Proposed New Internet High School for Treaty 3 region

Education organizations in the Treaty Three area are exploring the possibility of establishing an Internet high school inspired by KiHS ... the successful KO community-based high school model.

The initiative is being lead by Denise Bluebird, the education advisor for Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council. AKRC was one of KO's partners in the video conferencing pilot project last year as part of Industry Canada's First Nation SchoolNet program. They hosted one of the First Nations SchoolNet web site construction workshops at their office on Northwest Angle 39 First Nation near Sioux Narrows.

Dan Bird of Seven Generations at Couchiching First Nation near Fort Frances is working with Darlene on exploring this potential development. To get started, KO provided Denise with a copy of the original KiHS proposal and will host a video conference with participants from KO, AKRC and other interested parties.

If you are interested, contact Denise at 1-807-226-4445 ext. 235 or 1-888-436-1993 toll free... Her email address is:

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