Enclosed is an email similar to the ones I've been receiving lately...these sound too good to be true.
Dear sir,
I am a legal practitioner and an import-export
consultant African refugee foundation in Nigeria West Africa region
One of my client Mr Johnny Kante from Liberia seeking assylum
in Nigeria here is interested in investing
Millions of Dollars in your country and he is
interested in investing with your company .
kindly forward all your companys activities to me
for immediate discussion on the investment programme
Total amount to be invested=
$35,000,000,00.usd...................Cash investment
4Metric tons of AU in dust....Treasure investment
Precious stones, quantity not
decleared..............Treasure investment
CONTACT ME ON MY EMAIL ; albert_obi@1stcounsel.com
Immediately I receive your details, I will inform him
and feed you back with his arrangements.
Anticipating your immediate reply.
Best regards
Charle con sus amigos online usando CHAT 123 http://www.123.com/sp/chat/section.php?id_section=329
There are places where you can report these types of emails. One place to report emails like these is: http://www.elsop.com/wrc/complain.htm
There are many places to report SPAM or internet marketing schemes. Take the time to report emails such as the one above.