Archive - Jun 27, 2006

KIHS school year ends with more successful students and courses completed

KIHS Principal's final message for the 2005-2006 school year from

School Year Ends at KiHS!

Students at KiHS have a lot to be proud of as they complete another year.  Staff and students had their last day on Friday, June 16th and this marked the end of another record year in the program with success rates continuing to increase over previous years.   Many plans are being made for the 2006/2007 school year so students can have increased access to a variety of high quality online courses.

Online secondary education is taking off all across North America and KiHS has been a leader in developing a model which is working for students in our First Nation communities.  KiHS is an online program which allows students to earn valuable secondary credits while remaining in their home community.  Many feel this is very important in that it allows for direct community, parental, and cultural involvement at a natural and needed level.  Students are earning valuable skills and adding to the rich technical base in their communities and in doing so getting closer to a high school diploma.

If you would like any additional information regarding KiHS, please contact me at the administration office in Balmertown.  KiHS may be just the place you need to help you find a way to complete your credits for your Ontario Secondary School Diploma.   Please continue to check out our website and option sheet for next year and if there are courses which could work for you, make sure you call fo more information.

Darrin Potter
KiHS Principal

Click here to see the KIHS student awards from this school year.