Archive - 2004

September 5th

KiHS Orientation Week in Balmertown

KiHS began the 2004/2005 school year with a week of training in Balmertown with new and returning KiHS teachers. This orientation week was an intense but enjoyable week where valuable skills were sharpened and support established for the staff and students in the 13 KiHS Partner Communities.

It was great to be able to use the new Keewaytinook Okimakanak Centre of Excellence in Balmertown to deliver the training.  The building is home KO’s Telehealth program as well as KiHS. This building resulted from contributions made by Industry Canada through the SMART communities project. Click here to see some pictures of the session.

This year Bearskin Lake joins the KiHS program and we anticipate a great successful year there as we deliver the grade 9 program and also grade 10 courses to those interested.

The staff are from all parts of the country and are excited about the experiences that they are anticipating as they travel to the communities. They are also expecting to learn much from the people there as they help guide students to success.

During the week, training sessions focused on the following:

  • Ministry of Education requirements and expectations that were presented in a teleconference session with the District Manager of the Ministry of Education in Thunder Bay, Carlana Lindeman.
  • Training from Brian Beaton, John Moreau, and Jamie Rae of knet services in Sioux Lookout on the use of the technology that will be used such as videoconferencing equipment, IP telephones, network setup and maintenance, troubleshooting of common problems, software training, and much more.
  • A session via video conference with Cal Kenny on the use and editing functions of digital video cameras.
  • Training on the use of the KiHS e-learning platform, ZED, on how to migrate courses from traditional curriculum documents to online delivery while maintaining standards of excellence.
  • and a whole lot more....

We are expecting a great year as applications continue to come from the Northern communities. This year we have a great selection of courses to better meet the needs of students with a new timing schedule for the terms as well.

If you are interested in taking a course at KiHS this year, please look at our website at and contact us at the Balmertown office. We would love to help you decide how to earn the credits that you need to complete your OSSD while remaining in your home community.

Darrin Potter

KiHS Principal

September 2nd

Proposed New Internet High School for Treaty 3 region

Education organizations in the Treaty Three area are exploring the possibility of establishing an Internet high school inspired by KiHS ... the successful KO community-based high school model.

The initiative is being lead by Denise Bluebird, the education advisor for Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council. AKRC was one of KO's partners in the video conferencing pilot project last year as part of Industry Canada's First Nation SchoolNet program. They hosted one of the First Nations SchoolNet web site construction workshops at their office on Northwest Angle 39 First Nation near Sioux Narrows.

Dan Bird of Seven Generations at Couchiching First Nation near Fort Frances is working with Darlene on exploring this potential development. To get started, KO provided Denise with a copy of the original KiHS proposal and will host a video conference with participants from KO, AKRC and other interested parties.

If you are interested, contact Denise at 1-807-226-4445 ext. 235 or 1-888-436-1993 toll free... Her email address is:

Watch this page for the latest developments!

Casting Call - Shania Twain Movie

Just received some info from Timmins-way. As follows:

The call has been put out for actors for the Shania Twain movie being filmed in Sudbury in late September, early October. They are looking for native children/youth to act in the following parts:

  1. Shania's youngest brother, slim, 6 yrs old;
  2. Shania's brother, 8 yrs old, slim, dark hair & eyes;
  3. Shania's brother as a teen, 17-19 years - must be able to sing and play guitar;
  4. Production assistant (20's), male or female, any race.

Interested individuals need to contact the casting director:

Stephanie Gorin Casting Inc.
62 Ellerbeck St., Toronto M4k 2V1

Please share with your contacts. Megwetch!

Sherry Moreau
Business Counsellor
Gezhtoojig Employment & Training
764 Notre Dame Avenue, # 5
Sudbury, Ontario P3A 2T4
Tel: 705-524-6772 Fax: 524-5152

September 1st

Pelican Residential School Monument and Memorial Garden Opening and Conference

Pelican Residential School Monument and Memorial Garden

Grand Opening/ Healing Gathering


Friday, September 10, 2004

3:00 pm

Pelican Falls Cultural Group – Sacred Fire Ceremony

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm


5:00 pm

Meet and Greet/ Snacks

7:00 pm

Entertainment – Moccasin Joe

Saturday, September, 11, 2004

8:00 am to 8:30 am

Continental Breakfast

8:30 am to 8:35 am

Opening Prayer – Elder

8:35 am to 9:35 a.m.

Opening Ceremonies
M.C. Chief Frank Beardy, Muskrat Dam (former NNEC Executive Director)
Co- M.C. Matthew Angees, NNEC Executive Director (confirmed)
8:40 am Chief David Gordon, Lac Seul First Nation (confirmed)
8:45 am Margaret Kenequanash, NNEC Chairperson (confirmed)
8:50 am National Chief Phil Fontaine, AFN
8:55 am Ontario Chief Charles Fox, Chiefs of Ontario
9:00 am Grand Chief Stan Beardy, NAN
9:05 am Minister Andy Scott, INAC
9:10 am Aboriginal Healing Foundation representative (confirmed)

9:35 am to 9:40 am

Ribbon Cutting – Mr. Henry Ogemah (First Pelican Indian Residential School students and Pelican Falls First Nation High School student and a Survivor)

9:45 am to 10:45 am

Opening Ceremonies
Keynote Addresses: ‘Healing the Community’
Charlene Belleau, AFN, (AFN Residential School Coordinator)

10:45 am to 11:00 am

Drumming – Pelican Falls Cultural Group

11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Workshop #1 – Healing with Laughter (Moccasin Joe)

11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Men’s Sharing Circle

11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Workshop #1 Pelican Falls History and Effects of the Residential School Legacy - for youth/students only (Garnet Angeconeb)

11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Elders Room – Former students i.e. Sam Carpenter, Mr. Angeconeb, etc

12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Keynote Address: Bea Shawanda

1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Youth Circle –Muheengan Shawanda

1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Sharing Circle – Anglican Church Group

1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Workshop #2 – Bea Shawanda

3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Women’s Sharing Circle – Lorraine Kenny (Time not restricted.)

3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Workshop #3 – Sioux Lookout Anti Racism Committee ‘Cross Cultural Training’

4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Pow Wow and Feast

7:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Youth Dance / Informal Gathering at Pelican Falls High School Gymnasium

Sunday, September 12, 2004

8:30 am to 9:00 am

Continental Breakfast

To be determined

Your choice:
- Church Service in the Pelican Falls Sacred Space
- Traditional Gathering at the Pelican Falls Teepee

10:00 am to 10:30 am


10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Workshop#1 - Pelican Falls History and Effects of the Residential School Legacy (open to all)

12:00 pm to 1:30 pm


1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Kitecha Mamushgowen (‘Planting’ Ceremony) – Encourage participants to plant a plant or shrub as a community – symbolizes growth and renewal.

3:00 pm to 3:30 pm


3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Keynote Speaker: Closing Ceremonies
Muheengun Shawanda– ‘Where do we go from here?’

5:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Closing Comments and Prayers

NNEC Wiichi’iwewin Wellness Services Social Workers will be on site throughout the Grand Opening celebration for support.


Arts and Crafts exhibition.

August 31st

Northern Ontario School of Medicine Pre-Application Workshops

Aboriginal Applicants Pre-Application Workshop

The Aboriginal Admissions Subcommittee is sponsoring the following workshops in September for prospective Aboriginal Students.


Laurentian University Workshop
Saturday, September 11, 2004 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
8th Floor, Willet Green Miller Centre
Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON

Lakehead University Workshop
Sunday, September 12, 2004 from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
6th Floor ATAC Building
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON

Workshops are open to Aboriginal people interested in applying to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Please register by contacting the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs at 1-807-766-7317, or call toll free from within Northern Ontario 1-888-377-7757, Thunder Bay residents please call 766-7317, or email  

August 29th

Fort Severn elders and youth wilderness canoe adventure on-line

Cal Kenny, Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Graphic and Website Designer, is editting and posting a series of video clips obtained during the recent nine day youth/elder trip from Beaver Lake back to the community of Fort Severn. Click here to read the KNews story about this trip.

The video clips from this year's trip are being posted as they are completed. They include beautiful images from the land, teachings from the elders, harvesting wild game, cooking meals and social times with the youth. Click here to see these videos.

Digital Production HDTV Broadcast Training in Six Nations

Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations

Digital Production HDTV Training

Dates: Sept. 20 2004 – March 2005    

Location: Ohsweken, Six Nations

Certified Digital Production HDTV six month training will take place at Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations from mid September 2004-March 2005 in Six Nations of the Grand River Territory.  

You will receive hands-on experience using state of the art digital equipment and facilities. The Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations is certified through Niagara College and offers the newest technologies in High Definition Television cameras and equipment.  

Tuition for the entire program is $7,000. Funding, including living expenses, may be available to those who are eligible. Please call for details.

You’ll graduate able to produce HDTV stunning visuals through the use of cutting edge production techniques. You’ll master Pro Tools, a stand alone audio production environment standard in the industry for recording, mixing and mastering audio for radio, television and film.

You will have hands on experience in:

  • HDTV technology
  • Camera operation
  • Titles Graphics
  • Computer editing
  • Post production hardware and software
  • Production Techniques
  • Graphic design and integration
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • After Effects
  • Audio
  • Pro Tools audio software
  • Cinematography
  • HDTV Shot composition
  • Camera jig
  • Steady cam
  • Production Unit
  • Producing and Directing an Independent Digital Movie


  • Computer skills
  • Good communication skills

Application Requirements

  • Resume
  • Cover letter stating why you want to take the training and what you want to learn
  • One example of your artwork either on tape, disc, photograph or written
  • Two (2) reference letters

Application Deadline: September 13, 2004

To send your resume, support material and references or if you have any questions please contact:

Allan Miller or Gary Joseph
Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations
1579 Second Line
Ohsweken, Ont.
N0A 1M0
Phone: (519) 445-1418
Fax: (519) 445-1419
E-mail: or

August 26th

Pickle Lake gets assistance for high speed internet services

The Sioux Bulletin, Aug 25 issue carried a front page news story with this same title. This article is a story about Pickle Lake, a small town in Northwestern Ontario, that wanted broadband and went out to find the partners needed to make it happen with them.

Norcom had 13 customers when this project started. Based on this usage they were not able to invest in upgrading their network to handle two-way data. Now as a partner with the town, they have over 50 customers and the local municipality (town office) is handling the internet portion. The town is paying Nocom a portion of their profits from the internet side of the network.

From the Sioux Bulletin article, the town is now on-line and feeling good about their experience. K-Net continues to support their requirements through the helpdesk and by providing the connectivity to the network. They can now easily be included in the NORTH Network for telehealth applications through this connection.

With this investment from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, the town is now able to once again develop their reserve fund. A very positive success story for everyone involved!!
This story is one of those win-win situations for everyone involved. The town council met with K-Net staff (Dan and Adi) to discuss their options for getting a broadband connection in place. Dan acted in an advisory capacity when they negotiated their deal with Norcom (the local/regional cable company). The town paid for their router, the upgrade for the cable system, the installation of the T1 service and the monthly charges with their own dollars along with a contribution from FedNor to start the work. K-Net set up the equipment requirements based on the same system / model used in each of the KO First Nations under the Industry Canada Smart Communities project.
Carl Seibel from FedNor worked with the community over the years to help facilitate this development. The local leadership decided to move ahead making this development a community priority. They invested their own dollars from their reserve as well as their time in developing this resource. What is really nice to see is how they are now planning to use their community network to develop additonal services (ie telehealth).

August 25th

2004-05 Course Registration at KiHS

KiHS is getting ready for another successful year by offering high school credit courses to students in northern Ontario. For anyone in our 13 partner communities, who is planning to enroll in high school this September, the courses being offered in Term 1A at KiHS are shown below.

If you're interested in registering, please contact your local KiHS Steering Committee member, your Local Education Authority or call (toll free) 1-800-387-3740, Ext. 51298 or 51313 or 51302.

We look forward to seeing you on-line in September.




AVI10 – Visual Arts

MAT14 – Essential Mathematics

ENG14 – Essential English

TGJ20 – Communications Technology

SNC2P – Applied Science

GLC20/CHV20 – Career Studies/ Civics

KiHS Accepting Applications For 2004/2005 School Year!

KiHS is gearing up for a new school year in 13 First Nation communities.  If you are in one of our partner communities and would to apply to take grade 9 and 10 courses online using the latest technological resources, contact your local KiHS Steering Committee Member or call our office at 800 387 3740 Ext 51302.

This year we have a classroom and local contact in:


Contact Name


1. Bearskin Lake

Vince Ostberg

2. Cat Lake

Nora Ombash

3. Deer Lake

Oscar Meekis

4. Eabametoong

Rick Allen

5. Fort Severn

Clara Crowe

6. Fort William

Aaron Hardy

7. Keewaywin

Francine Kakepetum

8. Kejick Bay

Loretta Quoquat

9. North Spirit Lake

Maxine Kakegamic

10. Poplar Hill

Zachariah Suggashie

11. Sachigo Lake

Martha Tait

12. Weagamow

Lyle Johnson

13. Webequie

Rory Reid

Each of our communities has a qualified teacher who will help ensure that you have a successful time in our program.  We are offering over 26 courses for grade 9 and 10 as well as a grade 11 Physical Education course.  

Plan your future today and apply to KiHS for courses in September.  

Check out our website at and see what is available for you.

Darrin Potter
KiHS Principal