoption in the fall. The document is not legally binding. But governments and indigenous groups point out that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was also not a binding document, but over time it became customary law.

Indigenous groups had hoped the declaration would be approved by consensus but Canada asked for a vote.

Earlier in the week, a Canadian motion to have the council authorize further consultations on the draft declaration was defeated. A roll-call vote of the 47-member council took place.

"When you're doing the right thing, you don't really worry about whether you're isolated or not," said Paul Meyer, head of the Canadian government delegation to the council.

"I think there were a number of countries that indicated they shared some of our concerns about the process and the substance and some of the deficiencies of both aspects that led us to take the vote we did."

The United States, Australia and New Zealand also opposed the declaration, but they are not members of the council and thus cannot vote.

The Canadian government has problems with provisions on land, territories and resources which were unclear and open to interpretation, Meyer said. Other problematic areas are provisions on land claims, the concept of "free, prior and informed consent" and issues relating to self-government provisions.

Littlechild said he was "personally disappointed that Canada chose to follow that path because ... they were there all the way through since 1982 helping us draft together a document, a balanced document."

Kenneth Deer, who represents Mohawks at Kahnawake and the United Nations Council of Chiefs, also felt betrayed.

"Canada had a lot to do with the declaration getting this far ... It's ironic that for 11 years they carried the resolution and at the end they voted against the declaration and against their own work."

But Meyer doesn't see it that way.

"Our position evolved," he said.

"But ... we always had an objective which was to get the best sort of declaration possible and we were willing to go the extra mile on this. We specifically came here with a plea for additional time."

Deer said the declaration should be stronger, but more negotiations would not help because governments that "wanted to reopen it would want to weaken it and not strengthen it."

He warned of "strained" relations between the Canadian government and indigenous peoples, but Meyer said he doesn't think relations will be adversely affected.


Canada votes against UN rights declaration - Jun. 29, 2006. 07:23 PM - Canadian Press

GENEVA — Over the objection of Canada and Russia, the new UN Human Rights Council adopted a declaration Thursday to protect the rights of indigenous peoples around the world, including their claims on land and resources.

By 30-2 vote, the council approved the declaration that said indigenous people should be free from discrimination and that they have a right "to consider themselves different and to be respected as such."

Only Canada and Russia voted against it. A dozen countries abstained and three were absent.

When the tally appeared on the electronic screen, the packed conference room erupted into applause. People wept and hugged each other and smiled broadly. Louise Arbour, the UN high commissioner for human rights and former Supreme Court of Canada justice, joined in the standing ovation.

"I'm very excited," said Willie Littlechild, a Aboriginal lawyer and Treaty Six international chief from Alberta.

"I'm very, very delighted and encouraged by the signal the new Human Rights Council has given the world that they are serious about addressing indigenous issues as we go forward by adopting a declaration."

Indigenous groups had hoped the declaration would be approved by consensus but Canada asked for a vote.

Earlier in the week, a Canadian motion to have the council authorize further consultations on the draft declaration was defeated. A rollcall vote of the 47-member council took place.

"When you're doing the right thing, you don't really worry about whether you're isolated or not," said Paul Meyer, head of the Canadian government delegation to the council.

"I think there were a number of countries that indicated they shared some of our concerns about the process and the substance and some of the deficiencies of both aspects that led us to take the vote we did."

The United States, Australia and New Zealand also opposed the declaration, but they are not members of the council and thus cannot vote.

The Canadian government has problems with current provisions on land, territories and resources which were unclear and open to interpretation, Meyer said. Other problematic areas are provisions on land claims, the concept of "free, prior and informed consent" and issues relating to self-government provisions.

Littlechild said he was "very personally disappointed that Canada chose to follow that path because ... they were there all the way through since 1982 helping us draft together a document, a balanced document."

"I felt very betrayed," Littlechild said.

Kenneth Deer, who represents Mohawks at Kahnawake and the United Nations Council of Chiefs, also said he felt betrayed. "Canada had a lot to do with the declaration getting this far ... It's ironic that for 11 years they carried the resolution and at the end they voted against the declaration and against their own work."

But Meyer doesn't see it that way.

"Our position evolved," he said. "But ... we always had an objective which was to get the best sort of declaration possible and we were willing to go the extra mile on this. We specifically came here with a plea for additional time."

Deer said he the declaration should be stronger, but more negotiations would not help because governments that "wanted to re-open it would want to weaken it and not strengthen it."

He warned of "strained" relations between the Canadian government and indigenous peoples, but Meyer said he doesn't think relations will be adversely affected.

The declaration goes to the UN General Assembly for final adoption in the fall.

The document is not legally binding. But governments and indigenous groups point out that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was also not a binding document, but over time it became customary law.


UN Press release


Extends Mandate of Working Group on Drafting Optional Protocol to International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
29 June 2006

The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted by consensus the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and recommended that the General Assembly adopt the treaty.

The Council also adopted by a roll-call vote of 30 in favour to 2 against and 12 abstentions a resolution on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Council adopted the declaration as proposed by the Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights to elaborate a draft declaration and recommended that the General Assembly adopt the non-binding declaration.

Also adopted by consensus was a resolution on the Open-ended Working Group to draft an Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The Council welcomed the report of the Working Group with a view to considering options regarding the elaboration of an Optional Protocol and decided to extend the mandate of the Working Group for a period of two years in order to elaborate the Optional Protocol.

Action on Resolution on Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

In a resolution (A/HRC/1/L.3), entitled Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights to elaborate a draft declaration in accordance with paragraph 5 of the General Assembly resolution 49/214 of 23 December 1994, adopted after a roll-call vote by thirty in favour, two against, and twelve abstentions, the Human Rights Council adopts the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as proposed by the Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights to elaborate a draft declaration in accordance with paragraph 5 of the General Assembly resolution 49/214 of 23 December 1994 in annex I to the report of the Working Group on its eleventh session (E/CN.4/2006/79); recommends to the General Assembly that it adopt the following draft resolution:

The General Assembly, expresses its appreciation to the Council for the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; and adopts the Declaration as contained in the annex to Council resolution 2006/….

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples says indigenous peoples have the right to the full enjoyment, as a collective or as individuals, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law. Indigenous peoples and individuals are free and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity. Indigenous peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their rights to participate fully, if they so choos!
e, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.

The result of the vote was as follows:

In favour (30):
Azerbaijan, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switerzland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uruguay, Zambia.

Against (2):
Canada, Russian Federation.

Abstentions (12):
Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Ghana, Jordan, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Senegal, Tunisia, Ukraine.

Absent (3):
Djibouti, Gabon, Mali.

PAUL MEYER (Canada), in an explanation of the vote before the vote, acknowledged the important role that Canada, as well as other indigenous organizations, had played in the process of the drafting of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The proposal did not receive the necessary support, even though Canada, some other countries and a few indigenous representatives noted in their statements difficulties with a process where all parties had not discussed proposed language on several key issues. Canada had worked for a declaration that would promote and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of every indigenous person without discrimination and recognized the collective rights of indigenous peoples around the world. Canada had a long and proud tradition of not only supporting but also actively advocating Aboriginal and treaty rights at home and was fully committed to working internationally on indigenous issues. Regrettably, however, Canada would vote against the resolution.

UN Overrides Canada Over Native Rights

Associated Press- Published: Thursday, June 29, 2006

GENEVA -- The new UN Human Rights Council on Thursday overrode Canadian and Russian objections and passed a declaration to protect the rights of native peoples around the world, including an assertion that they have a possible right to restitution for land and resources taken from them.
By 30-2 vote, the body approved the declaration that said indigenous people should be free from discrimination and that they have a right "to consider themselves different and to be respected as such." A dozen countries abstained and three were absent.

A coalition of indigenous people who had been campaigning heavily in favour of passage had complained that Canada, a former supporter of the declaration, had switched sides after the Conservative party ousted the Liberals earlier this year.

They said Canada thus joined the United States, Australia and New Zealand -- all countries with significant native populations -- in opposing the declaration. The U.S., Australia and New Zealand, however, have no vote because they are not members of the 47-nation council, which began its first session last week.

The council replaced the widely discredited 53-country UN Human Rights Commission.

© Associated Press 2006

Connecting people and resources for community vitality - the Voluntary Gateway

WELCOME TO THE NEW VOLUNTARY GATEWAY AT HTTP://VOLUNTARYGATEWAY.CA ~ Connecting people and resources for community vitality… Voluntary Gateway Newsletter for Thursday, June 29, 2006 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ has a brand new look and a whole new image!


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This week’s KEYNOTE...

REGIONAL REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CANADA'S CHARITABLE AND NONPROFIT SECTOR A new set of key information and resources on Canada’s charitable and nonprofit sector was released by Imagine Canada today, June 29, 2006. The reports offer regional profiles of the sector in all provinces and territories, and also put forward a number of key recommendations on what government, businesses and organizations can do to strengthen the capacity of the sector to better serve Canadians.

Read the full Keynote at Voluntary Gateway…



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June 28th

K-Net discuss broadband opportunities with Aroland, Long Lac 58 and Gingogaming

Visiting the band offices and schools in the three Matawa member First Nations provided an opportunity to discuss the introduction of the new wireless broadband connections that will be put in place in the band offices, health centres and schools in each of these communities.

Developing local and regional support systems that will promote the operation of a community broadband network is one of the goals in each of the First Nations.

June 27th

KIHS school year ends with more successful students and courses completed

KIHS Principal's final message for the 2005-2006 school year from

School Year Ends at KiHS!

Students at KiHS have a lot to be proud of as they complete another year.  Staff and students had their last day on Friday, June 16th and this marked the end of another record year in the program with success rates continuing to increase over previous years.   Many plans are being made for the 2006/2007 school year so students can have increased access to a variety of high quality online courses.

Online secondary education is taking off all across North America and KiHS has been a leader in developing a model which is working for students in our First Nation communities.  KiHS is an online program which allows students to earn valuable secondary credits while remaining in their home community.  Many feel this is very important in that it allows for direct community, parental, and cultural involvement at a natural and needed level.  Students are earning valuable skills and adding to the rich technical base in their communities and in doing so getting closer to a high school diploma.

If you would like any additional information regarding KiHS, please contact me at the administration office in Balmertown.  KiHS may be just the place you need to help you find a way to complete your credits for your Ontario Secondary School Diploma.   Please continue to check out our website and option sheet for next year and if there are courses which could work for you, make sure you call fo more information.

Darrin Potter
KiHS Principal

Click here to see the KIHS student awards from this school year.

June 26th

Proposed Berens River Bridge Crossing draft environmental study report

Notice of Opportunity to Inspect the Draft Environmental Study Report is now available

Visit for more information.

Click here to view the news story with a copy of the notice that was published in the newspaper.