DVB equipment now operating on K-Net portion of public benefit transponder

Over the past few weeks, Adi Linden and Dan Pellerin worked together with other members of the K-Net technical team to install and implement the DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) feature on the K-Net Satellite Network Management System (NMS). The DVB is the return transport path for the data traffic going to each of the satellite served First Nations.

Local technicians are completing the installations using the directions Adi developed using the photo gallery located in the Network web site. Lyle Johnson did the first DVB conversion in his home community of Weagamow working with Adi. Then Madeleine Stoney completed the installation of the DVB unit in Fort Severn. Angus Miles made the trip over to Sachigo. Yesterday, Jamie Ray was in Webequie successfully getting that site up after travelling from Fort Hope where he got that site up. Bob Popovic travelled to Kasabonika. Ernie Buswa travelled to Cat Lake to complete the installation. Slate Falls will be the last site transferred over to DVB possibly by the end of this week. WHAT A TEAM effort ... Congratulations to everyone and GREAT work!!