Archive - 2003

October 27th

Sounds too good to be true... Dealing with e-mail spam

Enclosed is an email similar to the ones I've been receiving lately...these sound too good to be true.

Dear sir,

I am a legal practitioner and an import-export
consultant African  refugee  foundation in Nigeria West Africa region

One of my client Mr  Johnny  Kante from Liberia seeking  assylum
in  Nigeria here is interested in investing
Millions of Dollars in your country and he is
interested in investing with your company .

kindly forward all your companys  activities  to me
for immediate discussion on the investment programme

Total amount to be invested=
$35,000,000,00.usd...................Cash investment
4Metric tons of AU in dust....Treasure investment
Precious stones, quantity not
decleared..............Treasure investment


Immediately I receive your details, I will inform him
and feed you back with his arrangements.

Anticipating your immediate reply.

Best regards


Charle con sus amigos online usando CHAT 123

There are places where you can report these types of emails. One place to report emails like these is:

There are many places to report SPAM or internet marketing schemes. Take the time to report emails such as the one above.

October 26th

KO Staff invited to attend World Summit on the Information Summit

Jesse Fiddler, K-Net Multi-Media Manager, has accepted an invitation from the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA) to attend the World Summit on the Information Society gathering in Geneva the week of December 8.

From their web site, "the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA) emerged from the 2001 Summit of the Americas. It is the forum for hemispheric innovation in the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to strengthen democracy, create prosperity, and realize human potential.... The ICA is currently being incubated at Industry Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Ottawa and Montevideo."

K-Net staff are working with our network partners to determine if we can connect into the WSIS gathering over the Kuh-ke-nah Network. The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak are meeting in Winnipeg the week of December 8 and are inviting other First Nation leaders to a "Smart Fair" on December 10 where we are planning to schedule a video connection with the Canadian Pavilion in Geneva to showcase First Nation innovation in the use of ICTs to the world.

In the words of UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, in 2003, the World Summit on the Information Society offers

  • a unique opportunity to shape the future of the information society’ so that all people can enjoy its benefits ; and
  • a platform for developing a shared vision of ways to create a truly inclusive information society that serves and empowers all people.

For more information about WSIS check out these web sites:

October 25th

Outsiderz rock local school in Sandy Lake

Sandy Lake's local band is going to rock their local school tonight. Fans are welcome to come and watch their local rock band at the Thomas Fiddler Memorial High School gym.

Sandy Lake Outsiderz are planning to rock out more concerts for Sandy Lake at next week's halloween bash and then again on New Year's eve.

Check out our web site at

October 24th

KiHS Steering Committeee Meetings

The Keewaytinook Internet High School Steering Committee met at the Best Western in Dryden, to discuss the success of the program and to plan for the present year. The KiHS Steering Committee is made up of a member from each the 13 KiHS partner communities. The steering committee makes decisions that deal with policy and programming for the program and brings a better community perspective to the planning process.

The meetings on Wednesday and Thursday were very productive. It was commented many times that the program is providing some great opportunities to the students in the partner communities. Many students are now able to remain at home for longer periods of time before having to leave the community to earn high school credits.

Some of the issues that were discussed at the meeting were:

  1. Student attendance
  2. Ways to get parents involved more with the community classrooms
  3. Local promotion of the program
  4. Achievement levels
  5. Ways to motivate the students
  6. Program changes
  7. Staffing
  8. Funding

There were many other topics discussed and plans are made to include several of the suggestions over the course of the year. Overall it was a great two days of meetings and the steering committee left with many ideas to bring back to the community, parents, and students.

KiHS is becoming a very important part of our partner communities, and being able to stay at home and earn the same caliber of credits that students could get in any school in Ontario, is a factor which is motivating much interest.

If you are a student in one of the KiHS partner communities and are looking to earn high school credits, talk to the KiHS teacher, or contact the office at 807 735 1381. We are always willing to accept new students.

Darrin Potter
KiHS Principal

Sandy Lake Men's Invitational Hockey Tournament

NOVEMBER 19-22, 2003



**ENTRY FEE: $1,000.00**


(807) 774-5445

October 23rd

First Nation Satellite Network Managers meet with K-Net and IC staff

Representatives from Eabamatoong and Webequie spent the day meeting with K-Net staff and Carl Seibel, FedNor Telecom Projects Officer. Nanajean Waswa is the Eabamatoong Cable TV Manager. Lorraine Shewaybick, Employment Counsellor and Lisa Shewaybick, Distance Education Coordinator travelled from Webequie to attend the one day workshop. The workshop was hosted by K-Net to provide ongoing support for partner First Nations utilizing the public benefit C-Band resource for broadband connectivity.

Discussions included:

  • challenges and issues concerning the present level of service;
  • overview of the existing network and the various components;
  • introduction of available support services, staff and resources;
  • tour of facilities, systems and components;
  • review of network costs and pricing formula;
  • introduction of the on-line video conferencing booking and network management systems;
  • future developments including the construction of the big dish, additional bandwidth resources, scheduling system and partnerships;
  • demonstrations of network applications.


October 22nd

Bell Canada officials travel to Sioux Lookout to meet with K-Net

The partnership with Bell Canada is being strengthened today with meetings with the K-Net team and Industry Canada. Four members of the Bell team arrived in Sioux Lookout yesterday afternoon with an initial meeting happening at the airport over a coffee as some people arrived and another was leaving.

Nathalie Micucci and Steve Burton travelled from Ottawa and met Tricia Hartley and Gary Martin in Sudbury to complete the flight to Sioux Lookout. At the airport, they met with Geordi Kakepetum (KO Executive Director) and Brian Beaton (K-Net Coordinator). Today, they will be meeting with Dan Pellerin, K-Net Network Manager and Carl Seibel, FedNor Telecom Project Officer.

KO staff work together to deliver presentation at Smart Manitoba conference

The K-Net team is working with the Smart Manitoba team in Brandon to deliver a live video conferencing demonstration highlighting the importance of broadband. The presentation is taking place at Brandon's annual Tech2003 conference today, Oct 22.

DVB equipment now operating on K-Net portion of public benefit transponder

Over the past few weeks, Adi Linden and Dan Pellerin worked together with other members of the K-Net technical team to install and implement the DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) feature on the K-Net Satellite Network Management System (NMS). The DVB is the return transport path for the data traffic going to each of the satellite served First Nations.

Local technicians are completing the installations using the directions Adi developed using the photo gallery located in the Network web site. Lyle Johnson did the first DVB conversion in his home community of Weagamow working with Adi. Then Madeleine Stoney completed the installation of the DVB unit in Fort Severn. Angus Miles made the trip over to Sachigo. Yesterday, Jamie Ray was in Webequie successfully getting that site up after travelling from Fort Hope where he got that site up. Bob Popovic travelled to Kasabonika. Ernie Buswa travelled to Cat Lake to complete the installation. Slate Falls will be the last site transferred over to DVB possibly by the end of this week. WHAT A TEAM effort ... Congratulations to everyone and GREAT work!!

KO SchoolNet office being established in Thunder Bay

Brian Walmark, KO's SchoolNet Special Projects Facilitator, is setting up an extension office for Keewaytinook Okimakanak on the fourth floor of the Kings Stereo building at 135 N. Syndicate Avenue in Thunder Bay. Jesse Fiddler, KO's Multi-media Coordinator, travelled to Thunder Bay to work with Brian is getting the office networked and set up the video conferencing facilities.

This office space will also strengthen our partnership with Conduit Technologies and Northwest Information Systems Inc and our partnerships with other First Nation organizations in Thunder Bay to deliver broadband connectivity across the region.