Archive - Jun 24, 2006

Residential School Settlement Process has begun - Official Court Notice

From the official official Court website for the settlement of the Indian Residential Schools Class Action Litigation at:

The residential schools settlement process has begun.  The healing continues.

Courts across Canada will hold public hearings to consider whether the settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate.  Former students and their families may ask to speak at one of the hearings. If they oppose the settlement they may object by August 25, 2006

The Court Hearings:

  • Ontario - August 29-31
  • Quebec - September 8
  • Saskatchewan - September 18-20
  • Northwest Territorities - October 3-4
  • Manitoba - October 5-6
  • Nunavut - October 10-11
  • British Columbia - October 10-12
  • Alberta - October 12-13
  • Yukon - October 16-17

Click the links below to read the Court-ordered notices, the Settlement Agreement,  the location, dates and times of the hearings, or to contact the administrator.

If you have questions call 1-866-879-4913.